An example of balanced binary tree (AVL tree) for C language data structures

  • 2020-06-03 07:21:15
  • OfStack

An example of C language data structure is presented in this paper. To share for your reference, specific as follows:

AVL tree is a two-pronged search tree where the height difference between the left and right subtrees of each node is at most one.

To maintain the tree, you must detect the presence of a broken tree structure at both insert and delete times. Then adjust immediately.

I have been looking at all kinds of AVL trees on the Internet for a long time.

The key is to understand the concept of rotation when inserting.

// AvlTree.h
// HelloWorld
// Created by feiyin001 on 17/1/9.
// Copyright (c) 2017 years  FableGame. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __HelloWorld__AvlTree__
#define __HelloWorld__AvlTree__
#include <iostream>
namespace Fable
  int max(int a, int b)
    return a > b? a:b;
  //2 Cross find the tree, for Comparable, It has to happen ><= The comparison of 
  template<typename Comparable>
  class AvlTree
    // The constructor 
    // Copy constructor 
    AvlTree(const AvlTree& rhs)
      root = clone(rhs.root);
    // The destructor 
    // Copy assignment operator 
    const AvlTree& operator=(const AvlTree& rhs)
      if (this != &rhs)
        makeEmpty(root);// To clear 
        root = clone(rhs.root);// copied 
      return *this;
    // Find the smallest object 
    const Comparable& findMin()const
    // Find the largest object 
    const Comparable& findMax()const
    // Contains an object 
    bool contains(const Comparable& x)const
      return contains(x, root);
    // The tree is empty 
    bool isEmpty()const
      return root == nullptr;
    // Print the entire tree 
    void printTree()const
    // Empty the tree 
    void makeEmpty()
    // Insert an object 
    void insert(const Comparable& x)
      insert(x, root);
    // Remove an object 
    void remove(const Comparable& x)
      remove(x, root);
    struct AvlNode
      Comparable element;
      AvlNode* left;
      AvlNode* right;
      int height;
      AvlNode(const Comparable& theElement, AvlNode* lt, AvlNode* rt, int h = 0)
      :element(theElement), left(lt), right(rt), height(h){}
    typedef AvlNode* AvlNodePtr;
    AvlNodePtr root;// The root node 
    // Clockwise rotation 
    void clockwiseRotate(AvlNodePtr& a)
      AvlNodePtr b = a->left;// Left the leaves 
      a->left = b->right;//a Of the left leaf b Of the right leaf, b The ratio of all the children a Small. 
      b->right = a;//b The right node points to a . b The height of theta has risen. 
      a->height = max(height(a->left), height(a->right)) + 1;// recalculate a The height of the 
      b->height = max(height(b->left), a->height) + 1;// recalculate b The height of the 
      a = b;//a Theta is now theta b , the current root 
    // Counterclockwise rotation 
    void antiClockWiseRotate(AvlNodePtr& a)
      AvlNodePtr b = a->right;// Right node 
      a->right = b->left;//a receive b The left node 
      b->left = a;// To become b The left node 
      a->height = max(height(a->left), height(a->right)) + 1;// Calculate height 
      b->height = max(b->height, height(a->right)) + 1;// Calculate height 
      a = b;// New root 
    // Double rotation of the left node 
    void doubleWithLeftChild(AvlNodePtr& k3)
      antiClockWiseRotate(k3->left);// Rotate the left node counterclockwise 
      clockwiseRotate(k3);// Rotate itself clockwise 
    // Double rotation of the right node 
    void doubleWithRightChild(AvlNodePtr& k3)
      clockwiseRotate(k3->right);// Rotate the nodes clockwise 
      antiClockWiseRotate(k3);// Rotate itself counterclockwise 
    // Insert object, where reference is used 
    void insert(const Comparable& x, AvlNodePtr& t)
      if (!t)
        t = new AvlNode(x, nullptr, nullptr);
      else if (x < t->element)
        insert(x, t->left);// It's smaller than the root. Insert to the left 
        if (height(t->left) - height(t->right) == 2)// Height difference reach 2 the 
          if (x < t->left->element)// Insert the left side 
            clockwiseRotate(t);// Clockwise rotation 
            doubleWithLeftChild(t);// Double rotation 
      else if (x > t->element)
        insert(x, t->right);// Bigger than the root, insert to the right 
        if (height(t->right) - height(t->left) == 2)// Height difference reach 2
          if (t->right->element < x)// Insert the right 
            antiClockWiseRotate(t);// rotating 
            doubleWithRightChild(t);// Double rotation 
        // The same 
      t->height = max(height(t->left), height(t->right)) + 1;// Calculate the height of the node 
