C++ achieve color aircraft war

  • 2020-11-20 06:12:02
  • OfStack

Examples of this article for you to share C++ to achieve the specific code of color aircraft war, for your reference, the specific content is as follows

1. Basically realize the keyboard to control the aircraft, kill the enemy aircraft, and record the score (weakness: can't play again after death, need to restart the program,), the weakness will be solved in 2

/* Hide the cursor code 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main()
HANDLE handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleCursorInfo(handle, &CursorInfo);// Gets the console cursor information 
CursorInfo.bVisible = false; // Hide console cursor 
SetConsoleCursorInfo(handle, &CursorInfo);// Set the console cursor status 
  To understand two facts, 
  Enemy planes have the same horizontal and vertical coordinates as their own planes   Said death 
  The enemy plane collided with its own bullet   The coordinates of the bullet are the same as the coordinates of the bullet, the plane is dead and bonus points, 

#include "stdio.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define Esc 27 // exit 
#define Up 72 // Up, down, left, right 
#define Down 80
#define Left 75
#define Right 77
#define Kong 32 // bullets 

int x = 10; // The plane coordinates 
int y = 18;

int d2 = 10;// The enemy plane coordinates 
int d1 = 10;
int d = 10;//d  and r  Used for collision detection 
int r = 1;
int r1 = 1;
int r2 = 1;

int t = 1; //  Game over 
int f = 0; //  Meter scores 
int m = 5; //  Number of enemy planes 
int j = 0; //  kills 
char p; //  Accept button 

void kongzhi(int bx, int by);// Declare functions 
void huatu();

void gotoxy(int x, int y) // Moving coordinates 
 COORD coord;
 coord.X = x;
 coord.Y = y;
 SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void gotoxy_red(int x, int y) // Moving coordinates 
 COORD coord;
 coord.X = x;
 coord.Y = y;
 SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void gotoxy_blue(int x, int y) // Moving coordinates 
 COORD coord;
 coord.X = x;
 coord.Y = y;
 SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void gotoxy_green(int x, int y) // Moving coordinates 
 COORD coord;
 coord.X = x;
 coord.Y = y;
 SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void hidden()// Hide the cursor and don't let the cursor show 
 GetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);
 cci.bVisible = 0;// fu 1 For display, fu 0 To hide 
 SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);

// instructions 
void shuoming()
 gotoxy_blue(0, 0);
 printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPlane Control\n\n"
 "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLeft \n\n"
 "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRight \n\n"
 "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bullet space\n\n\n"
 "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tQuit Esc\n");

 gotoxy_red(0, 0);


// Judge me if I'm dead / Game over 
void byebye()
 if (((x == d && y == r) || (x == d1 && y == r1) || (x == d2 && y == r2))||( (d>=19||r>=19)||(d1>=19||r1>=19)||(d1>=19||r1>=19) ))
 gotoxy(1, 3);
 printf(" !!!  Game over  !!!\n"
 "  Your total score : %d\n\n"
 "  Number of enemy planes : %d\n"
 "  kills : %d\n"
 "  shooting : %.0f %%\n"
 "*******************\n", f, m, j, ((float)j / (float)m) * 100);
 while (!_kbhit())
 gotoxy(1, 12);
 printf("  Press any key to continue ...\n\n\n");
 gotoxy(1, 12);
 printf(" ");
 gotoxy_red(0, 0);
 f = 0; m = 0; j = 0;
 if (x >= 18) x--;
 else x++;
 gotoxy(x, y);
//  The scoring / Update the enemy planes 
void jifan()
{ //x,y It's the coordinates of the bullet 
 if (x == d && y == r) // d=10, r=1 .  d,d1,d2  Is the enemy x shaft ,  for 10  . r Is the ordinate of enemy aircraft 
 gotoxy(d, r); printf("3");
 gotoxy(d, r); printf(" "); f += 2; r = 0; j++;// let r=0, To make the enemy's planes disappear 
 if (x == d1 && y == r1)
 gotoxy(d1, r1); printf("1");
 gotoxy(d1, r1); printf(" "); f += 3; r1 = 0; j++;
 if (x == d2 && y == r2)
 gotoxy(d2, r2); printf("0");
 gotoxy(d2, r2); printf(" "); f += 1; r2 = 0; j++;

 gotoxy(57, 2);
 printf("%d\n", f);

// drawing 
void huatu()
 int i, n;

 for (i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
 for (n = 0; n <= 20; n++)
 for (i = 1; i <= 19; i++)
 for (n = 1; n <= 19; n++)
 gotoxy_red(i, n);
 printf(" ");

