String CString char star

  • 2020-04-01 21:36:39
  • OfStack

String, CString,char star

Turn int cstrings:
Cstrings. The Format (" % d ", int).
Turn the string cstrings
Cstrings. The format (" % s ", string c_str ());
C_str () is better than data().
Char * cstrings
Cstrings. The format (" % s ", char *);  
  Cstrings strtest;
  Char * charpoint;
  Charpoint = "difference string a value";
  Strtest = charpoint; // pay the price directly
Cstrings turn int
  CString  Ss = "1212.12";
  Int temp = atoi (ss); / / atoi _atoi64 or atol

To convert a character to an integer, you can use atoi, _atoi64, or atol.
Int int_chage = atoi((LPCSTR)ss);
    Cstrings STR = "23";
    Sscanf (STR, "% d", uint);
String to an int
Char * int
  # include < Stdlib. H>

  Int atoi (const char * NPTR);
  Long atol (const char * NPTR);
  Long long atoll(const char * NPTR);
  Atoq (const char * NPTR);
Turn cstrings string
  String s (cstrings GetBuffer ());
  Be sure to release the buffer () after GetBuffer(), otherwise there is no space to free the buffer.
Int to a string
Char * string
  String s (char *);
  You can only initialize yours, and it is best to assign() where it is not initialized.
Cstrings char *

 CString strtest="wwwwttttttt";
CString conversion  char[100] 
 char a[100]; 
 CString str("aaaaaa"); 
  CString  str="aaa";  
  char*  ch;  

Char * int
  There's a function in stdlib.h called itoa()
  Usage of itoa:
  Itoa (I, num, 10);
  The number that I need to convert to characters
  The variable that holds the character after num conversion
  10 converts the base (base) of a number. It could be 2,8,16, whatever you like
  Char *itoa(int value, char* string, int radix);

 #include "stdlib.h"
 #include "stdio.h"
 int i=1234;
 char s[5];

Char * string

char *p = string.c_str(); 

 string aa("aaa");
 char *c=aa.c_str();
 string mngName ; 
 char t[200];

Standard C does not have string,char *==char []==string
Format("%s",char *) is used to convert char * to CString. To convert a CString to a char star, use the operator
The operator (LPCSTR) CString will do.
Cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'char *'
Const char * c = aa. C_str ();
String. C_str () can only be converted to const char *

CString header #include < Afx. H>
String header #include < String. H>

Cstrings char *

Cstrings CSTR.

Char * p = (LPSTR) (LPCTSTR CSTR);

Turn the string cstrings
Cstrings. The format (" % s ", string c_str ());

Char turn cstrings
Cstrings. The format (" % s ", char *);

Turn char string
String s (char *);

Char * string
Char * p = string. C_str ();

Turn cstrings string
String s (cstrings GetBuffer ());

1, the string - > cstrings
Cstrings. The format (" % s ", string c_str ());
C_str () is better than data().
2, char - > The string
String s (char *);
Assign () is best used where it is not initialized.
3, cstrings - > The string
String s (cstrings GetBuffer ());
Be sure to release the buffer () after GetBuffer(), otherwise there is no space to free the buffer.

C++ standard function library
There are three functions that convert the contents of a string to an array of characters and C strings
1. Data (), returns an array of strings without "/0"
2,c_str(), returns an array of strings with "/0"
3, the copy ()

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Conversion between CString and int, char*, char[100] -

Conversion between CString and int, char*, char[100] -

Int cstrings transfers

To convert a character to an integer, you can use atoi, _atoi64, or atol.
To convert Numbers to CString variables, you can use the Format function of CString. Such as
Cstrings s;
Int I = 64;
S. ormat (" % d ", I)
The Format function is very powerful, it is worth your research.

Void CStrDlg: : OnButton1 ()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
Ss = "1212.12";
Int temp = atoi (ss);
Cstrings aa;
Aa. The Format (" % d ", temp);
AfxMessageBox("var is "+ aa);

Sart. The Format (" % s ", buf);

Char * cstrings transfers

/ / / char * TO cstrings
Cstrings strtest;
Char * charpoint;
Charpoint = "difference string a value";
Strtest = charpoint;

/ / / cstrings TO char *

Cstrings char *

Cstrings CSTR.

Char * p = (LPSTR) (LPCTSTR CSTR);

Turn the string cstrings
Cstrings. The format (" % s ", string c_str ());

Char turn cstrings
Cstrings. The format (" % s ", char *);

Turn char string
String s (char *);

Char * string
Char * p = string. C_str ();

Turn cstrings string
String s (cstrings GetBuffer ());

1, the string - > cstrings
Cstrings. The format (" % s ", string c_str ());
C_str () is better than data().
2, char - > The string
String s (char *);
Assign () is best used where it is not initialized.
3, cstrings - > The string
String s (cstrings GetBuffer ());
Be sure to release the buffer () after GetBuffer(), otherwise there is no space to free the buffer.

C++ standard function library
There are three functions that convert the contents of a string to an array of characters and C strings
1. Data (), returns an array of strings without "/0"
2,c_str(), returns an array of strings with "/0"
3, the copy ()

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Conversion between CString and int, char*, char[100] -

Conversion between CString and int, char*, char[100] -

Int cstrings transfers

To convert a character to an integer, you can use atoi, _atoi64, or atol.
To convert Numbers to CString variables, you can use the Format function of CString. Such as
Cstrings s;
Int I = 64;
S. ormat (" % d ", I)
The Format function is very powerful, it is worth your research.

Void CStrDlg: : OnButton1 ()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
Ss = "1212.12";
Int temp = atoi (ss);
Cstrings aa;
Aa. The Format (" % d ", temp);
AfxMessageBox("var is "+ aa);

Sart. The Format (" % s ", buf);

Char * cstrings transfers

/ / / char * TO cstrings
Cstrings strtest;
Char * charpoint;
Charpoint = "difference string a value";
Strtest = charpoint;

/ / / cstrings TO char *
Charpoint = strtest. GetBuffer (strtest GetLength ());

Standard C does not have string,char *==char []==string

Format("%s",char *) is used to convert char * to CString. To convert a CString to a char star, use the operator (LPCSTR) CString.

Cstrings conversion char [100]

Char a, [100].
Cstrings STR (aaaaaa ");
Strncpy (a, (LPCTSTR) STR, sizeof (a));

Charpoint = strtest. GetBuffer (strtest GetLength ());

Standard C does not have string,char *==char []==string

Format("%s",char *) is used to convert char * to CString. To convert a CString to a char star, use the operator (LPCSTR) CString.

Cstrings conversion char [100]

Char a, [100].
Cstrings STR (aaaaaa ");
Strncpy (a, (LPCTSTR) STR, sizeof (a));

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