How do you tell if a number is prime

  • 2020-06-03 07:44:57
  • OfStack

Algorithms about prime Numbers are important number theory knowledge in program competition. Let's look at some algorithms that are commonly used.

Let's review a few basic concepts:

Prime: a natural number greater than 1, if it has no other factors than 1 and itself, is called prime. Prime Numbers are also called prime Numbers. On the contrary, it is called composite.

using namespace std;

void IsPrime(int);
int main()
  int Input;
  cout << " Please enter the number to determine: ";
  cin >> Input;
  return 0;

// Determine if it is prime 
void IsPrime(int x)
  if (1 == x)
    cout << "1 Neither prime nor composite! " << endl;
  for (int i = 2; i <= sqrt(x); i++)
    if (x%i == 0)
      cout << " The number you entered is composite! " << endl;
  cout << " The number you entered is prime! " << endl;

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