Summary of basic knowledge points

  • 2020-06-23 01:39:12
  • OfStack

What does h mean

conio is short for Console Input/Output (console Input/Output), which defines the functions of data input and data output through the console, mainly 1 corresponding operation generated by the user by the keyboard, such as getch() function, etc.

conio. h is a library file that needs to be introduced into the code when a program USES a function like getch().

#include <conio.h>

int main()


  char c;

  c=getch();   /* Read in from the keyboard 1 Characters are not echoed to character variables c*/

  putchar(c);  /* Output the character */


getch() is a function used in programming. This function is a non-echo function. When the user presses a character, the function reads automatically without pressing enter

In contrast to the getchar() function, getch() does not require a buffer and does not require the user to press the enter key. It reads input characters directly from the keyboard.

The benefits of using getch() : Direct access to keyboard input, suitable for making instant input programs such as games.

That's what the c language conio.h means. If you have any supplement, please contact this site.

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