Implementation of C and C++ High precision algorithm

  • 2020-06-23 01:31:38
  • OfStack

When doing ACM, we often encounter the calculation of large Numbers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, power and factorial. At this time, the given data type is often not enough to represent the final result, so a high-precision algorithm is needed. The essence of high-precision algorithm is to break large Numbers into blocks of fixed length, and then perform corresponding operations on each block. Here, consider 4-digit Numbers as 1 block, and the input large Numbers are all positive integers (other bits can also be considered, but it should be noted that the corresponding operation in each block should not exceed the numeric range of the data type; If there is a negative integer read in judgment 1 under the sign in the decision operation).

1. Add with high accuracy

Take 3479957928375817 + 897259321544245 as an example:

3479 9579 2837 5817
+897 +2593 +2154 +4245
= = = =
4376 12172 4991 10062
进位0 进位1 进位0 进位1
4377 2172 4992 0062

The C language implementation code is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 200

// Integer powers function 
int Pow(int a, int b)
  int i = 0, result = 1;
  for(i = 0; i < b; ++i)
    result *= a;
  return result;

//High Precision Of Addition
int main()
  char stra[N], strb[N];   // An array of strings that stores two large Numbers as characters; 
  int i = 0, step = 4, carry = 0; //step Is the block length, carry Is carry bit; 
  int lengtha, lengthb, maxlength, resultsize;  //maxlength said stra and strb2 The longer one; 
  int numa[N], numb[N],numc[N];  // Store the addend, addend, and in turn; 
  memset(numa, 0, sizeof(numa));
  memset(numb, 0, sizeof(numb));
  memset(numc, 0, sizeof(numc));     // Initialize to zero; 
  scanf("%s%s", stra, strb);
  lengtha = strlen(stra);
  lengthb = strlen(strb);   // Calculate the length of two large Numbers 
  // Character and digit conversion 4 position 1 An integer number of blocks 
  for(i = lengtha-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numa[(lengtha-1-i)/step] += (stra[i]-'0')*Pow(10,(lengtha-1-i)%step);
  for(i = lengthb-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numb[(lengthb-1-i)/step] += (strb[i]-'0')*Pow(10,(lengthb-1-i)%step);
  maxlength = lengtha > lengthb ? lengtha : lengthb;

  // Add them block by block and carry them 
  for(i = 0; i <= maxlength/step; ++i)
    numc[i] = (numa[i] + numb[i])%Pow(10, step) + carry;  // The calculation and 
    carry = (numa[i] + numb[i])/Pow(10, step); // Calculation of carry 

  // Calculate the total number of blocks in the final sum 
  resultsize = numc[maxlength/step] > 0 ? maxlength/step : maxlength/step - 1;
  printf("%d", numc[resultsize]);
  for(i = resultsize-1; i >= 0; --i)
    printf("%04d", numc[i]);  // Right alignment, zero complement output; 
  return 0;

2. High-precision subtraction

Similar to addition, the difference is to pay attention to the sign and the number of display changes. Take 99999037289799-100004642015000 as an example:

Let's first decide which of the minuend and the subtractive is greater. Obviously, the subtractive is greater here, so the output is negative. After subtracting a decimal from a large number, (if a block subtracts to a negative number, borrow from the higher block) is shown in the following table

100 0046 4201 5000
-99 -9990 -3728 -9799
1 56 473 5201
借位0 借位1 借位0 借位1
0 56 472 5201

The C language implementation code is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 200

// Integer powers function 
int Pow(int a, int b)
  int i = 0, result = 1;
  for(i = 0; i < b; ++i)
    result *= a;
  return result;

//High Precision Of Subtraction
int main()
  char stra[N], strb[N];   // An array of strings that stores two large Numbers as characters; 
  int i = 0, step = 4, borrow = 0, mark = 0; //step Is the block length, borrow To borrow a , mark Is the symbol bit of the result; 
  int lengtha, lengthb, maxlength, resultsize;  //maxlength said stra and strb2 The longer one; 
  int numa[N], numb[N],numc[N], *maxnum, *minnum;  // Store minuend, subtractive, and; 
  memset(stra, 0, sizeof(stra));
  memset(strb, 0, sizeof(strb));
  memset(numa, 0, sizeof(numa));
  memset(numb, 0, sizeof(numb));
  memset(numc, 0, sizeof(numc));     // Initialize to zero; 
  scanf("%s%s", stra, strb);
  lengtha = strlen(stra);
  lengthb = strlen(strb);   // Calculate the length of two large Numbers 
  maxlength = lengtha >= lengthb ? lengtha : lengthb;

  // Character and digit conversion 4 position 1 An integer number of blocks 
  for(i = lengtha-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numa[(lengtha-1-i)/step] += (stra[i]-'0')*Pow(10,(lengtha-1-i)%step);
  for(i = lengthb-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numb[(lengthb-1-i)/step] += (strb[i]-'0')*Pow(10,(lengthb-1-i)%step);

