Discussion :C++ chain binomial tree of of with a non recursive way of order order order traversal binomial tree

  • 2020-04-02 00:58:22
  • OfStack

If there is a shortage, also hope to correct!

//Binarytree.cpp: defines the entry point for the console application.
//C++ to achieve chain binary tree, using a non-recursive way to order first, in order, after the order traversal binary tree
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
struct BiNode
 T data;
 struct BiNode<T> *rchild,*lchild;
template<class T>
class BiTree
  cout<<" Please enter the root node :"<<endl;
  if (NULL != root)
   cout << "The BinaryTree is empty." << endl;
 void InOrderTraverse();
 void PreOrderTraverse();
 void PostOrderTraverse();
 BiNode<T> *root;
 void Create(BiNode<T>* &bt);
 void Release(BiNode<T> *bt);
//The destructor
template <class T>
void BiTree<T>::Release(BiNode<T> *bt) 

  Release(bt->lchild );
  Release(bt->rchild );
  delete bt;
//Set up a binary tree
template <class T>
void BiTree<T>::Create(BiNode<T>* &bt) 
 T ch;
    if(ch== 0)bt=NULL;
     bt=new BiNode<T>;
     bt->data =ch;
     cout<<" Call left child "<<endl;
     Create(bt->lchild );
     cout<<" Call the right child "<<endl;
     Create(bt->rchild );

template <class T>
void BiTree<T>::InOrderTraverse()
 stack<BiNode<T>*> sta; //Defines an empty stack to hold BiNode Pointers
 BiNode<T>* p = root;
 sta.push(p);   //Push the root pointer on the stack
  while (NULL != p)
  {//Go left to the end, and keep the passing node pointer, push
   p = p->lchild; 
   if (NULL != p)
  if (!sta.empty())
   p = sta.top();  
   cout << p->data << " ";  //Accessing the top element of the stack,
   sta.pop();     //The top element is pushed
   p = p->rchild;  //A step to the right & NBSP;
   if (NULL != p)

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::PreOrderTraverse()
 stack<BiNode<T>*> sta;
 BiNode<T>* p = root;
 sta.push(p);   //Push the root pointer on the stack
  while (NULL != p)
  {//Go left to the end, and keep the passing node pointer, push
   cout << p->data << " ";
   p = p->lchild; 
   if (NULL != p)
  if (!sta.empty())
   p = sta.top();  
   sta.pop();     //The top element is pushed
   p = p->rchild;  //A step to the right & NBSP;
   if (NULL != p)

template<class T>
void BiTree<T>::PostOrderTraverse()
 stack<BiNode<T>*> sta; //The stack that holds the node pointer
 stack<int> flagsta;  //A stack containing token bits, each out (in) a node pointer, synchronization out (in) a token bit
 unsigned flag;  //Set the flag bit, 1- first access, 2- second access
 BiNode<T>* p = root;
 sta.push(p);   //Push the root pointer on the stack
  while (NULL != p && NULL != p->lchild)
  {//Go left to the end, and keep the passing node pointer, push
   p = p->lchild; 
  if (!sta.empty())
   flag = flagsta.top();
   p = sta.top();
   if ((NULL != p->rchild) && flag == 1 )
   {//If the right subtree is not empty and is first accessed
    flagsta.push(2);   //The first access does not stack the element, but sets the flag bit to 2& PI;
    p = p->rchild;    //Step to the right
    sta.pop(); //Elements in the stack
    cout << p->data << " ";  //Accessing the top element of the stack
    p = NULL; //Set the pointer to null

//The test program
void main()
    BiTree<int> a;
 cout << "The InOrderTraverse is: " ;
 cout << endl;
 cout << "The PreOrderTraverse is: " ;
 cout << endl;
 cout << "The PostOrderTraverse is: " ;
 cout << endl;

A binary tree is constructed when you type 3, 2, 5, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 (where the comma represents the return key at the time of actual input) on the keyboard
        2           6
5         4
The root = 3
The InOrderTraverse is: 5, 2, 4, 3, 6
The PreOrderTraverse is: 3, 2, 5, 4, 6
The PostOrderTraverse is: 5, 4, 2, 6, 3
Achieve the desired effect.

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