The C language data structure maze problem

  • 2020-06-15 09:51:11
  • OfStack

This paper shares the data structure c language version of the maze stack implementation of the specific code for your reference, the specific content is as follows

The program mainly refers to The data structure c language version of Teacher Yan Weimin, and is improved under the general framework of the program in the book. For ideas on the maze problem, consult the original book.

using namespace std;
#define MAXSIZE 10
typedef int Status;
typedef struct{
 int x;
  int y;
typedef struct{
 int ord;
 Postype seat;
 int dir;
}SElemType;// The element type of the stack 
typedef struct{
 //SElemType data[MAXSIZE];
 SElemType* top;
 SElemType* base;
}Stack;// Structure type of stack 
typedef struct{
 char arr[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
}MAZETYPE;// Labyrinth structure 
void InitMaze()
 maze.arr[0][0] = maze.arr[0][1] = maze.arr[0][2] = maze.arr[0][3] = maze.arr[0][4] = maze.arr[0][5] = maze.arr[0][6] = maze.arr[0][7] = maze.arr[0][8] = maze.arr[0][9] = '1';
 maze.arr[1][0] = maze.arr[1][3] = maze.arr[1][7] = maze.arr[1][9] = '1';
 maze.arr[1][1] = maze.arr[1][2] = maze.arr[1][4] = maze.arr[1][5] = maze.arr[1][6] = maze.arr[1][8] = '0';
 maze.arr[2][0] = maze.arr[2][3] = maze.arr[2][7] = maze.arr[2][9] = '1';
 maze.arr[2][1] = maze.arr[2][2] = maze.arr[2][4] = maze.arr[2][5] = maze.arr[2][6] = maze.arr[2][8] = '0';
 maze.arr[3][0] = maze.arr[3][5] = maze.arr[3][6] = maze.arr[3][9] = '1';
 maze.arr[3][1] = maze.arr[3][2] = maze.arr[3][3] = maze.arr[3][4] = maze.arr[3][7] = maze.arr[3][8] = '0';
 maze.arr[4][0] = maze.arr[4][2] = maze.arr[4][3] = maze.arr[4][4] = maze.arr[4][9] = '1';
 maze.arr[4][1] = maze.arr[4][5] = maze.arr[4][6] = maze.arr[4][7] = maze.arr[4][8] = '0';
 maze.arr[5][0] = maze.arr[5][4] = maze.arr[5][9] = '1';
 maze.arr[5][1] = maze.arr[5][2] = maze.arr[5][3] = maze.arr[5][5] = maze.arr[5][6] = maze.arr[5][7] = maze.arr[5][8] = '0';
 maze.arr[6][0] = maze.arr[6][2] = maze.arr[6][6] = maze.arr[6][9] = '1';
 maze.arr[6][1] = maze.arr[6][3] = maze.arr[6][4] = maze.arr[6][5] = maze.arr[6][7] = maze.arr[6][8] = '0';
 maze.arr[7][0] = maze.arr[7][2] = maze.arr[7][3] = maze.arr[7][4] = maze.arr[7][6] = maze.arr[7][9] = '1';
 maze.arr[7][1] = maze.arr[7][5] = maze.arr[7][7] = maze.arr[7][8] = '0';
 maze.arr[8][0] = maze.arr[8][1] = maze.arr[8][9] = '0';
 maze.arr[8][2] = maze.arr[8][3] = maze.arr[8][4] = maze.arr[8][5] = maze.arr[8][6] = maze.arr[8][7] = maze.arr[8][8] = '0';
 maze.arr[9][0] = maze.arr[9][1] = maze.arr[9][2] = maze.arr[9][3] = maze.arr[9][4] = maze.arr[9][5] = maze.arr[9][6] = maze.arr[9][7] = maze.arr[9][8] = maze.arr[9][9] = '1';
Status initStack(Stack &s)
 s.base = (SElemType*)malloc(MAXSIZE*sizeof(SElemType));
 if (!s.base) return 0; = s.base;
 return 1;
void Push(Stack &s, SElemType e)
 * = e;
void Pop(Stack &s, SElemType &e)
 e = *;
Status StackEmpty(Stack &s)
 if ( == s.base) return 1;
 else return 0;
Status Pass(Postype curpos)
 if (maze.arr[curpos.x][curpos.y] == '0')
 return 1;
 else return 0;
void Foot(Postype curpos)
 maze.arr[curpos.x][curpos.y] = '*';
void MarkPrint(Postype curpos)
 maze.arr[curpos.x][curpos.y] = '!';
Status StructCmp(Postype a, Postype b)
 if (a.x = b.x&&a.y == b.y) return 1;
 else return 0;
// Under the 1 A position 
Postype NextPos(Postype CurPos, int Dir)
 Postype ReturnPos;
 switch (Dir)
 case 1:
 ReturnPos.x = CurPos.x;
 ReturnPos.y = CurPos.y + 1;
 case 2:
 ReturnPos.x = CurPos.x + 1;
 ReturnPos.y = CurPos.y;
 case 3:
 ReturnPos.x = CurPos.x;
 ReturnPos.y = CurPos.y - 1;
 case 4:
 ReturnPos.x = CurPos.x - 1;
 ReturnPos.y = CurPos.y;
 return ReturnPos;
Status MazePath(Postype start, Postype end)
 Stack s;
 SElemType e;
 Postype curpos = start;
 int curstep = 1;
 if (Pass(curpos))
  e = { curstep, curpos, 1 };
  Push(s, e);
  if (StructCmp(curpos, end)) return 1;
  curpos = NextPos(curpos, 1);
  if (!StackEmpty(s))
  Pop(s, e);
  while (e.dir ==4 &&!StackEmpty(s))
   MarkPrint(; Pop(s, e);
  if (e.dir < 4 && !StackEmpty(s))
   Push(s, e);
   curpos = NextPos(, e.dir);
 } while (!StackEmpty(s));
 return 0;
int main()
 Postype s, e;
 s.x = s.y = 1;
 e.x = e.y = 8;
 if (MazePath(s, e))
 printf(" Maze decryption !\n");
 printf(" Decryption failure \n");
 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
 for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
  printf("%c ", maze.arr[i][j]);
 cout << "-=================================" << endl;
 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
 for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
  if (maze.arr[i][j] == '*' || maze.arr[i][j] == '!')
  printf("%c ", maze.arr[i][j]);
  else cout << " ";

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