C language for personal address book management system

  • 2020-06-23 01:16:59
  • OfStack

How to make a simple personal address book management system in c language? This must be a big problem for every student learning c. How do you store and access data elements of different data types? Using a structure can easily solve this problem!

struct stu // The first 1 Section: Declare structure types struct stu 
 char name[100];// The name is of string type 
 int xh;// Student id for plastic 
 int grade;// grade 
 char cel[15];// Mobile phone 
 char tel[50];// The phone 
 char mail[50];// mail 
 char add[100];// The address is of string type 
 char post[15];// Zip code 
 struct stu *next;// Using Pointers to process linked lists, next Is a pointer variable that points to a structure variable 
struct stu *charu(struct stu *head,struct stu *q)// The first 2 Part: Insert function (insert new node )
 struct stu *p;
 for(p=head;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next);//for( make p Point to head; when p Is an empty file  ;p Point to the 1 A node) 
 return head;
void search(struct stu *head) // The first 3 Part: Find node and output 
 struct stu *p;
 int a;// Look up the student's student number 
 if(head->next==NULL)// The result printed when the header file is empty is " The address book is empty "
 printf("********************************** The address book is empty !!!*********************************\n\n\n");
 else// When the header file is not empty, start searching for student information 
 printf("\t Input to query student id :");
 for(p=head->next;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next)//for( make p Point to head; when p Is an empty file  ;p Point to the 1 A node) 
 if(p->xh==a) // If the input number is the same as one, output the following. 
 printf("  The student information to find is :\n");
 printf("   Taken the name: ");puts(p->name);
 printf("\t Student id : ");printf("%d",p->xh);
 printf("\t Grade: ");printf("%d\n",p->grade);
 printf("\t Mobile phone: ");puts(p->cel);
 printf("\t Telephone: ");puts(p->tel);
 printf("\t Email address: ");puts(p->mail);
 printf("\t address ");puts(p->add);
 printf("\t Zip code: ");puts(p->post);
 printf("\t Find success !!!");
 printf("  The student information to find is :\n");
 printf("   Taken the name: ");puts(p->name);
 printf("\t Grade: ");printf("%d\n",p->grade);
 printf("\t Mobile phone: ");puts(p->cel);
 printf("\t Telephone: ");puts(p->tel);
 printf("\t Email address: ");puts(p->mail);
 printf("\t address ");puts(p->add);
 printf("\t Zip code: ");puts(p->post);
 printf("\t Find success !!!");
 else printf("no people have found!!!\n");// If not, the output is not found 
struct stu *del(struct stu *head) // The first 4 Section: Delete node 
 struct stu *p,*q;
 int a;// To delete a student's student number 
 if(head->next==NULL)//  If the header file is empty, the output address book is empty 
 printf("********************************** The address book is empty !!!*********************************\n\n\n");
 printf("\t Enter the student number to delete :");
 free(q);// The release of q, That's deleting q In this case, delete q( Student id for a)
 printf(" Delete the success !!!\n");
 else printf("no people have found!!!");// If not, the output is not found 
 return head;// Return to header file 
struct stu *change(struct stu *head) // The first 5 Section: Modify node content 
 int b,a,c;
 struct stu *p;
 if(head->next==NULL)//  If the header file is empty, the output address book is empty 
 printf("********************************** The address book is empty !!!*********************************\n\n\n");
 printf("  Enter the student id to change :");
 start:printf("   What do you want to modify ?\n");
 printf("\t\t\t 1: Modify the name \n");
 printf("\t\t\t 2: Modify the student id \n");
 printf("\t\t\t 3: Modify the grade \n");
 printf("\t\t\t 4: Mobile phone \n");
 printf("\t\t\t 5: The phone \n");
 printf("\t\t\t 6: mail \n");
 printf("\t\t\t 7: address \n");
 printf("\t\t\t 8: Zip code \n");
 printf("    Please enter your choice: ");
 switch(b)// Find the student by the student number and then use it switch Statement to select the modification item, then use switch and goto Whether the statement implements a loop or not 