// Random enemy aircraft are generated 
void dfeiji()
 while (t)
 if (!r) { d = rand() % 17 + 1; m++; } //r,r1,r2  All of the initial values are zero 1 When a 0 "Starts generating random Numbers 
 if (!r1) { d1 = rand() % 17 + 1; m++; }
 if (!r2) { d2 = rand() % 17 + 1; m++; }

 while (t)
 r=r+2; r1=r1+2; r2=r2+2;
 gotoxy(d, r); printf("b");//d . d1, d2  Is the position generated by enemy aircraft, both are 10
 gotoxy(d1, r1); printf("c");
 gotoxy(d2, r2); printf("d");
 gotoxy(d, r); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(d1, r1); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(d2, r2); printf(" ");

 kongzhi(0, 0);// Once you take control of the plane, make your judgment immediately 
 byebye();// Determine if the plane is dead or not 
 if (r == 19) r = 0;
 if (r1 == 19) r1 = 0;
 if (r2 == 19) r2 = 0;
 if (r == 0 || r1 == 0 || r2 == 0) break;

// Manipulation of the aircraft 
void kongzhi(int bx, int by)// I passed it in when I called it  0 .  0
 int a;

 while (_kbhit())
 if ((p = _getch()) == -32) p = _getch();
 a = p;
 gotoxy(22, 5);

 switch (a)
 {// Control the direction 
 case Up:if (y != 1)
 gotoxy(x, y); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(x, y); printf("A");
 case Down:if (y != 18)
 gotoxy(x, y); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(x, y); printf("A");
 case Left:if (x != 1)
 gotoxy(x, y); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(x, y); printf("A");
 case Right:if (x != 18)
 gotoxy(x, y); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(x, y); printf("A");
 case Kong: { bx = y;// The first y I'm going to save, I'm going to save bx
 for (by = y; by > 1;) // bullets , y Axis coordinates 1 Straight down, print  |
 by--;//y The coordinates of the 
 gotoxy(x, by); printf("|");
 gotoxy(x, by); printf(" ");
 y = by;// Keep track of where the bullets hit so you can do a collision detection 
 jifan();// Meter scores 
 if (r == 0 || r1 == 0 || r2 == 0) break;
 y = bx;// restore y The value of the 

 case Esc:t = 0; break; // exit 


int main()
 shuoming();// Print game description , And then let the cursor go in 0,0
 hidden();// Hide the cursor and don't let the cursor show 
 huatu();// Draw the walls 
 gotoxy(x, y);//x=10,y=8 .  x  and y  It's the coordinates of your plane, it's the global variable 

 gotoxy(50, 2);
 while (t) //t is 1 Global variables   The initial value for the 1
 kongzhi(0, 0);// Call the control aircraft function,  ( After operating the aircraft, the score is recorded )
 if (t) // If the game is not over, then   Produce enemy planes 
 dfeiji();// Produce enemy planes  , And determine if the plane is dead or not 


2. (encapsulates 1 function) After finishing the game, it can restart for the next round

/* Hide the cursor code 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main()
HANDLE handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleCursorInfo(handle, &CursorInfo);// Gets the console cursor information 
CursorInfo.bVisible = false; // Hide console cursor 
SetConsoleCursorInfo(handle, &CursorInfo);// Set the console cursor status 
  To understand two facts, 
  Enemy planes have the same horizontal and vertical coordinates as their own planes   Said death 
  The enemy plane collided with its own bullet   The coordinates of the bullet are the same as the coordinates of the bullet, the plane is dead and bonus points, 

#include "stdio.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define Esc 27 // exit 
#define Up 72 // Up, down, left, right 
#define Down 80
#define Left 75
#define Right 77
#define Kong 32 // bullets 

int x = 10; // The plane coordinates 
int y = 18;

int d2 = 10;// The enemy plane coordinates 
int d1 = 10;
int d = 10;//d  and r  Used for collision detection 
int r = 1;
int r1 = 1;
int r2 = 1;

int t = 1; //  Game over 
int f = 0; //  Meter scores 
int m = 5; //  Number of enemy planes 
int j = 0; //  kills 
char p; //  Accept button 

void kongzhi(int bx, int by);// Declare functions 
void huatu();

void gotoxy(int x, int y) // Moving coordinates 
 COORD coord;
 coord.X = x;
 coord.Y = y;
 SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void gotoxy_red(int x, int y) // Moving coordinates 
 COORD coord;
 coord.X = x;
 coord.Y = y;
 SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void gotoxy_blue(int x, int y) // Moving coordinates 
 COORD coord;
 coord.X = x;
 coord.Y = y;
 SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void gotoxy_green(int x, int y) // Moving coordinates 
 COORD coord;
 coord.X = x;
 coord.Y = y;
 SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
void hidden()// Hide the cursor and don't let the cursor show 
 GetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);
 cci.bVisible = 0;// fu 1 For display, fu 0 To hide 
 SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);

// instructions 
void shuoming()
 gotoxy_blue(0, 0);
 printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPlane Control\n\n"
 "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLeft \n\n"
 "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRight \n\n"
 "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t bullet space\n\n\n"
 "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tQuit Esc\n");

 gotoxy_red(0, 0);


