C language linked list to implement the book management system

  • 2020-06-03 07:22:19
  • OfStack

Before referring to the information on the Internet with a linked list to achieve the book management system, including the simple function of adding, deleting, changing and checking as well as borrowing and returning books, I am es1EN6.0 written under a console program, format reference of the Internet. Before you start coding, you need to clear your mind. First of all, we need to determine the main objects in the library system, here I wrote the student object and the book object. Write or draw on a piece of paper what the main attributes are and how they might correspond, depending on the person. With this in mind, you can design data structures for students and books, such as the one I'm using here to store their information. And then you have to think, what do I want, what do I want in addition to the basic additions and deletions? For example, how can I express the relationship between borrowing and returning books? You can use the properties of the book to record the status of the book, whether it has been borrowed, and by whom. This is the main idea, books are added, deleted, changed check through linked list to achieve, of course, can also use array to achieve, but that will waste more space.

// MyLibManSys.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 
// #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" struct book{ int id; char title[20]; char author[20]; double price; char state[20]; int student_id; char student_name[20]; struct book* next; }; struct student{ int id; char name[20]; char sex[10]; char borrow_book[30]; struct student* next; }; void Print_Book(struct book *head_book); void Print_Student(struct student *head_student); struct book *Create_New_Book();/* Create a new library */ struct student *Create_New_Student();/* Create a new student library */ struct book *Insert_Book(struct book *head_book,struct book *new_book);/* Add books, one by one */ //void Insert_Book(struct book *head_book,struct book *new_book);/* Add books, one by one */ // The argument of the function is 1 Do not change the address of the pointer inside the body of the function. It has no effect. Only what the pointer points to needs to be changed. That is, Pointers should be treated as constants struct student *Insert_Student(struct student *head_student,struct student *new_student);/* Add students, one by one */ struct book *Search_Book_ById(int id,struct book *head_book); struct book *Search_Book_ByTitle(char *title,struct book *head_book); struct book *Search_Book_ByPrice(double price_h,double price_l,struct book *head_book); //bool Delete_Book(int id,book* head_book); struct book* Delete_Book(int id,book* head_book); struct student *Search_Student(int id,struct student *head_student); struct student* Delete_Student(int id,student* head_student); void Lent_Book(int id,int student_id,struct book *head_book,struct student *head_student); void Back_Book(int id,int student_id,struct book *head_book,struct student *head_student); int main() { struct book* head_book,*p_book; struct student* head_student, *p_student; int choice, f, id, student_id; int m = 1; char name[20],sex[10]; char title[20]; double price_h,price_l,price; char author[20]; int size_book=sizeof(struct book); int size_student=sizeof(struct student); printf("\n Welcome to the first 1 Second access to the library management system !\n\n"); printf("----->[ The wizard ]----->[ New library ]\n\n"); printf(" Pay attention to : When entering the book number as 0 when , Through to the next 1 step .\n\n"); head_book=Create_New_Book(); system("cls"); //Print_Book(head_book); printf("\n Welcome to the first 1 Second access to the library management system !\n\n"); printf("----->[ The wizard ]----->[ New membership Library ]\n\n"); printf(" Pay attention to : When entering the member student number is 0 when , Go to the main menu .\n\n"); head_student=Create_New_Student(); system("cls"); //Print_Student(head_student); do{ printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\t\t\t[1]: Borrow books for \t");printf(" [6]: Return the book to deal with \n"); printf("\n"); printf("\t\t\t[2]: Query book \t");printf(" [7]: Query students \n"); printf("\t\t\t[3]: Add books \t");printf(" [8]: Add the student \n"); printf("\t\t\t[4]: Delete books \t");printf(" [9]: Delete the student \n"); printf("\t\t\t[5]: Through books \t");printf("[10]: Traverse the students \n\n"); printf("\t\t\t Because of, because of, because of \n\n"); printf("\t\t\t0: exit \n\n"); printf(" Please select a <0~10>:"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice){ case 0: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf("\n Thank you for your use !