There is no uniform rotation operation for AVLTree (C++ implementation)

  • 2020-07-21 09:12:36
  • OfStack

Recently, due to the severe epidemic situation, I could only rest at home. In my spare time, I realized C++ once

The university teacher only taught some simple data structures and algorithms. These high-level data structures still need to be learned actively and implemented by hands.

I had only heard of AVLTree before, and it took me about 3 days to go from reading about the principle to writing it point by point and debugging it in point 1. I think it's been a long time.

The AVL tree is generally not written by us, but in order to have a copy of the implemented code that I can review later, I decided to be tough on myself and implement it once

The following code adopts C++11 standard

It was compiled and debuggable on ubuntu 18.04

 * BinarySearchTree.h
 * 1.  When you add an element, you have to decide for yourself whether it is legal or not 
 * 2.  In addition to the hierarchical traversal, this source code is used recursive traversal, to reduce the consumption of the stack, should be implemented recursive traversal 
 * 3.  This code is implemented AVL The tree without system 1 Rotation operation is discussed by case LL,LR,RR,RL To balance the tree 
 * Created on: 2020 years 1 month 29 day 
 *   Author: LuYonglei
#include <queue>
template<typename Element>
class BinarySearchTree {
  BinarySearchTree(int (*cmp)(Element e1, Element e2)); // Comparison function pointer 
  virtual ~BinarySearchTree();
  int size(); // Number of elements 
  bool isEmpty(); // Whether is empty 
  void clear() {
    // Empty all the elements 
    NODE *node = root_;
    root_ = nullptr;
    using namespace std;
    queue<NODE*> q;
    while (!q.empty()) {
      NODE *tmp = q.front();
      if (tmp->left != nullptr)
      if (tmp->right != nullptr)
      delete tmp;
  void add(Element e) {
    // Add elements 
    add(e, cmp_);
  void remove(Element e) {
    // Remove elements 
    remove(Node(e, cmp_));
  bool contains(Element e) {
    // Whether it contains an element 
    return Node(e, cmp_) != nullptr;
  void preorderTraversal(bool (*visitor)(Element &e)) {
    // The former sequence traversal 
    if (visitor == nullptr)
    bool stop = false; // Stop sign, if stop for true , then stop the traversal 
    preorderTraversal(root_, stop, visitor);
  void inorderTraversal(bool (*visitor)(Element &e)) {
    // In the sequence traversal 
    if (visitor == nullptr)
    bool stop = false; // Stop sign, if stop for true , then stop the traversal 
    inorderTraversal(root_, stop, visitor);
  void postorderTraversal(bool (*visitor)(Element &e)) {
    // After the sequence traversal 
    if (visitor == nullptr)
    bool stop = false; // Stop sign, if stop for true , then stop the traversal 
    postorderTraversal(root_, stop, visitor);
  void levelOrderTraversal(bool (*visitor)(Element &e)) {
    // Sequence traversal, iterative implementation 
    if (visitor == nullptr)
    levelOrderTraversal(root_, visitor);
  int height() {
    // The height of the tree 
    return height(root_);
  bool isComplete() {
    // To determine whether it is complete 2 tree 
    return isComplete(root_);
  int size_;
  typedef struct _Node {
    Element e;
    _Node *parent;
    _Node *left;
    _Node *right;
    int height; // Node height 
    _Node(Element e_, _Node *parent_) :
        e(e_), parent(parent_), left(nullptr), right(nullptr), height(1) {
      // Node constructor 
    inline bool isLeaf() {
      return (left == nullptr && right == nullptr);
    inline bool hasTwoChildren() {
      return (left != nullptr && right != nullptr);
    inline int balanceFactor() {
      // Get the equilibrium factor of the node 
      int leftHeight = left == nullptr ? 0 : left->height; // Gets the height of the left subtree 
      int rightHeight = right == nullptr ? 0 : right->height; // Gets the height of the right subtree 
      return leftHeight - rightHeight;
    inline bool isBalanced() {
      // judge node Whether the balance 
      int balanceFactor_ = balanceFactor();
      return balanceFactor_ >= -1 && balanceFactor_ <= 1; // Equilibrium factor is -1,0,1 It returns true
