In depth analysis of c sharp interface versus delegate performance comparisons

  • 2020-04-02 01:04:50
  • OfStack

I saw it in Code Complete 2nd before
Instead of using a delegate in a language like C#, try not to use a delegate. Instead, use interfaces to avoid the impact on performance
Truth comes from practice, so I wrote a little sample to test it
My hardware is 2.66 gb 4 core CPU and 4 gb of memory

< img Alt = "" border = 0 SRC =" / / ">

I don't know if the computer is faster and the function I wrote is too small
It took 10 million to see an impact

< img Alt = "" border = 0 SRC =" / / ">

It looks fine after 100 million
Overall and analysis, or will have an impact
If you need to be efficient or embedded, you should be a little bit more careful

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Performance
    class Program
        delegate int Add(int a, int b);
        static Add myDelegate;
        const int LOOP_COUNT = 100000000;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            myDelegate = new Add(TestAdd);
            IOrz orz = new Orz();
            Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
            for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_COUNT; i++)
                int c = orz.DoIt(1, 2);
            Console.WriteLine(" Call Interface Elapsed time:{0} ms", st.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_COUNT; i++)
                int d = myDelegate(3, 5);
            Console.WriteLine("Call Delegate Elapsed time :{0} ms", st.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        static int TestAdd(int a, int b)
            int c = a + b;
            return c;

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