\n\n"); break; case 1: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf(" Enter the borrowed book number :\n"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" Input and borrow student id: \n"); scanf("%d",&student_id); Lent_Book(id,student_id,head_book,head_student); break; case 2: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf("1. Query by number \n\n"); printf("2. Query by name \n\n"); printf("3. Query by price range \n\n"); printf("0. Back to the main menu \n\n"); printf(" Please select a :"); scanf("%d",&f); if(f==1){ printf(" Please enter the inquiry book number :"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" The relevant information is as follows :\n\n"); head_book=Search_Book_ById(id,head_book); break; } else if(f==2){ getchar(); printf(" Please enter the name of the inquiry book :"); gets(title); printf(" The relevant information is as follows :\n\n"); head_book=Search_Book_ByTitle(title,head_book); break; } else if(f==3){ printf(" Please enter the highest price :"); scanf("%lf",&price_h); printf(" Please enter the lowest price :"); scanf("%lf",&price_l); printf(" The relevant information is as follows :\n\n"); head_book=Search_Book_ByPrice(price_h,price_l,head_book); break; } else if(f==0){ break; } break; case 3: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf(" Please enter the book number :"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" Please enter the name of the book :"); scanf("%s",title); printf(" Please enter the author's name :"); scanf("%s",author); printf(" Please enter the unit price :"); scanf("%lf",&price); printf("\n"); struct book *ptr_b; for(ptr_b=head_book;ptr_b;ptr_b=ptr_b->next) { if(ptr_b->id==id) { printf(" This numbered book already exists \n"); m=0; break; } } if(m){ p_book=(struct book *)malloc(size_book); strcpy(p_book->title,title); p_book->id=id; p_book->price=price; p_book->student_id=-1; strcpy(p_book->author,author); strcpy(p_book->state," There are "); strcpy(p_book->student_name," To be determined "); // head_book=Insert_Book(head_book,p_book); Insert_Book(head_book,p_book); printf("\n Add book success !\n\n"); } break; case 4: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf(" Enter the delete book number :\n"); scanf("%d",&id); /*if(Delete_Book(id,head_book)){ printf("\n Book deletion successful !\n\n"); }else{ printf(" Delete failed "); }*/ head_book = Delete_Book(id,head_book); break; case 5: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); Print_Book(head_book); break; case 6: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf(" Enter the return book number :\n"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" Input and return student id: \n"); scanf("%d",&student_id); Back_Book(id,student_id,head_book,head_student); break; case 7: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf(" Please enter the student id :"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" The relevant information is as follows :\n\n"); head_student=Search_Student(id,head_student); break; case 8: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf(" Please enter the student number :"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" Please enter the student's name :"); scanf("%s",name); printf(" Please enter student gender :"); scanf("%s",sex); printf("\n"); struct student *ptr_s; for(ptr_s=head_student;ptr_s;ptr_s=ptr_s->next) { if(ptr_s->id==id) { printf(" This student number already exists \n"); m=0; break; } } if(m){ p_student=(struct student *)malloc(size_student); p_student->id=id; strcpy(p_student->name,name); strcpy(p_student->sex,sex); strcpy(p_student->borrow_book," There is no "); head_student=Insert_Student(head_student,p_student); printf("\n Add Student success !\n\n"); } break; case 9: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); printf(" Enter delete student id :\n"); scanf("%d",&id); head_student = Delete_Student(id,head_student); break; case 10: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t Jewelry Book management system \n\n"); Print_Student(head_student); } }while(choice!