    inline void updateHeight() {
      // Update the height of the node 
      int leftHeight = left == nullptr ? 0 : left->height; // Gets the height of the left subtree 
      int rightHeight = right == nullptr ? 0 : right->height; // Gets the height of the right subtree 
      height = 1 + (leftHeight > rightHeight ? leftHeight : rightHeight); // Update the node height to the maximum height of the left and right subtrees +1
    inline bool isLeftChild() {
      // Determines whether a node is the left child of its parent 
      return parent != nullptr && parent->left == this;
    inline bool isRightChild() {
      // Determines whether a node is the right child of its parent 
      return parent != nullptr && parent->right == this;
    inline _Node* tallerChild() {
      // Get a higher height subtree 
      int leftHeight = left == nullptr ? 0 : left->height; // Gets the height of the left subtree 
      int rightHeight = right == nullptr ? 0 : right->height; // Gets the height of the right subtree 
      if (leftHeight > rightHeight)
        return left;
      if (leftHeight < rightHeight)
        return right;
      return isLeftChild() ? left : right;
  } NODE;
  NODE *root_;
  int (*cmp_)(Element e1, Element e2); // To implement a personalized configuration for sorting trees, private members are saved 1 A pointer to a comparison function 
  NODE* Node(Element e, int (*cmp_)(Element e1, Element e2)) {
    // return e The node where the element is located 
    NODE *node = root_;
    while (node != nullptr) {
      int cmp = cmp_(e, node->e);
      if (cmp == 0) // We find the element 
        return node;
      if (cmp > 0) { // The element to be found is larger than the element stored by the node 
        node = node->right;
      } else { // The element to be found is smaller than the element stored by the node 
        node = node->left;
    return nullptr;
  NODE* predecessor(NODE *node) {
    // return node Of the precursor nodes 
    if (node == nullptr)
      return nullptr;
    // The precursor node is in the left subtree 
    NODE *tmp = node->left;
    if (tmp != nullptr) {
      while (tmp->right != nullptr)
        tmp = tmp->right;
      return tmp;
    // Look for the precursor node from the parent node and the grandfather node 
    while (node->parent != nullptr && node == node->parent->left) {
      node = node->parent;
    return node->parent;
  NODE* successor(NODE *node) {
    // return node Successor node 
    if (node == nullptr)
      return nullptr;
    // The successor node is in the right subtree 
    NODE *tmp = node->right;
    if (tmp != nullptr) {
      while (tmp->left != nullptr)
        tmp = tmp->left;
      return tmp;
    // Look for a successor node from a parent node and a grandfather node 
    while (node->parent != nullptr && node == node->parent->right) {
      node = node->parent;
    return node->parent;
  void afterRotate(NODE *gNode, NODE *pNode, NODE *child) {
    // In left rotation and right rotation system 1 call 
    pNode->parent = gNode->parent;
    if (gNode->isLeftChild())
      gNode->parent->left = pNode;
    else if (gNode->isRightChild())
      gNode->parent->right = pNode;
      // At this time gNode->parent  for nullptr . gNode for root node 
      root_ = pNode;
    if (child != nullptr)
      child->parent = gNode;
    gNode->parent = pNode;
    // The left and right subtrees change, so update the height 
  void rotateLeft(NODE *gNode) {
    // right gNode Rotate to the left 
    NODE *pNode = gNode->right;
    NODE *child = pNode->left;
    gNode->right = child;
    pNode->left = gNode;
    afterRotate(gNode, pNode, child);
  void rotateRight(NODE *gNode) {
    // right gNode Do a right rotation 
    NODE *pNode = gNode->left;
    NODE *child = pNode->right;
    gNode->left = child;
    pNode->right = gNode;
    afterRotate(gNode, pNode, child);
  void rebalance(NODE *gNode) {
    // To restore balance ,grand Is the unbalanced node with the lowest height 
    NODE *pNode = gNode->tallerChild();
    NODE *nNode = pNode->tallerChild();
    if (pNode->isLeftChild()) {
      if (nNode->isLeftChild()) {
         *    gNode
         *   /      right gNode Right hand 