  case 1:
  printf("\t Enter a new name :");
  case 2:printf("\t Enter the new student number :");
  case 3:
  printf("\t Enter the new grade :");
  case 4:
  printf("\t Enter a new phone number :");
  case 5:
  printf("\t Enter a new phone number :");
  case 6:
  printf("\t Enter a new mailbox :");
  case 7:
  printf("\t Enter a new address :");
  case 8:
  printf("\t Enter the new zip code ;");
  default: printf(" Input operation error, please reinput :"); 
 printf(" Modify the success !!!\n");
 printf("  Do you want to modify other items?  1 Is:  2 : no \n");
 printf("   Please enter your choice: ");
 switch(c) //goto Whether the statement implements a loop or not 
  case 1:goto start;
  case 2:break;
 return head; // Return to header file 
void printall(struct stu *head) // The first 6 Part: Output all address book 
 struct stu *p=head->next;
 printf("********************************** The address book is empty !!!*********************************\n\n\n");
 else if(p->next==NULL)
 printf("   Taken the name: ");puts(p->name);
 printf("\t Student number: ");printf("%d\n",p->xh);
 printf("\t Grade: ");printf("%d\n",p->grade);
 printf("\t Mobile phone: ");puts(p->cel);
 printf("\t Telephone: ");puts(p->tel);
 printf("\t Email address: ");puts(p->mail);
 printf("\t Address: ");puts(p->add);
 printf("\t Zip code: ");puts(p->post);
 printf(" The output is successful !!!\n");
 printf("   Taken the name: ");puts(p->name);
 printf("\t Student number: ");printf("%d\n",p->xh);
 printf("\t Grade: ");printf("%d\n",p->grade);
 printf("\t Mobile phone: ");puts(p->cel);
 printf("\t Telephone: ");puts(p->tel);
 printf("\t Email address: ");puts(p->mail);
 printf("\t Address: ");puts(p->add);
 printf("\t Zip code: ");puts(p->post);
 printf(" The output is successful !!!\n");
void sf(struct stu *head) // The first 8 Part: release node to exit the system 
 struct stu *p=head ;
 printf(" Release of the list :\n");
 printf(" Release list successful !!!\n");
int main()//  The first 9 Part: Main function framework 
 int cz;// The operator 
 struct stu *head,*q;
 head=(struct stu*)malloc(sizeof(struct stu));// The dynamic linked list malloc
 head->next=NULL;// make next Point to the 1 A node ,next Nodes do not put other node addresses 
 system("color 1e");// Modify the dos Front window background color , With the two 106 Base number representation 
 printf(" Class:   Name:   Student number:   Design topic: Personal address book management system \n");
 printf("\n********************************C Language course design ***********************************\n");
 printf(" ******************* Personal address book management system *****************\n\n\n");
 printf(" * 1: New address book  *\n");
 printf(" * 2: Delete address book  *\n");
 printf(" * 3: Modify address book  *\n");
 printf(" * 4: Enquiry Address book  *\n");
 printf(" * 5: Display all records  *\n");
 printf(" * 6: Release the list and end the program  *\n");
 printf(" *********************************************************\n");
start :printf(" Input operator 1-6:");//" Input operator 1-
 switch(cz)//switch statements 
 case 1:
 q=(struct stu *)malloc(sizeof(struct stu));
 printf("\t Enter the name :");scanf("%s",q->name);
 printf("\t Enter the student id :");scanf("%d",&q->xh);
 printf("\t Input grade :");scanf("%d",&q->grade);
 printf("\t Mobile phone no. :");scanf("%s",q->cel);
 printf("\t The home phone :");scanf("%s",q->tel);
 printf("\t Enter E-mail :");scanf("%s",q->mail);
 printf("\t Address book address :");scanf("%s",&q->add);
 printf("\t Enter zip code :");scanf("%s",&q->post);
 printf(" Insert the success !!!\n");break;
 case 2:// delete 
 case 3:
 change(head);break;// Modify student information 
  case 4:
 search(head);break;// To find the node head
 case 5:
 printall(head);break; // Save the file 
 case 6: // Release node to exit the system 
 exit (0);
 default: printf(" Input error , again "); // What doesn't fit " Input error , again "
 goto start;// with goto Statement implements a loop operation 
 return 0;

For more information, please pay attention to the topic management System Development.

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