// Judge me if I'm dead / Game over 
void byebye()
 if (((x == d && y == r) || (x == d1 && y == r1) || (x == d2 && y == r2))||( (d>=19||r>=19)||(d1>=19||r1>=19)||(d1>=19||r1>=19) ))
 gotoxy(1, 3);
 printf(" !!! game over !!!\n"
 " score: %d\n\n"
 " di ji shu: %d\n"
 " jian di shu: %d\n"
 " ming zhong lv: %.0f %%\n"
 "*******************\n", f, m, j, ((float)j / (float)m) * 100);
//  The scoring / Update the enemy planes 
void jifan()
{ //x,y It's the coordinates of the bullet 
 if (x == d && y == r) // d=10, r=1 .  d,d1,d2  Is the enemy x shaft ,  for 10  . r Is the ordinate of enemy aircraft 
 gotoxy(d, r); printf("3");
 gotoxy(d, r); printf(" "); f += 2; r = 0; j++;// let r=0, To make the enemy's planes disappear 
 if (x == d1 && y == r1)
 gotoxy(d1, r1); printf("1");
 gotoxy(d1, r1); printf(" "); f += 3; r1 = 0; j++;
 if (x == d2 && y == r2)
 gotoxy(d2, r2); printf("0");
 gotoxy(d2, r2); printf(" "); f += 1; r2 = 0; j++;

 gotoxy(57, 2);
 printf("%d\n", f);

// drawing 
void huatu()
 int i, n;

 for (i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
 for (n = 0; n <= 20; n++)
 for (i = 1; i <= 19; i++)
 for (n = 1; n <= 19; n++)
 gotoxy_red(i, n);
 printf(" ");

// Random enemy aircraft are generated 
void dfeiji()
 while (t)
 if (!r) { d = rand() % 17 + 1; m++; } //r,r1,r2  All of the initial values are zero 1 When a 0 "Starts generating random Numbers 
 if (!r1) { d1 = rand() % 17 + 1; m++; }
 if (!r2) { d2 = rand() % 17 + 1; m++; }

 while (t)
 r=r+2; r1=r1+2; r2=r2+2;
 gotoxy(d, r); printf("b");//d . d1, d2  Is the position generated by enemy aircraft, both are 10
 gotoxy(d1, r1); printf("c");
 gotoxy(d2, r2); printf("d");
 gotoxy(d, r); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(d1, r1); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(d2, r2); printf(" ");

 kongzhi(0, 0);// Once you take control of the plane, make your judgment immediately 
 byebye();// Determine if the plane is dead or not 
 if (r == 19) r = 0;
 if (r1 == 19) r1 = 0;
 if (r2 == 19) r2 = 0;
 if (r == 0 || r1 == 0 || r2 == 0) break;

// Manipulation of the aircraft 
void kongzhi(int bx, int by)// I passed it in when I called it  0 .  0
 int a;

 while (_kbhit())
 if ((p = _getch()) == -32) p = _getch();
 a = p;
 gotoxy(22, 5);

 switch (a)
 {// Control the direction 
 case Up:if (y != 1)
 gotoxy(x, y); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(x, y); printf("A");
 case Down:if (y != 18)
 gotoxy(x, y); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(x, y); printf("A");
 case Left:if (x != 1)
 gotoxy(x, y); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(x, y); printf("A");
 case Right:if (x != 18)
 gotoxy(x, y); printf(" ");
 gotoxy(x, y); printf("A");
 case Kong: { bx = y;// The first y I'm going to save, I'm going to save bx
 for (by = y; by > 1;) // bullets , y Axis coordinates 1 Straight down, print  |
 by--;//y The coordinates of the 
 gotoxy(x, by); printf("|");
 gotoxy(x, by); printf(" ");
 y = by;// Keep track of where the bullets hit so you can do a collision detection 
 jifan();// Meter scores 
 if (r == 0 || r1 == 0 || r2 == 0) break;
 y = bx;// restore y The value of the 

 case Esc:t = 0; break; // exit 


void zuzhong(){
 x = 10; // The plane coordinates 
  y = 18;

 d2 = 10;// The enemy plane coordinates 
 d1 = 10;
 d = 10;//d  and r  Used for collision detection 
 r = 1;
 r1 = 1;
 r2 = 1;

 t = 1; //  Game over 
 f = 0; //  Meter scores 
 m = 5; //  Number of enemy planes 
 j = 0; //  kills 
char p; //  Accept button 

 shuoming();// Print game description , And then let the cursor go in 0,0
 hidden();// Hide the cursor and don't let the cursor show 
 huatu();// Draw the walls 
 gotoxy(x, y);//x=10,y=8 .  x  and y  It's the coordinates of your plane, it's the global variable 

 gotoxy(50, 2);
 while (t) //t is 1 Global variables   The initial value for the 1
 kongzhi(0, 0);// Call the control aircraft function,  ( After operating the aircraft, the score is recorded )
 if (t) // If the game is not over, then   Produce enemy planes 
 dfeiji();// Produce enemy planes  , And determine if the plane is dead or not 

int main()
 printf("please enter Enter key contine");

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