C language linked list complete operation demonstration

  • 2020-06-07 04:55:12
  • OfStack

This article has Shared the C linked list operation demonstration specific code for your reference, the specific content is as follows

Header file: link_0505.h

 Chain performance in  
#ifndef __LINK_0505 
#define __LINK_0505 
typedef struct node{ 
  int num; 
  struct node* p_next; 
typedef struct  
  node head,tail; 
// Initializer for the linked list  
void link_init(link *); 
// List cleanup function  
void link_deinit(link *); 
// A function that determines if a linked list is empty  
int link_empty(link *); 
// A function that determines if a linked list is full  
int link_full(link *); 
// A function that counts the number of significant digits  
int link_size(link *); 
// A function that inserts a number at the front  
int link_add_head(link *, int ); 
// A function that inserts a new number at the end  
int link_append(link *, int ); 
// A function that inserts Numbers into a linked list in sequence  
int link_insert(link *, int); 
// Delete the function with the first digit  
int link_remove_head(link *); 
// Delete the last 1 Significant number  
int link_remove_tail(link *); 
// Deletes a function with a given number  
int link_remove(link *, int ); 
// For the first 1 A function of a significant number  
int link_get_head(link *, int *); 
// To obtain the final 1 A function of a significant number  
int link_get_tail(link *, int *); 
// Gets the function with the specified number  
int link_get(link *, int *, int ); 

Implementation code: link_0505.cpp

 Chain performance in  
#include "stdlib.h" 
#include "link_0505.h" 
// Initializer for the linked list  
void link_init(link *p_link) 
  p_link->head.p_next = &(p_link->tail); 
// List cleanup function  
void link_deinit(link *p_link) 
  while(p_link->head.p_next != &(p_link->tail)) 
    node *p_first = &(p_link->head); 
    node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
    node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
    p_first->p_next = p_last; 
    p_mid = NULL; 
// A function that determines if a linked list is empty  
int link_empty(link *p_link) 
  return p_link->head.p_next == &(p_link->tail); 
// A function that determines if a linked list is full  
int link_full(link *p_link) 
  return 0; 
// A function that counts the number of significant digits  
int link_size(link *p_link) 
  int cnt = 0; 
  node *p_node = NULL; 
  for (p_node = &(p_link->head);p_node != &(p_link->tail);p_node = p_node->p_next) 
    node *p_first = p_node; 
    node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
    node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
    if (p_mid != &(p_link->tail)) 
  return cnt; 
// A function that inserts a number at the front  
int link_add_head(link *p_link, int num) 
  node *p_temp = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); 
  if (!p_temp) 
    return 0; 
  p_temp->num = num; 
  node *p_first = &(p_link->head); 
  node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
  node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
  p_first->p_next = p_temp; 
  p_temp->p_next = p_mid; 
  return 1; 
// A function that inserts a new number at the end  
int link_append(link *p_link, int num) 
  node *p_tmp = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); 
  node *p_node = NULL; 
  if (!p_tmp) 
    return 0; 
  p_tmp->num = num; 
  for (p_node = &(p_link->head);p_node != &(p_link->tail);p_node = p_node->p_next) 
    node *p_first = p_node; 
    node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
    node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
    if (p_mid == &(p_link->tail)) 
      p_first->p_next = p_tmp; 
      p_tmp->p_next = p_mid; 
  return 1; 
// A function that inserts Numbers into a linked list in sequence  
int link_insert(link *p_link, int num) 
  node* p_temp = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); 
  node* p_node = NULL; 
  if (!p_temp) 
    return 0; 
  p_temp->num = num; 
  p_temp->p_next = NULL; 
  for (p_node = &(p_link->head);p_node != &(p_link->tail);p_node = p_node->p_next) 
    node *p_first = p_node; 
    node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
    node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
    if (p_mid == &(p_link->tail) || p_mid->num > p_temp->num) 
      p_first->p_next = p_temp; 
      p_temp->p_next = p_mid; 
  return 0; 
// Delete the function with the first digit  
int link_remove_head(link *p_link) 
  node *p_first = &(p_link->head); 
  node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
  node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
  if (p_link->head.p_next == &(p_link->tail)) 
    return 0; 
  p_first->p_next = p_last; 
  p_mid = NULL; 
// Delete the last 1 Significant number  
int link_remove_tail(link *p_link) 
  node *p_node = NULL; 
  for (p_node = &(p_link->head);p_node !=&(p_link->tail);p_node = p_node->p_next) 
    node *p_first = p_node; 
    node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
    node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
    if (p_last == &(p_link->tail)) 
      p_first->p_next = p_last; 
      p_mid = NULL; 
      return 1; 
  return 0; 
// Deletes a function with a given number  
int link_remove(link *p_link, int num) 
  node *p_node = NULL; 
  for (p_node = &(p_link->head);p_node != &(p_link->tail);p_node = p_node->p_next) 
    node *p_first = p_node; 
    node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
    node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
    if (p_mid != &(p_link->tail) && p_mid->num == num) 
      p_first->p_next = p_last; 
      p_mid = NULL; 
      return 1; 
  return 0; 
// For the first 1 A function of a significant number  
int link_get_head(link *p_link, int *p_num) 
  if (p_link->head.p_next == &(p_link->tail)) 
    return 0; 
  node *p_first = &(p_link->head); 
  node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
  node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
  p_first->p_next = p_last; 
  *p_num = p_mid->num; 
  return 1; 
// To obtain the final 1 A function of a significant number  
int link_get_tail(link *p_link, int *p_num) 
  node *p_node = NULL; 
  for (p_node = &(p_link->head);p_node != &(p_link->tail);p_node = p_node->p_next) 
    node *p_first = p_node; 
    node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
    node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
    if (p_last == &(p_link->tail)) 
      *p_num = p_mid->num; 
      return 1; 
  return 0; 
// Gets the function with the specified number  
int link_get(link *p_link, int *p_num, int num) 
  int cnt = 0; 
  node *p_node = NULL; 
  for (p_node = &(p_link->head);p_node != &(p_link->tail);p_node = p_node->p_next) 
    node *p_first = p_node; 
    node *p_mid = p_first->p_next; 
    node *p_last = p_mid->p_next; 
    if (p_mid != &(p_link->tail) && cnt == num) 
      *p_num = p_mid->num; 
      return 1; 
  return 0; 

Test function:

 *  List the test  
 * */ 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include "link_0505.h" 
int main() { 
  int size = 0, num = 0, val = 0; 
  link lnk = {0}; 
  link_add_head(&lnk, 30); 
  link_add_head(&lnk, 20); 
  link_append(&lnk, 90); 
  link_append(&lnk, 100); 
  link_insert(&lnk, 50); 
  link_insert(&lnk, 60); 
  link_insert(&lnk, 40); 
  link_insert(&lnk, 80); 
  link_insert(&lnk, 70); 
  size = link_size(&lnk); 
  for (num = 0;num <= size - 1;num++) { 
    link_get(&lnk, &val, num); 
    printf("%d ", val); 
  link_remove(&lnk, 70); 
  size = link_size(&lnk); 
  for (num = 0;num <= size - 1;num++) { 
    link_get(&lnk, &val, num); 
    printf("%d ", val); 
  link_get_head(&lnk, &val); 
  printf(" The first number is %d\n", val); 
  link_get_tail(&lnk, &val); 
  printf(" The last number is %d\n", val); 
  return 0; 

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