Very beautiful New Year wishes! C language achieves beautiful fireworks effect

  • 2020-06-03 07:30:46
  • OfStack

This article examples for you to share C language to achieve beautiful fireworks display specific code, for your reference, the specific content is as follows

Program name: bless fireworks, bless friends
Compile environment: VC++6.0 & & easyx(Start of Winter)

#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Mmsystem.h> //  Files that must be included to use the timer 
#pragma comment ( lib, "Winmm.lib" )

/*****  Macro definition area  ******/

#define NUM 13  //  Firework type quantity macro definition 

/*****  Structure-defined region  **********/

//  The fireworks structure 
struct FIRE
 int r;   //  Current explosion radius 
 int max_r;  //  Maximum radius from the explosion center to the edge 
 int x, y;  //  The coordinates of the explosion center in the window 
 int cen_x, cen_y; //  The coordinates of the center of the explosion relative to the upper left corner of the image 
 int width, height; //  The width and height of the picture 
 int xy[240][240]; //  Save image pixels 

 bool show;  //  Whether the blossom 
 bool draw;  //  Start outputting pixels 
 DWORD t1, t2, dt; //  Bloom speed 

//  Smoke bomb structure 
struct JET
 int x, y;  //  Ejector coordinates 
 int hx, hy;  //  Highest point coordinates ------ Will be assigned to  FIRE  The inside of the  x, y
 int height;  //  Fireworks height 
 bool shoot;  //  Is it possible to launch 

 DWORD t1, t2, dt; //  Rate of fire 
 IMAGE img[2];  //  Store spend playing 1 bright 1 Dark picture 
 byte n : 1;  //  Picture the subscript 

// happy birthday  Artistic word structure 
struct HAPPY  //  storage  Happy Birthday  Art word picture 
 int x, y;  //  The upper-left coordinates of the picture of each word 
 IMAGE img;  //  Save a single word picture 
 static int num;  //  The letter number 
int HAPPY::num = 0;

// For.2012 の die young woman   structure 
struct WISH   //  Scroll blessing image structure 
 int x, y;  //  Picture top left coordinates 
 DWORD t1, t2, dt; //  Picture movement time interval 
 IMAGE img;  //  Store image 
 int dxy;  //  The amount of movement per time 
 byte dir : 1;  //  Limit two scrolling directions 

/****  Function declaration area  ****/

void Init ( int ); //  Initializing fireworks 
void Load (  ); //  Pictures of loading fireworks 
void Shoot (  ); //  Launch the fireworks 
void Chose ( DWORD& ); //  Screening of fireworks 
void Wishing(  ); //  Scroll to bless 
void Style ( DWORD& ); //  Launch the style 
void Show ( DWORD* ); //  Bloom of fireworks 

//  The main function 
void main()
 initgraph( 1200, 800 );
 srand( time(0) );

 //  Playing background music 
 mciSendString( "open ./fire/bk.mp3 alias bk", 0, 0, 0 );
 mciSendString( "play bk repeat", 0, 0, 0 );

 setfillstyle( 0 );
 setfont ( 36, 0, " Regular script " );
 setcolor ( YELLOW );
 outtextxy ( 370, 100, "yy � � __ The factory  .... ^_^" );

 DWORD t1 = timeGetTime(); //  Screen firework timing 
 DWORD st1 = timeGetTime(); //  Play pattern timing 
 DWORD* pMem = GetImageBuffer(); //  Gets the window memory pointer 

 for ( int i = 0; i < NUM; i++ ) //  Initializing fireworks 
 Init( i );
 Load();    //  The picture information of fireworks is loaded into the corresponding structure 
 BeginBatchDraw();   //  Start batch drawing 

 while ( !kbhit() )
 Sleep( 10 );

 //  Random selection  4000  Erase pixels 
 for ( int clr = 0; clr < 1000; clr++ )
  for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
  int px1 = rand() % 1200;
  int py1 = rand() % 800;

  if ( py1 < 799 )  //  To prevent cross-border 
   pMem[py1 * 1200 + px1] = pMem[py1 * 1200 + px1 + 1] = BLACK; //  Erase pixels from the video memory assignment 
 Chose ( t1 ); //  Screening of fireworks 
 Shoot ( ); //  Launch the fireworks 
 Show ( pMem ); //  Bloom of fireworks 
 Wishing ( ); //  Rolling characters 
 Style ( st1 ); //  Figure launch 
 FlushBatchDraw( ); //  Displays all previous drawing actions 

