Fatal error LNK1104: resolution that the file 'libb.lib' could not be opened

  • 2020-04-01 23:42:26
  • OfStack

Today, when compiling the program, I accidentally encountered an error. VS2008 kept telling me that fatal error LNK1104: couldn't open the file "libb.lib".
If you will use the lower version of the VC development of the project, the higher version of the VC development environment to compile, the link may trigger the LNK1104 error. The solution is to ignore the library when linking. Here are two solutions:
Project | Properties | Configuration Properties | Linker | Input Ignore Specific Library: libc.lib
The solution is as follows: project - > Property - > Configuration properties - > The linker - > Input - > The name of the file that cannot be opened is written to the ignored library. Lib
Write code in the compiler:
# pragma comment (would, "/ NODEFAULTLIB: libc. Lib")
Just ignore the library...

< img Alt = "" border = 0 SRC =" / / files.jb51.net/file_images/article/201305/2013052416121020.gif ">

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