C++ USES _findfirst and _findnext to find files

  • 2020-06-07 04:53:21
  • OfStack

C++ file lookup

How do we find files in C++? We need a structure and some functions that you might not be familiar with. These functions and structures are in the header file struct _finddata_t and the functions _findfirst, _findnext, and _fineclose. How to use it in detail, let's take a look at it

_findfirst and _findnext find files

1. Both of these functions are in ES17en.h.

2. First, understand the following file structure:

struct _finddata_t {
 unsigned attrib;
 time_t  time_create; 
 time_t  time_access; 
 time_t  time_write;
 _fsize_t size;
 char  name[260];

time_t, which is long

And _fsize_t is unsigned long

Now let's explain the data members of the structure under 1.

attrib, the properties of the file being sought: _A_ARCH (archive), _A_HIDDEN (hidden), _A_NORMAL (normal), _A_RDONLY (read only), _A_SUBDIR (folder), _A_SYSTEM (system).

time_create, time_access and time_write are the time when the file was created, the last time the file was accessed, and the last time the file was modified, respectively.

size: File size

name: Filename.

3. Find the file with _findfirst and _findnext

1. _findfirst function: long _findfirst(const char *, struct _finddata_t *);

The first parameter is the file name. You can find all files with "*.*" or you can find.cpp files with "*.cpp ". The second parameter is the _finddata_t struct pointer. Returns the file handle on success or -1 on failure.

2. _findnext function: int _findnext(long, struct _finddata_t *);

The first parameter is the file handle, and the second parameter is also the _finddata_t struct pointer. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.

3. _findclose() function: int _findclose(long);

Only 1 argument, file handle. Returns 0 on close success, -1 on failure.

#include <io.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

bool transfer(string fileName, int exeNum );
void dfsFolder(string folderPath, ofstream &fout);

int main()
  _finddata_t file;
  int k;
  long HANDLE;
  k = HANDLE = _findfirst("*.*", &file);
  while (k != -1)
    cout << file.name << endl;
    k = _findnext(HANDLE, &file);

  transfer("C:\\Windows\\*.exe", 0);
  ofstream o_fstream;

  dfsFolder("E:\\\WHU\\Study", o_fstream);

  return 0;

//_findfirst  The function returns a handle that matches to a file, of data type long . 
// The traversal procedure can specify the file type, which passes through FileName For example, to traverse C : \WINDOWS Of all the .exe file 

bool transfer(string fileName , int exeNum)
  _finddata_t fileInfo;
  long handle = _findfirst(fileName.c_str(), &fileInfo);

  if (handle == -1L)
    cerr << "failed to transfer files" << endl;
    return false;

    cout << fileInfo.name << endl;
  } while (_findnext(handle, &fileInfo) == 0);
  cout << " .exe files' number: " << exeNum << endl;

  return true;

// Iterate over all the files under the folder and its subfolders. The folder directory in the operating system is a tree structure that USES a deep search strategy to traverse all files. use _A_SUBDIR attribute 

// Check whether there are subdirectories if In a branch, because the system is coming in 1 When subdirectories are matched to the first two files ( clip ) is "."( In the current directory ) . ".."( on 1 Layer directory ) . 
// We need to ignore both cases. When you need to do something with a traversal to a file else Just add the appropriate code to the branch 

void dfsFolder(string folderPath, ofstream &fout)
  _finddata_t FileInfo;
  string strfind = folderPath + "\\*";
  long Handle = _findfirst(strfind.c_str(), &FileInfo);

  if (Handle == -1L)
    cerr << "can not match the folder path" << endl;
    // Determine if there is a subdirectory  
    if (FileInfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)
      // This is an important statement  
      if ((strcmp(FileInfo.name, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(FileInfo.name, "..") != 0))
        string newPath = folderPath + "\\" + FileInfo.name;
        dfsFolder(newPath, fout);
      fout<<folderPath.c_str() << "\\" << FileInfo.name << " ";
      cout << folderPath.c_str() << "\\" << FileInfo.name << endl;
  } while (_findnext(Handle, &FileInfo) == 0);


//#include <iostream>  
//#include <string>  
//#include <io.h>  
//using namespace std;
//int main()
//  _finddata_t file;
//  long longf;
//  string tempName;
//  //_findfirst Returns the long type ; long __cdecl _findfirst(const char *, struct _finddata_t *)  
//  if ((longf = _findfirst("E:\\WHU\\Study\\*.*", &file)) == -1l)
//  {
//    cout << " File not found !\n";
//    return 0;
//  }
//  do
//  {
//    cout << " File list :\n";
//    tempName = file.name;
//    if (tempName[0] == '.')
//      continue;
//    cout << file.name<<endl;
//    if (file.attrib == _A_NORMAL)
//    {
//      cout << "  Common file  ";
//    }
//    else if (file.attrib == _A_RDONLY)
//    {
//      cout << "  A read-only file  ";
//    }
//    else if (file.attrib == _A_HIDDEN)
//    {
//      cout << "  Hidden files  ";
//    }
//    else if (file.attrib == _A_SYSTEM)
//    {
//      cout << "  System files  ";
//    }
//    else if (file.attrib == _A_SUBDIR)
//    {
//      cout << "  subdirectories  ";
//    }
//    else
//    {
//      cout << "  Archive file  ";
//    }
//    cout << endl;
//  } while (_findnext(longf, &file) == 0);//int __cdecl _findnext(long, struct _finddata_t *); Returns the name of the next file if found successfully 0, Otherwise returns -1  
//  _findclose(longf);
//  return 0;


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