Summary of header files in C and C++ languages

  • 2020-09-28 09:02:41
  • OfStack

stdio.h means "standard input" & output"
Standard I/O header file!
So, when you use standard I/O functions, you call this header file

C/C + + header files

include <assert.h> // Set insertion point 
include <ctype.h> // Character processing 
include <errno.h> // Define error code 
include <float.h> // Floating point processing 
include <fstream.h> // File input/output 
include <iomanip.h> // Parameterize input/output 
include <iostream.h> // Data flow input/output 
include <limits.h> // Defines the most valued constants for various data types 
include <locale.h> // Define localization functions 
include <math.h> // Defining mathematical functions 
include <stdio.h> // Define input/output functions 
include <stdlib.h> // Define miscellaneous functions and memory allocation functions #include <string.h> // String handling 
include <strstrea.h> // Array-based input/output 
include <time.h> // Define a function of time #include <wchar.h> // Wide character processing and input/output 
include <wctype.h> // Wide character classification ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// standard  C++  (Ibid. No more comments) 
include <algorithm> //STL  General algorithm 
include <bitset> //STL  A set of containers 
include <cctype>#include <cerrno>
include <clocale>
include <cmath>
include <complex> // The plural class #include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>
include <cstring>#include <ctime>
include <deque> //STL  Double-ended queue containers 
include <exception> // Exception handling class 
include <fstream>
include <functional> //STL  Define an operator (instead of an operator) 
include <limits>#include <list> //STL  Linear list container #include <map> //STL  Mapping the container 
include <iomanip>#include <ios> // Basic input/output support #include <iosfwd> // The pre-declaration used by the input/output system 
include <iostream>
include <istream> // Basic input stream 
include <ostream> // Basic output stream 
include <queue> //STL  Queue containers 
include <set> //STL  A collection of the container #include <sstream> // String-based streams 
include <stack> //STL  Stack the container 
include <stdexcept> // Standard exception class 
include <streambuf> // Underlying input/output support 
include <string> // String class 
include <utility> //STL  Generic template class 
include <vector> //STL  Dynamic array container 
include <cwchar>
include <cwctype>using namespace std;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////C99  increase 
include <complex.h> // The plural processing 
include <fenv.h> // Floating point environment 
include <inttypes.h> // Integer format conversion 
include <stdbool.h> // Boolean environment 
include <stdint.h> // The integer environment 
include <tgmath.h> // Universal type mathematical macros 

This is the summary of header files in C/C++ language. For more information on C/C++ header files, please follow the other articles on this site!

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