         *   pNode    ====>    pNode
         *  /            /   \
         *  nNode          nNode  gNode
      } else {
         *    gNode         gNode
         *   /     right pNode left-handed    /     right gNode Right hand 
         *   pNode   ====>    nNode   ====>    nNode
         *   \          /           /   \
         *    nNode       pNode         pNode gNode
    } else {
      if (nNode->isLeftChild()) {
         *  gNode         gNode
         *   \     right pNode Right hand   \     right gNode left-handed 
         *   pNode   ====>    nNode   ====>    nNode
         *   /            \          /   \
         *  nNode           pNode       gNode pNode
      } else {
         *  gNode
         *  \     right gNode left-handed 
         *   pNode   ====>    pNode
         *   \          /   \
         *    nNode       gNode nNode
  void afterAdd(NODE *node) {
    // add node Subsequent adjustment 
    if (node == nullptr)
    node = node->parent;
    while (node != nullptr) {
      if (node->isBalanced()) {
        // If the node is balanced, update its height 
      } else {
        // At this time of the first 1 An unbalanced node is operated to make it balanced 
        // When the tree is back in balance , Jump out of the loop 
      node = node->parent;
  void add(Element e, int (*cmp_)(Element e1, Element e2)) {
    // When the tree is empty, the added node is the root node of the tree 
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      root_ = new NODE(e, nullptr);
      // insert 1 The root nodes are then adjusted 
    // When adding a node that is not a control 1 A node 
    NODE *parent = root_;
    NODE *node = root_;
    int cmp = 0; // Compare the results 
    while (node != nullptr) {
      parent = node; // Save the parent node 
      cmp = cmp_(e, node->e); // Compared by function Pointers 
      if (cmp > 0) {
        node = node->right; // The element added is greater than the element in the node 
      } else if (cmp < 0) {
        node = node->left; // The element added is smaller than the element in the node 
      } else {
        node->e = e; // When it's equal, it covers 
        return; // The added element is equal to the element in the node , Direct return 
    // Determine where to insert the parent node 
    NODE *newNode = new NODE(e, parent); // Create a node for the new element 
    if (cmp > 0) {
      parent->right = newNode; // The element added is greater than the element in the node 
    } else {
      parent->left = newNode; // The element added is smaller than the element in the node 
    // add 1 The new nodes are then adjusted 
  void afterRemove(NODE *node) {
    // delete node Subsequent adjustment 
    if (node == nullptr)
    node = node->parent;
    while (node != nullptr) {
      if (node->isBalanced()) {
        // If the node is balanced, update its height 
      } else {
        // At this point, the unbalanced node is operated to make it balanced 
      node = node->parent;
  void remove(NODE *node_) {
    // Delete a 1 node 
    if (node_ == nullptr)
    // Priority deletion is 2 The nodes of the 
    if (node_->hasTwoChildren()) {
      NODE *pre = successor(node_); // find node_ Successor node 
      node_->e = pre->e; // The coverage with the value of subsequent nodes is 2 The value of the node 
      // Remove successor nodes ( The degree of subsequent nodes can only be zero 1 or 0)
      node_ = pre;
    // At this time node_ The degree of theta must be 0 or 1
    NODE *replacement = node_->left != nullptr ? node_->left : node_->right;
    if (replacement != nullptr) {      //node_ The degree of 1
      replacement->parent = node_->parent;
      if (node_->parent == nullptr)      // Degree of 1 The root node 
        root_ = replacement;
      else if (node_->parent->left == node_)
        node_->parent->left = replacement;
        node_->parent->right = replacement;
      // All deletes are ready to complete, balancing before freeing node memory 
      delete node_;
    } else if (node_->parent == nullptr) {      //node_ It's a leaf node, it's a root node 
      root_ = nullptr;
      // All deletes are ready to complete, balancing before freeing node memory 
      delete node_;
