Detailed explanation and application of malloc and free new and delete in C++

  • 2020-06-12 10:14:07
  • OfStack

C++ Interviews often ask questions about the differences between malloc/free and new/delete. There are different versions of the explanations available on the Web.

The similarities

1. You can apply for dynamic heap memory.

Differences between the two

new/delete is the operator of C++, and malloc/free is the standard library function of C/C++. 2. The object applied by new can be understood as an object. The constructor will be called when new returns a pointer to the object, and the destructor will be called when delete; malloc only requests memory, not objects. is reserved word, no need for header file support; malloc/free requires header file library function support.

Matters needing attention

1. The memory applied with new must be freed with delete. 2. The memory requested with new[] must be freed with delete[]. 3. After delete frees the memory, the pointer value remains unchanged. A good style is to set the pointer to NULL after freeing, for example,delete p; p = NULL. 4. Memory requested with malloc must be freed with free.


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stdlib.h"
#include <string.h>
struct Stu
 char name[32];
 int age;
int main()
/****************************  Basic usage  **********************************/
 // To apply for 1 a int type 
 int *p1 = new int; // Apply for assignment directly  int* p1 = new int(3);
 int *p2 = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
 // To apply for 1 a char type 
 char *p3 = new char; // Apply for assignment directly  char *p3 = new char('c');
 char *p4 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));
 // To apply for 1 a int type 1 Dimensional array 
 int *p5 = new int[5]; // Apply for assignment directly  int *p5 = new int[5]{1,2,3,4,5};
 int *p6 = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*5);
 // To apply for 1 a char type 1 Dimensional array 
 char* p7 = new char[6]; // Apply for assignment directly  char* p7 = new char[3]{'a', 'v', 'c'};
 char* p8 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*6);
 // To apply for 1 a int type 2 Dimensional array 
 int(*p9)[2] = new int[2][2]; // Apply for assignment directly  int(*p9)[2] = new int[2][2]{ 1,2,3,4 };
 int(*p10)[2] = (int(*)[2])malloc(sizeof(int)*2*2);
 // To apply for 1 a char type 2 Dimensional array 
 char(*p11)[2] = new char[2][2];
 char(*p12)[2] = (char(*)[2])malloc(sizeof(char)*2*2);
/*****************************  To apply for 2 Level pointer memory  **********************************/
 // To apply for 2 Class pointer (new,delete)
 char** p13 = new char*[2];
 p13[0] = "aaaaaaaaaa";
 p13[1] = "vvvvvvvvvv";
 delete p13;
 // To apply for 2 Class pointer (malloc, free)
 char** p14 = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)*2);
 p14[0] = "cccccccc";
 p14[1] = "dddddddd";
 delete p14;
/******************************  Apply for structural in vivo storage  *********************************/
 //new delete
 Stu* pStu1 = new Stu;
 Stu* pStu2 = new Stu{"wpf", 10};
 Stu* pStu3 = new Stu[1024];
 delete pStu1;
 delete pStu2;
 delete[] pStu3;
 //malloc free
 Stu* pStu4 = (Stu*)malloc(sizeof(Stu));
 memset(pStu4, 0, sizeof(Stu));


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