=0); return 0; } struct book *Create_New_Book(){ struct book *head_book,*p_book; int id, tag; double price; char title[20],author[20]; int size_book=sizeof(struct book); head_book=NULL; printf(" Please enter the book number :"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" Please enter the name of the book :"); scanf("%s",title); printf(" Please enter the author's name :"); scanf("%s",author); printf(" Please enter the unit price :"); scanf("%lf",&price); printf("\n"); while(true){ p_book=(struct book *)malloc(size_book); strcpy(p_book->title,title); p_book->id=id; p_book->price=price; p_book->student_id=-1; strcpy(p_book->author,author); strcpy(p_book->state," There are "); strcpy(p_book->student_name," To be determined "); head_book=Insert_Book(head_book,p_book); printf(" Do you want to continue? Continue to input 1 , press any key to exit \n"); scanf("%d",&tag); if(tag!=1){ break; } printf(" Please enter the book number :"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" Please enter the name of the book :"); scanf("%s",title); printf(" Please enter the author's name :"); scanf("%s",author); printf(" Please enter the unit price :"); scanf("%lf",&price); printf("\n"); } return head_book; } struct student *Create_New_Student(){ struct student *head_student,*p_student; int id, tag; char sex[10]; char name[20]; int size_student=sizeof(struct student); head_student=NULL; printf(" Please enter the student number :"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" Please enter the student's name :"); scanf("%s",name); printf(" Please enter student gender :"); scanf("%s",sex); printf("\n"); while(true){ p_student=(struct student *)malloc(size_student); p_student->id=id; strcpy(p_student->name,name); strcpy(p_student->sex,sex); strcpy(p_student->borrow_book," There is no "); head_student=Insert_Student(head_student,p_student); printf(" Do you want to continue? Continue to input 1 , press any key to exit \n"); scanf("%d",&tag); if(tag!=1){ break; } printf(" Please enter the student number :"); scanf("%d",&id); printf(" Please enter the student's name :"); scanf("%s",name); printf(" Please enter student gender :"); scanf("%s",sex); printf("\n"); } return head_student; } struct book *Insert_Book(struct book *head_book,struct book *new_book){ struct book *p,*q; p=q=head_book; if(head_book==NULL){ // One-way linked list is empty head_book=new_book; new_book->next = NULL; }else{ while((new_book->id>p->id)&&(p->next!=NULL)){ q = p; p = p->next; } if(new_book->id<=p->id){ new_book->next=p; if(head_book==p) head_book=new_book; else q->next = new_book; }else{ p->next=new_book; new_book->next=NULL; } } return head_book; }; struct student *Insert_Student(struct student *head_student,struct student *new_student){ struct student *p,*q; p=q=head_student; if(head_student==NULL){ // One-way linked list is empty head_student=new_student; new_student->next = NULL; }else{ while((new_student->id>p->id)&&(p->next!=NULL)){ q = p; p = p->next; } if(new_student->id<=p->id){ new_student->next=p; if(head_student==p) head_student=new_student; else q->next = new_student; }else{ p->next=new_student; new_student->next=NULL; } } return head_student; } struct book *Search_Book_ById(int id,struct book *head_book){ struct book *ptr_book = head_book; int flag=0; while(ptr_book!=NULL) { if(ptr_book->id==id){ printf(" Book number :%d\n",ptr_book->id); printf(" The name of the book :%s\n",ptr_book->title); printf(" The book cost :%.2lf\n",ptr_book->price); printf(" The book the author :%s\n",ptr_book->author); printf(" Existing state :%s\n",ptr_book->state); printf(" Name of borrower :%s\n",ptr_book->student_name); printf(" Student id :%d\n",ptr_book->student_id); printf("\n"); flag++; } if(flag>0) { break; } ptr_book = ptr_book->next; } if(flag==0){ printf(" No information about this book is available !\n\n"); } return head_book; }; struct book *Search_Book_ByTitle(char *title,struct book *head_book){ struct book *ptr_book = head_book; int flag=0; while(ptr_book!=NULL) { if(strcmp(ptr_book->title,title)==0){ printf(" Book number :%d\n",ptr_book->id); printf(" The name of the book :%s\n",ptr_book->title); printf(" The book cost :%.2lf\n",ptr_book->price); printf(" The book the author :%s\n",ptr_book->author); printf(" Existing state :%s\n",ptr_book->state); printf(" Name of borrower :%s\n",ptr_book->student_name); printf(" Student id :%d\n",ptr_book->student_id); printf("\n"); flag++; } if(flag>0) { break; } ptr_book = ptr_book->next; } if(flag==0){ printf(" No information about this book is available !\n\n"); } return head_book; }; struct book *Search_Book_ByPrice(double price_h,double price_l,struct book *head_book){ struct book *ptr_book = head_book; int flag=0; while(ptr_book!