  // Find the larger number 
  maxnum = numa;
  minnum = numb;
  mark = 1;
  for(i = (maxlength-1)/step; i >= 0; --i)
    if(numa[i] > numb[i])
      maxnum = numa;
      minnum = numb;
      mark = 1;
    else if(numa[i] < numb[i])
      maxnum = numb;
      minnum = numa;
      mark = -1;

  // I'm going to subtract and borrow 
  for(i = 0; i <= maxlength/step; ++i)
    numc[i] = (maxnum[i] - minnum[i] + Pow(10, step) + borrow)%Pow(10,step);  // Calculate poor 
    borrow = (maxnum[i] - minnum[i] + Pow(10, step) + borrow)/Pow(10, step) - 1; // Calculate a borrow 

  // Calculate the total number of blocks in the final sum 
  resultsize = maxlength/step;
  while(!numc[resultsize])  --resultsize;
  printf("%d", mark*numc[resultsize]);
  for(i = resultsize-1; i >= 0; --i)
    printf("%04d", numc[i]);  // Right alignment, zero complement output; 
  return 0;

3. High-precision multiplication

Multiplication can be regarded as multiplying the multiplier by the multiplicand then adding it. Take 4296556241 x 56241 as an example:

被乘数 42 9655 6241
乘数 5 6 2 4 1
被乘数x乘数 42 9655 6241
1 42 9655 6241
4 168*10 38620*10 24964*10
2 84*100 19310*100 12482*100
6 252*1000 57930*1000 37446*1000
5 210*10000 48275*10000 31205*10000
累加和 2362122 543006855 351000081
进位(从低位向高位) 241 54304 35100
241 6426 1955 0081

The C language implementation code is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 200

// Integer powers function 
int Pow(int a, int b)
  int i = 0, result = 1;
  for(i = 0; i < b; ++i)
    result *= a;
  return result;

//High Precision Of Multiplication
int main()
  char stra[N], strb[N];   // An array of strings that stores two large Numbers as characters; 
  int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, step = 4, carry = 0; //step Is the block length, carry Is carry bit; 
  int lengtha, lengthb, resultsize, tmpsize, eachnum; //resultsize The total number of storage blocks, eachnum To store each of the multipliers 1 position 
  int numa[N], numb[N], numc[N], tmp[N];  // Store the multiplicand in turn & Product, multiplier; 
  memset(numa, 0, sizeof(numa));
  memset(numb, 0, sizeof(numb));
  memset(numc, 0, sizeof(numc)); // Initialize to zero; 
  scanf("%s%s", stra, strb);
  lengtha = strlen(stra);
  lengthb = strlen(strb);   // Calculate the length of two large Numbers 
  // Converts the multiplicand character number to 4 position 1 An integer number of blocks 
  for(i = lengtha-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numa[(lengtha-1-i)/step] += (stra[i]-'0')*Pow(10,(lengtha-1-i)%step);
  // Converts a multiplier digit to a character digit 1 position 1 An integer number of blocks 
  for(i = lengthb-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numb[lengthb-1-i] = strb[i]-'0';

  resultsize = tmpsize = (lengtha-1)/step;
  // Take each of the multipliers 1 Bits are multiplied block by block and carried; 
  for(i = 0; i < lengthb; ++i)
    memcpy(tmp, numa, sizeof(numa));  // will numa Array assignment to tmp The array; 

    k = i/step;   //k Each store 1 The number of times the block needs to move to the higher block; 
      for(j = tmpsize; j >= 0; --j)
        tmp[j+k] = tmp[j];
        tmp[j] = 0;
      tmpsize += k;

    // Times the multiplier per 1 A bit extension into a block; 
    eachnum = numb[i]*Pow(10, i%step);
    for(j = 0; j <= tmpsize; ++j)
      tmp[j] *= eachnum;

    // Addition of large Numbers 
    carry = 0; // Zero entry position; 
    for(j = 0; j <= resultsize; ++j)
      numc[j] += tmp[j] + carry;
      carry = numc[j]/Pow(10,step);
      numc[j] %= Pow(10, step);
      numc[j] += carry;

  // The output 
  printf("%d", numc[resultsize]);
  for(i = resultsize-1; i >= 0; --i)
    printf("%04d", numc[i]);  // Right alignment, zero complement output; 
  return 0;

4. High-precision division

There are two kinds of high-precision division, one is high-precision divided by low-precision, and the other is high-precision divided by high-precision. The former can be done by dividing each block by the low precision divisor. The latter is realized by high-precision subtraction, that is, subtracting the high-precision divisor every time until it is less than the divisor, then the number of subtractions is quotient and the remainder is remainder.

