C language how to establish a linked list and implement the addition deletion search and modification details

  • 2020-06-19 11:11:11
  • OfStack


The following is an C language linked list and I completed the operation of adding, deleting, checking and changing the procedure. For the convenience of learning, I divided the whole procedure into two parts: header file and main function:

1. Header file (Function part)

(1) Initialize the function

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {
 int *head;
 int length;
 int capacity;
} Toslist; //Toslist type 

// Initialize the sequence table 
Toslist initSeqlist() {
 Toslist list;
 list.length = 0;
 list.capacity = 5;
 list.head = (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int));

 if (!list.head)
 printf(" Initialization failed! \n");
 return list;

(2) Print function

// Print sequence table 
void displayList(Toslist list) {
 for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
 printf("%d ", list.head[i]);

(3) Insert function

// Insert elements 
Toslist add(Toslist list, int elem, int pos) {
 if (list.length == list.capacity) {
 int *temp = (int *)realloc(list.head, (list.capacity + 1) * sizeof(int));// Determine whether the space is enough, not enough on the other linked list 

// Don't use directly head The introduction of temp Prevents space allocation failure head Losing the original list 
 if (!temp) {
  list.head = temp;
  list.capacity += 1;

 // The insertion position and subsequent elements are moved back 

 for (int i = list.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
 list.head[i + 1] = list.head[i];
 list.head[pos] = elem;
 list.length ++;
 return list;

 if (pos > list.length || pos < 0)
 printf(" Error inserting position! \n");
 return list;

(4) Delete the function

// Remove elements 
Toslist delete(Toslist list, int pos) {

 for (int i = pos; i < list.length - 1; i++) {
 list.head[i] = list.head[i + 1];


 return list;

 if (pos < 0 || pos > list.length) {
 printf(" Incorrect delete position! \n");
 return list;

(5) Find the function

// check 
int search(Toslist list, int elem) { //elem Is the element you are looking for 
 // In order to find 
 for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
 if (elem == list.head[i]) {
  return i;
 return 0;

(6) Replace the function

// change 
Toslist modify(Toslist list, int elem, int val) { //val It's the element that's going to be replaced 
 int pos = search(list, elem); // Gets the location of the element to be replaced 
 list.head[pos] = val;
 return list;

2. The main function

int main() {
 Toslist list = initSeqlist();
 int Addpos = -1, Addnum, Delpos, Serachnum,Modifynum;

 printf(" Please enter the 5 Integer element \n");

 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
 scanf("%d", &list.head[i]);

 printf(" The elements in the sequence table are: \n");

 // Insert elements 
 printf(" After which element do I insert the element? \n");
 while (Addpos < 0 || Addpos > list.length) {
 scanf("%d", &Addpos);

 if (Addpos < 0 || Addpos > list.length)
  printf(" Please enter the correct location! \n");

 printf(" Please enter the elements you want to insert: \n"); scanf("%d", &Addnum);
 printf(" At the end of the sequence table %d Insert element after element %d get \n", Addpos, Addnum);
 list = add(list, Addnum, Addpos);


 // Remove elements 
 printf(" Which element in the subscript of the order table do you want to delete? \n"); scanf("%d", &Delpos);
 printf(" After deletion: \n");

 list = delete(list, Delpos);

 // To find the 
 printf(" Enter the element you want to look for \n"); scanf("%d", &Serachnum);

 int pos = search(list, Serachnum);
 printf(" The element %d Is the position of %d a \n", Serachnum, pos+1);
 printf(" The element is not in the table \n");

 // Modify the 
 printf(" Please enter the elements that need to be modified: \n");scanf("%d",&Serachnum);
 printf(" Please enter the number to replace: \n");scanf("%d",&Modifynum);
 printf(" will %d Modified to %d Get: \n", Serachnum, Modifynum);
 list = modify(list, Serachnum, Modifynum);

 list.head = NULL;

 return 0;

The above procedure I have finished debugging, if the procedure has multifarious place, welcome to criticize and correct!


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