//  Initialize fireworks parameters 
void Init( int i )
 //  The distance from the fireworks center to the edge of the picture and the distance from the fireworks center to the upper left corner of the picture are respectively  (x , y)  Two components 
 int r[13] = { 120, 120, 155, 123, 130, 147, 138, 138, 130, 135, 140, 132, 155 };
 int x[13] = { 120, 120, 110, 117, 110, 93, 102, 102, 110, 105, 100, 108, 110 };
 int y[13] = { 120, 120, 85, 118, 120, 103, 105, 110, 110, 120, 120, 104, 85 };

 /****  Initializing fireworks  *****/

 Fire[i].x = 0;  //  Fireworks center coordinates 
 Fire[i].y = 0;
 Fire[i].width = 240;  //  Image width 
 Fire[i].height = 240;  //  Pictures of high 
 Fire[i].max_r = r[i];  //  The largest radius 
 Fire[i].cen_x = x[i];  //  Center distance from upper left corner 
 Fire[i].cen_y = y[i];
 Fire[i].show = false;  //  Whether the blossom 
 Fire[i].dt = 5;  //  Bloom time interval 
 Fire[i].t1 = timeGetTime();
 Fire[i].r = 0;  //  from  0  Begin to bloom 

 /****  Initializes the smoke bomb  *****/

 Jet[i].x = -240;  //  The upper left corner coordinates of a smoke bomb 
 Jet[i].y = -240;
 Jet[i].hx = -240;  //  Coordinates of highest point of smoke bomb launch 
 Jet[i].hy = -240;
 Jet[i].height = 0;  //  Launch height 
 Jet[i].t1 = timeGetTime();
 Jet[i].dt = rand() % 10; //  Time interval of transmission velocity 
 Jet[i].n = 0;  //  Bullet flash image subscript 
 Jet[i].shoot = false;  //  Whether to launch 

//  Loading pictures 
void Load()
/****  Store the pixel color of the fireworks  ****/
 IMAGE fm, gm;
 loadimage( &fm, "./fire/flower.jpg", 3120, 240 );

 for ( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
 SetWorkingImage( &fm );
 getimage( &gm, i * 240, 0, 240, 240 );
 SetWorkingImage( &gm );

 for ( int a = 0; a < 240; a++ )
  for ( int b = 0; b < 240; b++ )
  Fire[i].xy[a][b] = getpixel( a, b );

/****  Loaded with smoke bombs  ************/
 IMAGE sm;
 loadimage( &sm, "./fire/shoot.jpg", 200, 50 );

 for ( i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
 SetWorkingImage( &sm );
 int n = rand() % 5;

 getimage( &Jet[i].img[0], n * 20, 0, 20, 50 );  //  dark 
 getimage( &Jet[i].img[1], (n + 5) * 20, 0, 20, 50 ); //  bright 

/*****  loading  Happy Birthday  The picture  ********/
 IMAGE hm;
 loadimage( &hm, "./fire/happy.jpg", 689, 115 );
 SetWorkingImage( &hm );

 for ( i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
 Happy[i].x = i * 90;
 Happy[i].y = rand() % 100 + 500;
 getimage( &Happy[i].img, i * 53, 0, 53, 115 );

/*****  loading  For.2012 の die young woman   The picture  *********/
 Wish.x = 0;
 Wish.y = 100;
 Wish.t1 = timeGetTime();
 Wish.dt = 46;
 Wish.dir = 0;
 Wish.dxy = rand() % 8 + 1;
 loadimage( &Wish.img, "./fire/yaojing.jpg", 490, 100 );
 putimage( Wish.x, Wish.y, &Wish.img, SRCINVERT );

