Use C++ to implement the queue program code

  • 2020-04-02 00:58:02
  • OfStack

C++ to achieve the queue, if there are shortcomings, also hope to correct

//Myqueue.cpp: defines the entry point for the console application.
//Implement a chained queue, including a header. Queue operations include pop at the end of the queue, push at the end of the queue,
//Get the team head element (front_element), the team tail element (back_element), the number of queue elements (size),
//Whether the queue is empty (empty).
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Defines the node structure of the queue
template <class T>
struct NODE
 NODE<T>* next;
 T data;
template <class T>
class MyQueue
  NODE<T>* p = new NODE<T>;
  if (NULL == p)
   cout << "Failed to malloc the node." << endl;
  p->data = NULL;
  p->next = NULL;
  front = p;
  rear = p;
//Join at the back of the line
 void push(T e)
  NODE<T>* p = new NODE<T>;
  if (NULL == p)
   cout << "Failed to malloc the node." << endl;
  p->data = e;
  p->next = NULL;
  rear->next = p;
  rear = p;
//At the head of the team
 T pop()
  T e;
  if (front == rear)
   cout << "The queue is empty." << endl;
   return NULL;
   NODE<T>* p = front->next;
   front->next = p->next;
   e = p->data;
   //Notice that when there is only one element and it is removed, the node that rear points to is removed
   //It should point to the header
   if (rear == p)
    rear = front;
   delete p; p = NULL;
   return e;
 //Gets the queue head element
 T front_element()
  if (front == rear)
   cout << "The queue is empty." << endl;
   return NULL;
   NODE<T>* p = front->next;
   return p->data;
 T back_element()
  if (front == rear)
   cout << "The queue is empty." << endl;
   return NULL;
   return rear->data;

 //Gets the number of queue elements
 int size()
  int count(0);
  NODE<T>* p = front;
  while (p != rear)
   p = p->next;
  return count;

 //Determines if the queue is empty
 bool empty()
  if (front == rear)
   return true;
   return false;
 NODE<T>* front; //Pointer to the header. The front -> Next -> Data is the first element in the header.
 NODE<T>* rear;//Pointer to the end of the queue (the last element added)
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 MyQueue<int> myqueue;
 cout << myqueue.size() << endl;
 cout << myqueue.front_element() << endl;
 cout << myqueue.back_element() << endl;
 if (myqueue.empty())
  cout << "The queue is empty now." << endl;
  cout << "The queue has " << myqueue.size() << " elements now." << endl;
 if (myqueue.empty())
  cout << "The queue is empty now." << endl;
  cout << "The queue has " << myqueue.size() << " elements now." << endl;
 return 0;

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