C++ bidirectional linked list to achieve a simple address book

  • 2020-09-16 07:39:38
  • OfStack

This article Shared C++ bidirectional linked list for everyone to achieve simple address book specific code, for your reference, the specific content is as follows

#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

typedef struct Directory   
 string Name;
 string Mobile;    
 string Wechatnumber;  
 string STREET;    
 string CITY;    
 string EIP;     
 string STATE;    

 struct Directory* next;  
 struct Directory* prev;  

// Header node initialization 
Directory p0 = {"0","0","0","0","0","0","0",NULL,NULL};
Directory pn = {"0","0","0","0","0","0","0",NULL,NULL};

// Sets the header pointer to the header node 
Directory *head = &p0;

// Function declaration 
void enter(Directory*);
void display_list();
void printf_a();
void display_menu(Directory*);
int key_ramove(string);
void display_listfiile();
Directory* find_load(string);
Directory* load();

int main()
 cout<<"=     tong   -   record     ="<<endl;
 cout<<"=          ="<<endl;
 cout<<"=          ="<<endl;
 cout<<"= 1. add  2. delete  3. To find the  4. View address book  ="<<endl;

 int i = 0;        // Define key variables to store key values 
 string key;        // Defines a string variable to hold the input string 

 p0.next = &pn;       // These two sentences initialize the heads and tails, and connect them together 
 pn.prev = &p0;

  cin>>i;        // The input i , for which function to select 
  switch(i){       // Choice, i Equals something, just execute it case A few 
  case 1:
   load();       // Create a new node and insert the linked list 
   cout<<" Add complete!! "<<endl;
  case 2:
   cout<<" Please enter your name: ";
   key_ramove(key);    // To delete a node is to delete 1 Personal Information 
  case 3:
   cout<<" Please enter your name: ";
   display_menu(find_load(key)); // Print the information within the find node, find_load(key) The traversal function used to find the node 
   printf_a();      /
  case 4:
   display_list();     // Prints the names of all nodes 
  case 5:
   display_listfiile();   // Input the information of all nodes to "address.txt" file 
 return 0;
*  Return type: void
*  The print menu () function prints a menu   
void printf_a()
 cout<<"- 1. add  2. delete  3. To find the  4. View address book  -"<<endl;
 cout<<"- 5. export txt The document       -"<<endl;
*  Return type: Directory*
*  The new node insert () function inserts a new node into a linked list  
Directory* load()
 Directory *p = new Directory;   // Allocate space to this new node 

 p->next = head->next;     //p Under the 1 A pointer to the head points below the node 1 a 
 head->next = p;       // The head pointer points below the node 1 A point to p
 p->prev = head;       //p On the 1 A pointer to the next node 1 a 
 p->next->prev = p;
 head = p;        // Head pointer to p

 return p;        
*  Return type: void
*  The single node lookup () function finds a single node 
*  Pass in parameter: name      10 points 
Directory* find_load(string key_name)  
 Directory *p;
 p = &pn;
 for(p; p->prev != NULL ;p = p->prev)
  if(p->Name == key_name )
   return p;
 return NULL;
*  Return type: void
*  The delete () function removes a single node 
*  Pass in parameter: name     15 points 
int key_ramove(string key_name)
 Directory *p;       // Defines a pointer to a struct type 
 p = &pn;        
 for(p; p->prev != NULL;p = p->prev) 
  if(p->Name == key_name )   
   head = pn.prev;     
   p->prev->next = p->next;  //p On the 1 A lower 1 A point to p Under the 1 a 
   p->next->prev = p->prev;  //p Under the 1 On the 1 A point to p On the 1 a 
   free(p);      // The release of p The space of 
   return 0;      // After deletion, exit the function 
 cout<<" There is no such person!! "<<endl;
 return 0;
*  Return type: void
*  The single node input () function 
*  Pass in parameters: Directtory A pointer to a self-defined structure,  5 points 
void enter(Directory *P )
 char jubge;      // The variables used to judge 
 string name, mobile;

 cout<<" Enter name: ";
 P->Name = name;     // Put the input string on the node to which the current pointer is pointing 

 cout<<" Input telephone: ";
 P->Mobile = mobile;    // Put the input string on the node to which the current pointer is pointing 

 cout<<" Is the information complete? ( Y/N ) "<<endl;

 if(jubge == 'y' || jubge == 'Y')
  string wechatnumber;  // WeChat 
  string street;    // The street 
  string city;    // city 
  string eip;     // Zip code 
  string state;    // countries 
  cout<<" WeChat: ";
  P->Wechatnumber = wechatnumber;

  cout<<" Street: ";
  P->STREET = street;

  cout<<" City: ";
  P->CITY = city;

  cout<<" Countries: ";
  P->STATE = state;
 }else{       // In addition to the input y We do this everywhere else 
  P->Wechatnumber = "NULL";


  P->CITY = "NULL";

  P->STATE = "china";
*  Return type: void
*  The address book (owner's name, in reverse order) is printed. 
void display_list()
 Directory *p; // Defines a pointer to a struct type 
 p = head;  //  let p  Is equal to the current head The node indicated by the pointer 
 int i = 1;  // According to the serial number 
 cout<<"     tong   -   record      "<<endl;
 while(p->prev != NULL)            // Loop, know p Node-Pointing prev Pointer to NULL
  cout<<" "<<i<<":  "<<p->Name<<endl;       // print p The name of the node that corresponds to the pointer 
  p = p->prev;             // Pointer pointing up 1 A node 
void display_listfiile()
 Directory *p;         // Defines a pointer to a struct type 
 p = &pn;          //  let p  Is equal to the current head The node indicated by the pointer 
 int i = 1;          // According to the serial number 
 ofstream fout("address.txt");     // Open the address.txt The file was not automatically created 

 while(p->prev != NULL)       // Loop, know p Node-Pointing prev Pointer to NULL
  fout << i <<":" << p->Name <<endl;   // Outputs the name of the current node to address.txt file 
  fout <<" " << p->Mobile <<endl;
  fout <<" " << p->Wechatnumber <<endl;
  fout <<" " << p->STREET <<endl;
  fout <<" " << p->CITY <<endl;
  fout <<" " << p->STATE <<endl;
  fout <<endl;
  p = p->prev;        // Pointer pointing up 1 A node 
 fout.close();         // Close file flow 
*  The return type  Directory
*  The PrintDetails () function prints details 
void display_menu(Directory *P)
 if(P == NULL) //  judge   if P If null, the person is not printed 
  cout<<" No one!!  "<<endl;
 cout<<"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "<<endl;
 cout<<"*  The name : "<<P->Name<<endl;
 cout<<"*  The phone : "<<P->Mobile<<endl;
 cout<<"*  WeChat : "<<P->Wechatnumber<<endl;
 cout<<"*  The street : "<<P->STREET<<endl;
 cout<<"*  city : "<<P->CITY<<endl;
 cout<<"*  countries :"<<P->STATE<<endl;
 cout<<"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "<<endl;

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