High precision divided by low precision
Take 9876342876/343 as an example:

被除数 98 7634 2876
除数 343
向低位块进位 98 137 190
0 2879 4002
余数 190

The C language code is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 200

// Integer powers function 
int Pow(int a, int b)
  int i = 0, result = 1;
  for(i = 0; i < b; ++i)
    result *= a;
  return result;

//High Precision Of division
//(1) High precision divided by low precision 
int main()
  char stra[N];   // An array of strings that store high-precision dividends as characters; 
  int i = 0, step = 4, carry = 0; //step Is the block length, carry Is high to low carry position; 
  int lengtha, resultsize;
  int numa[N], numb, numc[N], numd;  // Store the dividend, divisor, and quotient in turn ,  Remainder; 
  memset(numa, 0, sizeof(numa));
  memset(numc, 0, sizeof(numc));     // Initialize to zero; 
  scanf("%s%d", stra, &numb);
  lengtha = strlen(stra);  // Calculate the length of the dividend 

  // Character and digit conversion 4 position 1 An integer number of blocks 
  for(i = lengtha-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numa[(lengtha-1-i)/step] += (stra[i]-'0')*Pow(10,(lengtha-1-i)%step);

  carry = 0; // Carry position zero from high to low 
  resultsize = (lengtha-1)/step;
  // Block by block, high to low carry 
  for(i = resultsize; i >= 0; --i)
    numc[i] = (numa[i] + carry*Pow(10,step))/numb;  // Computing, 
    carry = (numa[i] + carry*Pow(10,step))%numb; // Calculation of carry 
  numd = carry;  // The remainder of the lowest block is the remainder of the whole division 

  // Calculate the total number of blocks in the final sum 
  while(!numc[resultsize])  --resultsize;
  // The output, 
  printf("%d", numc[resultsize]);
  for(i = resultsize-1; i >= 0; --i)
    printf("%04d", numc[i]);  // Right alignment, zero complement output; 
  // Output the remainder 
  printf("\n%d\n", numd);
  return 0;

High precision divided by high precision
Take 176342876/3453452 as an example:

100 0046 4201 5000
-99 -9990 -3728 -9799
1 56 473 5201
借位0 借位1 借位0 借位1
0 56 472 5201

The C language code is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 200

// Integer powers function 
int Pow(int a, int b)
  int i = 0, result = 1;
  for(i = 0; i < b; ++i)
    result *= a;
  return result;

//High Precision Of division
//(2) High precision divided by high precision 
int main()
  char stra[N], strb[N];   // An array of strings that stores two large Numbers as characters; 
  int i = 0, step = 4, borrow = 0; //step Is the block length, borrow Is carry bit; 
  int lengtha, lengthb, tmpnum, numbsize, numcsize, numdsize, maxsize, mark;  //maxlength said stra and strb2 The longer one; 
  int numa[N], numb[N], numc[N], numd[N];  // Store dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder; 
  memset(stra, 0, sizeof(stra));
  memset(strb, 0, sizeof(strb));
  memset(numa, 0, sizeof(numa));
  memset(numb, 0, sizeof(numb));
  memset(numc, 0, sizeof(numc));
  memset(numd, 0, sizeof(numd));   // Initialize to zero; 
  scanf("%s%s", stra, strb);
  lengtha = strlen(stra);
  lengthb = strlen(strb);   // Calculate the length of two large Numbers 

  // Character and digit conversion 4 position 1 An integer number of blocks 
  for(i = lengtha-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numa[(lengtha-1-i)/step] += (stra[i]-'0')*Pow(10,(lengtha-1-i)%step);
  for(i = lengthb-1; i >= 0; --i)
    numb[(lengthb-1-i)/step] += (strb[i]-'0')*Pow(10,(lengthb-1-i)%step);
  memcpy(numd, numa, sizeof(numa));
  numbsize = (lengthb-1)/step;
  numcsize = 0;
  numdsize = (lengtha-1)/step;

    maxsize = numdsize > numbsize ? numdsize : numbsize;
    // Calculate whether the remainder is less than the divisor 
    mark = 1;
    for(i = maxsize; i >= 0; --i)
      if(numd[i] > numb[i])
        mark = 1;
      else if(numd[i] < numb[i])
        mark = -1;

    // Determine if the remainder is less than the divisor 
    if(!(mark+1))  break;

    borrow = 0; // Borrow position zero; 
    // I'm going to subtract and borrow 
    for(i = 0; i <= maxsize; ++i)
      tmpnum = (numd[i] - numb[i] + Pow(10, step) + borrow)%Pow(10,step);  // Calculate poor 
      borrow = (numd[i] - numb[i] + Pow(10, step) + borrow)/Pow(10,step) - 1; // Calculate a borrow 
      numd[i] = tmpnum;
    while(!numd[numdsize]) --numdsize;

    // Each reduction 1 Divisor, quotient plus 1 ; 
    borrow = 1;
    for(i = 0; i <= numcsize; ++i)
      numc[i] += borrow;
      borrow = numc[i]/Pow(10,step);
      numc[i] %= Pow(10,step);
      numc[i] += borrow;

  printf("%d", numc[numcsize]);
  for(i = numcsize-1; i >= 0; --i)
    printf("%04d", numc[i]);  // Right alignment, zero complement output; 
  printf("%d", numd[numdsize]);
  for(i = numdsize-1; i >= 0; --i)
    printf("%04d", numd[i]);  // Right alignment, zero complement output; 
  return 0;

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