Maximum symmetric string algorithm

  • 2020-04-01 21:32:01
  • OfStack

Algorithm 1: O(n^3)

To determine if the string is symmetric from the outside to the inside, O(n)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int IsSymmetrical(char* pBegin, char* pEnd)
    if(pBegin == NULL || pEnd == NULL || pBegin > pEnd)
    return 0;
    while(pBegin < pEnd)
    if(*pBegin != *pEnd)
        return 0;
    return 1;

int GetLongestSymmetricalLength(char* pString)
    if(pString == NULL)
    return 0;
    int symmetricalLength = 1;
    char* pFirst = pString;
    int length = strlen(pString);
    while(pFirst < &pString[length-1])
    char* pLast = pFirst + 1;
    while(pLast <= &pString[length-1])
        if(IsSymmetrical(pFirst, pLast))
        int newLength = pLast - pFirst + 1;
        if(newLength > symmetricalLength)
            symmetricalLength = newLength;
    return symmetricalLength;
int main()
    char* str = "google";
    int len = GetLongestSymmetricalLength(str);
    printf("%d", len);
    return 0;

Algorithm 2: O(n^2)

To determine if the string is symmetric is from the outside to the inside, O(1).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int GetLongestSymmetricalLength(char* pString)
    if(pString == NULL)
    return 0;
    int symmetricalLength = 1;
    char* pChar = pString;
    while(*pChar != '0')
    //Odd length symmetry, like aAa
    char* left = pChar - 1;
    char* right = pChar + 1;
    while(left >= pString && *right != '0' && *left==*right)
    int newLength = right - left - 1;   //The exit loop is *left! = * right
    if(newLength > symmetricalLength)
        symmetricalLength = newLength;
    //Even length symmetry, like aAAa
    left = pChar;
    right = pChar + 1;
    while(left >= pString && *right != '0' && *left==*right)
    newLength = right - left - 1;   //The exit loop is *left! = * right
    if(newLength > symmetricalLength)
        symmetricalLength = newLength;
    return symmetricalLength;
int main()
    char* str = "google";
    int len = GetLongestSymmetricalLength(str);
    printf("%d", len);
    return 0;

Algorithm 3: manacher algorithm

  The original string: abaab
The new series: # # b# # # b#
As a result, the original odd length palindrome string is still an odd length, and the even length palindrome string is now an odd length palindrome string centered on '#'.
Next is the central idea of the algorithm, using an auxiliary array P to record the longest palindrome radius centered on each character, which is P[I] to record the longest palindrome radius centered on the Str[I] character. P[I] is at least 1, when the palindrome string is Str[I] itself.
We can write the P array for the above example, as follows
New string: # a # b # a # a # b #
P []   :   1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 5, 2, 1, 2, 1
We can prove that P[I]-1 is the length of the palindrome string centered on Str[I] in the original string.
1. Obviously, L=2*P[I]-1 is the longest palindrome string length centered on Str[I] in the new string.
2. Palindromes centered on Str[I] must start and end with #, such as "#b#b#" or "#b#a#b#", so L minus the first or last '#' character is twice the length of the original string, that is, the original string length is (l-1)/2, and the simplified P[I]-1. Have to pass.

Note: not very understand, oneself changed

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int GetLongestSymmetricalLength(char* pString)
    int length = strlen(pString);
    char* pNewString = malloc(2*length+2);
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<length; i++)
    *(pNewString+i*2) = '#';
    *(pNewString+i*2+1) = *(pString+i);
    *(pNewString+2*length) = '#';
    *(pNewString+2*length+1) = '0';
    printf("%sn", pNewString);
    int maxLength = 1;
    char* pChar;
    for(i=0; i<2*length+2; i++)
    int newLength = 1;
    pChar = pNewString + i;
    char* left = pChar-1;
    char* right = pChar+1;
    while(left>=pNewString && *right!='0'&& *left==*right)
    if(newLength > maxLength)
        maxLength = newLength;
    return maxLength-1;
int main()
    char* str = "google";
    int len = GetLongestSymmetricalLength(str);
    printf("%d", len);
    return 0;

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