=NULL) { if(ptr_book->price>=price_l&&ptr_book->price<=price_h){ printf(" Book number :%d\n",ptr_book->id); printf(" The name of the book :%s\n",ptr_book->title); printf(" The book cost :%.2lf\n",ptr_book->price); printf(" The book the author :%s\n",ptr_book->author); printf(" Existing state :%s\n",ptr_book->state); printf(" Name of borrower :%s\n",ptr_book->student_name); printf(" Student id :%d\n",ptr_book->student_id); printf("\n"); flag++; } ptr_book = ptr_book->next; } if(flag==0){ printf(" No information about this book is available !\n\n"); } return head_book; } /*bool Delete_Book(int id,book* head_book){ bool flag=true; struct book *p,*q; p=q=head_book; if(p->id==id&&p->next==NULL){ head_book=NULL; } while(p->id!=id&&p->next!=NULL){ q=p; p=p->next; } if(p->id==id){ if(p==head_book){ head_book=p->next; }else{ q->next=p->next; } free(p); }else{ flag=false; printf(" Can't find the book "); } return flag; };*/ struct book* Delete_Book(int id,book* head_book){ bool flag=true; struct book *p,*q; p=q=head_book; while(p->id!=id&&p->next!=NULL){ q=p; p=p->next; } if(p->id==id){ if(p==head_book){ head_book=p->next; }else{ q->next=p->next; } free(p); printf(" Delete successful! \n"); }else{ flag=false; printf(" Can't find the book "); } return head_book; }; struct student* Delete_Student(int id,student* head_student){ bool flag=true; struct student *p,*q; p=q=head_student; while(p->id!=id&&p->next!=NULL){ q=p; p=p->next; } if(p->id==id){ if(p==head_student){ head_student=p->next; }else{ q->next=p->next; } free(p); printf(" Delete successful! \n"); }else{ flag=false; printf(" The student could not be found "); } return head_student; }; struct student *Search_Student(int id,struct student *head_student){ struct student *ptr_student = head_student; int flag=0; while(ptr_student!=NULL) { if(ptr_student->id==id){ printf(" Student id :%d\n",ptr_student->id); printf(" The name :%s\n",ptr_student->name); printf(" gender :%s\n",ptr_student->sex); printf(" Borrow books :%s\n",ptr_student->borrow_book); printf("\n"); flag++; } if(flag>0) { break; } ptr_student = ptr_student->next; } if(flag==0){ printf(" This student information is not available !\n\n"); } return head_student; }; void Lent_Book(int id,int student_id,struct book *head_book,struct student *head_student){ struct book* p=head_book; struct student* q=head_student; if(p==NULL||q==NULL){ printf(" Books or students do not exist \n"); return; } while(p!=NULL&&q!=NULL){ if(p->id!=id){ p=p->next; } if(q->id!=student_id){ q=q->next; } if(p->id==id&&q->id==student_id){ break; } } if(p==NULL||q==NULL){ printf(" Books or students do not exist \n"); return; }else{ if(strcmp(p->state," There are ")!=0){ printf(" The book is out ! I'm sorry !"); return; }else{ p->student_id=student_id; strcpy(p->student_name,q->name); strcpy(q->borrow_book,p->title); strcpy(p->state," Has borrowed "); printf(" Successfully loaned !/n"); } } }; void Back_Book(int id,int student_id,struct book *head_book,struct student *head_student){ struct book* p=head_book; struct student* q=head_student; if(p==NULL||q==NULL){ printf(" Books or students do not exist \n"); return; } while(p!=NULL&&q!=NULL){ if(p->id!=id){ p=p->next; } if(q->id!=student_id){ q=q->next; } if(p->id==id&&q->id==student_id){ break; } } if(p==NULL||q==NULL){ printf(" Books or students do not exist \n"); return; }else{ if(strcmp(p->state," There are ")==0){ printf(" The book did not lend ! I'm sorry !"); return; }else{ p->student_id=-1; strcpy(p->student_name," To be determined "); strcpy(q->borrow_book," There is no "); strcpy(p->state," There are "); printf(" Returned successfully !/n"); } } }; void Print_Book(struct book *head_book){ struct book* p=head_book; if(p==NULL){ printf("\n No record \n\n"); return; } printf("\n Book number \t The name of the book \t The book cost \t The book the author \n\n"); while (p!=NULL) { printf("%d\t\t%s\t\t%.2lf\t\t%s\n\n",p->id,p->title,p->price,p->author); p = p->next; } } void Print_Student(struct student *head_student){ struct student* p=head_student; if(p==NULL){ printf("\n No record \n\n"); return; } printf("\n The student's name \t Students' gender \t Student student id \n\n"); while (p!=NULL) { printf("%s\t\t%s\t\t%d\n",p->name,p->sex,p->id); p = p->next; } }

The code can be run directly, here I display directly on the console, if you want to read from a file and write student and book information to a file, you just need to change the corresponding printf and scanf sections to file operations. I wrote this a long time ago, but I'm not going to go through the details of the functions and the functions. Welcome your discussion and guidance.

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