From the assembly to see the c++ function of the default parameters of the use of instructions

  • 2020-04-01 23:29:34
  • OfStack

In c++, you can provide default arguments to functions, so that when a function is called, if no arguments are provided, the compiler will provide default values for the arguments to the function. Here's how it works from assembly.

The following is the c++ source code:

int add(int a = 1, int b = 2) {//Parameter a and b have default values
    return a + b;
int main() {
   int c= add();//No parameters


Here is the sink code in the mian function:

; 4    : int main() {
    push    ebp
    mov    ebp, esp
    push    ecx; Is a local variable c The distribution of 4 Byte storage space  ecx for 32 A register 
; 5    :    int c= add();
    push    2; will 2 Push the stack add In the function b The default value of the parameter   Here the parameter push direction is from right to left 
    push    1; will 1 Push the stack add In the function a The default value of the parameter 
    call    ?add@@YAHHH@Z                ;  call add function 
    add    esp, 8; Release just for add Storage space when providing parameters 
    mov    DWORD PTR _c$[ebp], eax;eax register add The function returns a value and writes the variable c inside 
; 6    :    
; 7    : }
    xor    eax, eax
    mov    esp, ebp
    pop    ebp
    ret    0

The following is the assembly code of the add function:

?add@@YAHHH@Z PROC                    ; add
; 1    : int add(int a = 1, int b = 2) {
    push    ebp
    mov    ebp, esp
; 2    :     return a + b;
    mov    eax, DWORD PTR _a$[ebp]; The parameter a Is written to the register eax
    add    eax, DWORD PTR _b$[ebp]; The parameter b The value of and eax The values inside are added and the result is stored eax register 
; 3    : }
    pop    ebp
    ret    0

The following is the case where only one parameter is provided

First look at c++ source code:

int add(int a = 1, int b = 2) {//Parameter a and b have default values
    return a + b;
int main() {
   int a = 3;
   int c= add(a);//Only provide the parameters for a


The following is the assembly code in the main function:

; 4    : int main() {
    push    ebp
    mov    ebp, esp
    sub    esp, 8;esp The register moves as a stack pointer 8 Byte, is a local variable a . c Reserved storage space 
; 5    :    int a = 3;
    mov    DWORD PTR _a$[ebp], 3; will 3 Write a local variable a Storage space 
; 6    :    int c= add(a);//No parameters
    push    2; will 2 Push, provide b Parameter default 
    mov    eax, DWORD PTR _a$[ebp]; Take out the a , and put it into a register eax inside 
    push    eax; will eax Inside the value of the stack, provide parameters a Is not the default value provided 1
    call    ?add@@YAHHH@Z                ;  call add function 
    add    esp, 8; Release just as the calling function add Assigned to the parameter 8byte space 
    mov    DWORD PTR _c$[ebp], eax;eax It holds the result of calling the function and writes to it c In storage space 
; 7    :    
; 8    : }
    xor    eax, eax
    mov    esp, ebp
    pop    ebp
    ret    0

As you can see, the difference from above is that there is no default parameter value for a.

The following is the assembly code of the add function, as in the first case, without change:

?add@@YAHHH@Z PROC                    ; add
; 1    : int add(int a = 1, int b = 2) {//Parameter a and b have default values
    push    ebp
    mov    ebp, esp
; 2    :     return a + b;
    mov    eax, DWORD PTR _a$[ebp]
    add    eax, DWORD PTR _b$[ebp]
; 3    : }
    pop    ebp
    ret    0

Since the explicit value is given for parameter a, the compiler only provides the default value for parameter b. As you can imagine, if you provide explicit values for the add function, the compiler will not provide default values for parameters a and b.

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