    } else {      //node_ It's a leaf node, not a root node 
      if (node_->parent->left == node_)
        node_->parent->left = nullptr;
        node_->parent->right = nullptr;
      // All deletes are ready to complete, balancing before freeing node memory 
      delete node_;
  void preorderTraversal(NODE *node, bool &stop,
      bool (*visitor)(Element &e)) {
    // Recursive implementation of the preorder traversal 
    if (node == nullptr || stop == true)
    stop = visitor(node->e);
    preorderTraversal(node->left, stop, visitor);
    preorderTraversal(node->right, stop, visitor);
  void inorderTraversal(NODE *node, bool &stop, bool (*visitor)(Element &e)) {
    // Sequential traversal in recursive implementation 
    if (node == nullptr || stop == true)
    inorderTraversal(node->left, stop, visitor);
    if (stop == true)
    stop = visitor(node->e);
    inorderTraversal(node->right, stop, visitor);
  void postorderTraversal(NODE *node, bool &stop,
      bool (*visitor)(Element &e)) {
    // Recursive implementation of post-ordered traversal 
    if (node == nullptr || stop == true)
    postorderTraversal(node->left, stop, visitor);
    postorderTraversal(node->right, stop, visitor);
    if (stop == true)
    stop = visitor(node->e);
  void levelOrderTraversal(NODE *node, bool (*visitor)(Element &e)) {
    if (node == nullptr)
    using namespace std;
    queue<NODE*> q;
    while (!q.empty()) {
      NODE *node = q.front();
      if (visitor(node->e) == true)
      if (node->left != nullptr)
      if (node->right != nullptr)
  int height(NODE *node) {
    // some 1 Node height 
    return node->height;
  bool isComplete(NODE *node) {
    if (node == nullptr)
      return false;
    using namespace std;
    queue<NODE*> q;
    bool leaf = false; // Determine if the next node is a leaf node 
    while (!q.empty()) {
      NODE *node = q.front();
      if (leaf && !node->isLeaf()) // Determine leaf node 
        return false;
      if (node->left != nullptr) {
      } else if (node->right != nullptr) { //node->left == nullptr && node->right != nullptr
        return false;
      if (node->right != nullptr) {
      } else { //node->right==nullptr
        leaf = true;
    return true;
template<typename Element>
BinarySearchTree<Element>::BinarySearchTree(int (*cmp)(Element e1, Element e2)) :
    size_(0), root_(nullptr), cmp_(cmp) {
  // Tree constructor 
template<typename Element>
BinarySearchTree<Element>::~BinarySearchTree() {
  //  The destructor 
template<typename Element>
inline int BinarySearchTree<Element>::size() {
  // Returns the number of elements 
  return size_;
template<typename Element>
inline bool BinarySearchTree<Element>::isEmpty() {
  // Determine if it is an empty tree 
  return size_ == 0;
main methods 
 * main.cpp
 * Created on: 2020 years 1 month 29 day 
 *   Author: LuYonglei
#include "BinarySearchTree.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
template<typename Element>
int compare(Element e1, Element e2) {
  // The comparison function , The same return 0,e1<e2 return -1,e1>e2 return 1
  return e1 == e2 ? 0 : (e1 < e2 ? -1 : 1);
template<typename Elemnet>
bool visitor(Elemnet &e) {
  cout << e << " ";
  cout << endl;
  return false; // If the return true , the traversal will exit 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  BinarySearchTree<double> a(compare);
//  a.add(85);
//  a.add(19);
//  a.add(69);
//  a.add(3);
//  a.add(7);
//  a.add(99);
//  a.add(95);
//  a.add(2);
//  a.add(1);
//  a.add(70);
//  a.add(44);
//  a.add(58);
//  a.add(11);
//  a.add(21);
//  a.add(14);
//  a.add(93);
//  a.add(57);
//  a.add(4);
//  a.add(56);
//  a.remove(99);
//  a.remove(85);
//  a.remove(95);
  clock_t start = clock();
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
//  a.inorderTraversal(visitor);
  clock_t end = clock();
  cout << end - start << endl;
//  cout <<a.height()<< endl;
//  cout << a.isComplete() << endl;
//  a.remove(7);
//  a.clear();
//  a.levelOrderTraversal(visitor);
//  cout << endl;
//  cout<<a.contains(0)<<endl;


Above is the site to introduce AVLTree (C++ implementation) no 1 rotation problem, I hope to help you!

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