 SetWorkingImage(); //  Sets the callback window 

//  in 1 Select the fireworks that can be launched within a certain range, and initialize the launch parameters, output the smoke shells to the screen, play the sound 
void Chose( DWORD& t1 )
 DWORD t2 = timeGetTime();

 if ( t2 - t1 > 100 )
 int n = rand() % 20;

 if ( n < 13 && Jet[n].shoot == false && Fire[n].show == false )
  /****  Reset the smoke bomb and prepare to fire  *****/
  Jet[n].x = rand() % 1200;
  Jet[n].y = rand() % 100 + 600;
  Jet[n].hx = Jet[n].x;
  Jet[n].hy = rand() % 400;
  Jet[n].height = Jet[n].y - Jet[n].hy;
  Jet[n].shoot = true;
  putimage( Jet[n].x, Jet[n].y, &Jet[n].img[Jet[n].n], SRCINVERT );

  /****  Play the sound of each bomb  *****/
  char c1[50], c2[30], c3[30];
  sprintf( c1, "open ./fire/shoot.mp3 alias s%d", n );
  sprintf( c2, "play s%d", n );
  sprintf( c3, "close n%d", n );

  mciSendString( c3, 0, 0, 0 );
  mciSendString( c1, 0, 0, 0 );
  mciSendString( c2, 0, 0, 0 );
 t1 = t2;

//  Scan for smoke bombs and fire 
void Shoot()
 for ( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
 Jet[i].t2 = timeGetTime();

 if ( Jet[i].t2 - Jet[i].t1 > Jet[i].dt && Jet[i].shoot == true )
  /****  The rise of the smoke bomb  *****/
  putimage( Jet[i].x, Jet[i].y, &Jet[i].img[Jet[i].n], SRCINVERT );

  if ( Jet[i].y > Jet[i].hy )
  Jet[i].y -= 5;

  putimage( Jet[i].x, Jet[i].y, &Jet[i].img[Jet[i].n], SRCINVERT );

  /****  Rising to height  3 / 4 , slow down  *****/
  if ( (Jet[i].y - Jet[i].hy) * 4 < Jet[i].height )
  Jet[i].dt = rand() % 4 + 10 ;

  /****  Rise to maximum height  *****/
  if ( Jet[i].y <= Jet[i].hy )
  //  Sound of explosions 
  char c1[50], c2[30], c3[30];
  sprintf( c1, "open ./fire/bomb.wav alias n%d", i );
  sprintf( c2, "play n%d", i );
  sprintf( c3, "close s%d", i );

  mciSendString( c3, 0, 0, 0 );
  mciSendString( c1, 0, 0, 0 );
  mciSendString( c2, 0, 0, 0 );

  putimage( Jet[i].x, Jet[i].y, &Jet[i].img[Jet[i].n], SRCINVERT ); //  Wipe off the smoke bombs 
  Fire[i].x = Jet[i].hx + 10;      //  It exploded in the middle of a cloud of smoke 
  Fire[i].y = Jet[i].hy;      //  Bloom at the highest point 
  Fire[i].show = true;   //  Begin to bloom 
  Jet[i].shoot = false;   //  Stop firing 

  //  Display corresponding letters 
  putimage( Happy[HAPPY::num].x, Happy[HAPPY::num].y, &Happy[HAPPY::num].img, SRCINVERT );

  if ( HAPPY::num > 12 )
   HAPPY::num = 0;
  Jet[i].t1 = Jet[i].t2;

//  Make pictures that move horizontally and vertically 
void Wishing()
 Wish.t2 = timeGetTime();

 if ( Wish.t2 - Wish.t1 > Wish.dt )
 /****  Image movement  *****/
 putimage( Wish.x, Wish.y, &Wish.img, SRCINVERT );

 if ( Wish.dir == 0 )
  Wish.x += Wish.dxy;
  Wish.y -= Wish.dxy;

 putimage( Wish.x, Wish.y, &Wish.img, SRCINVERT );

 /****  Picture out of bounds  *****/
 if ( Wish.x > 1200 || Wish.y < 0 )
  Wish.dir = rand() % 2;  //  Get random direction 

  if ( Wish.dir == 0 )  //  If you move left and right 
  Wish.y = rand() % 700; //  The initial position 
  Wish.x = -490;
  Wish.dxy = rand() % 7 + 1; //  Random motion component 
  else    //  Up and down 
  Wish.dxy = rand() % 7 + 1;
  Wish.x = rand() % 700;
  Wish.y = 800;
 Wish.t1 = Wish.t2;

//  According to figure 
void Style( DWORD& st1 )
 DWORD st2 = timeGetTime();

 if ( st2 - st1 > 266000 ) // 1 The time of the song 
 //  Heart-shaped coordinates 
 int x[13] = { 60, 75, 91, 100, 95, 75, 60, 45, 25, 15, 25, 41, 60 };
 int y[13] = { 65, 53, 40, 22, 5, 4, 20, 4, 5, 22, 40, 53, 65 };
 for ( int i = 0; i < NUM; i++ )
  /****  Regular distribution of smoke bombs  ***/
  Jet[i].x = x[i] * 10;
  Jet[i].y = ( y[i] + 75 ) * 10;
  Jet[i].hx = Jet[i].x;
  Jet[i].hy = y[i] * 10;
  Jet[i].height = Jet[i].y - Jet[i].hy;
  Jet[i].shoot = true;
  Jet[i].dt = 7;
  putimage( Jet[i].x, Jet[i].y, &Jet[i].img[Jet[i].n], SRCINVERT ); //  Display the smoke bomb 

  /****  Set fireworks parameters  ***/
  Fire[i].x = Jet[i].x + 10;
  Fire[i].y = Jet[i].hy;
  Fire[i].show = false;
  Fire[i].r = 0;

  /****  Play the transmitting sound  ***/
  char c1[50], c2[30], c3[30];
  sprintf( c1, "open ./fire/shoot.mp3 alias s%d", i );
  sprintf( c2, "play s%d", i );
  sprintf( c3, "close n%d", i );

  mciSendString( c3, 0, 0, 0 );
  mciSendString( c1, 0, 0, 0 );
  mciSendString( c2, 0, 0, 0 );
 st1 = st2;

//  Bloom of fireworks 
void Show( DWORD* pMem )
 //  Fireworks stage blooming time interval, production of variable speed blooming effect 
 int drt[16] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 25, 25, 25, 25, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55 };

 for ( int i = 0; i < NUM; i++ )
 Fire[i].t2 = timeGetTime();

 //  Increase blast radius, explode fireworks, increase time interval for variable speed effect 
 if ( Fire[i].t2 - Fire[i].t1 > Fire[i].dt && Fire[i].show == true )
  if ( Fire[i].r < Fire[i].max_r )
  Fire[i].dt = drt[Fire[i].r / 10];
  Fire[i].draw = true;

  if ( Fire[i].r >= Fire[i].max_r - 1 )
  Fire[i].draw = false;
  Init( i );
  Fire[i].t1 = Fire[i].t2;

 //  If the cracker is explodable, draw the firework according to the current explosion radius, and the color value is close to black. 
 if ( Fire[i].draw )
  for ( double a = 0; a <= 6.28; a += 0.01 )
  int x1 = (int)( Fire[i].cen_x + Fire[i].r * cos(a) );  //  Coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the image 
  int y1 = (int)( Fire[i].cen_y - Fire[i].r * sin(a) );

  if ( x1 > 0 && x1 < Fire[i].width && y1 > 0 && y1 < Fire[i].height ) //  Output only pixels within the image 
   int b = Fire[i].xy[x1][y1] & 0xff;
   int g = ( Fire[i].xy[x1][y1] >> 8 ) & 0xff;
   int r = ( Fire[i].xy[x1][y1] >> 16 );

   //  The coordinates of fireworks pixels on a window 
   int xx = (int)( Fire[i].x + Fire[i].r * cos(a) );
   int yy = (int)( Fire[i].y - Fire[i].r * sin(a) );

   //  Darker pixels are not outputted to prevent crossing boundaries 
   if ( r > 0x20 && g > 0x20 && b > 0x20 && xx > 0 && xx < 1200 && yy > 0 && yy < 800 )
   pMem[yy * 1200 + xx] = BGR( Fire[i].xy[x1][y1] ); //  Display operation to draw fireworks 
  Fire[i].draw = false;

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