    void removeMin(AvlNodePtr& x, AvlNodePtr& t)const
      if (!t)
        return;// Can't find 
      if (t->left)
        removeMin(t->left);// I'm using recursion 
        // We found the smallest node 
        x->element = t->element;
        AvlNodePtr oldNode = t;
        t = t->right;
        delete oldNode;// Delete the node you want to delete 
      if (t)
        t->height = max(height(t->left), height(t->right)) + 1;// Calculate the height of the node 
        if(height(t->left) - height(t->right) == 2)
        { // If the left son is taller than the right son 
          if(height(t->left->left) >= height(t->left->right))// And the left son's left subtree height is greater than the left son's right subtree height 
            clockwiseRotate(t); // Clockwise rotation 
            doubleWithLeftChild(t);// Double rotate the left subtree 
          if(height(t->right->right) - height(t->right->left) == 2) // If the right subtree is greater than the left 
            antiClockWiseRotate(t);// Counterclockwise rotation 
            doubleWithRright(t);// Double rotate the right subtree 
    // To delete an object, a reference must be made 
    void remove(const Comparable& x, AvlNodePtr& t)const
      if (!t)
        return;// The tree is empty 
      else if (x < t->element)
        remove(x, t->left);// Smaller than the root, go to the left 
      else if (x > t->element)
        remove(x, t->right);// Bigger than the root, go to the right 
      else if (!t->left && !t->right)// We've found the node. We have two leaves 
        removeMin(t, t->right);// The choice here is to delete the smallest node in the right subtree 
        AvlNodePtr oldNode = t;
        t = (t->left) ? t->left : t->right;// When I get here, t Only up to 1 A leaf, will t Point to the leaf 
        delete oldNode;// Delete the node you want to delete 
      if (t)
        t->height = max(height(t->left), height(t->right)) + 1;// Calculate the height of the node 
        if(height(t->left) - height(t->right) == 2)
        { // If the left son is taller than the right son 
          if(height(t->left->left) >= height(t->left->right))// And the left son's left subtree height is greater than the left son's right subtree height 
            clockwiseRotate(t); // Clockwise rotation 
            doubleWithLeftChild(t);// Double rotate the left subtree 
          if(height(t->right->right) - height(t->right->left) == 2) // If the right subtree is greater than the left 
            antiClockWiseRotate(t);// Counterclockwise rotation 
            doubleWithRright(t);// Double rotate the right subtree 
    // The node of the left subtree must be smaller than the current root, so 1 Look straight to the left 
    AvlNodePtr findMin(AvlNodePtr t)const
      if (!t)
        return nullptr;// Can't find 
      if (!t->left)
        return t;
      return findMin(t->left);// I'm using recursion 
    // The node of the right subtree must be larger than the current root, so 1 Go straight to the right 
    AvlNodePtr findMax(AvlNodePtr t)const
      if (t)
        while (t->right)// A loop is used 
          t = t->right;
      return t;
    // Determine whether an object is included or not, because you are using recursion, so there is 1 a public Version of the 
    bool contains(const Comparable& x, AvlNodePtr t)const
      if (!t)
        return false;// The empty nodes 
      else if (x < t->element)
        // According to the 2 The definition of a cross tree, an object smaller than a node, must only exist in the subtree to the left of that node 
        return contains(x, t->left);
      else if (x > t->element)
        // According to the 2 The definition of a cross tree, an object larger than a node, must only exist in a subtree to the right of that node 
        return contains(x, t->right);
        // If it's equal, it's found. 
        return true;
    // Qing loophole tree 
    void makeEmpty(AvlNodePtr& t)
      if (t)
        makeEmpty(t->left);// The left empty 
        makeEmpty(t->right);// To empty the right 
        delete t;// Release itself 
      t = nullptr;// Set to null 
    // Typing subtree, where no complex ranking is used, is just printing 
    void printTree(AvlNodePtr t)const
      if (!t)
      std::cout << t->element << std::endl;// Output its own object 
      printTree(t->left);// Print the left subtree 
      printTree(t->right);// Print the right subtree 
    AvlNodePtr clone(AvlNodePtr t)const
      if (!t)
        return nullptr;
      return new AvlNode(t->element, clone(t->left), clone(t->right));
    int height(AvlNodePtr t)const
      return t == nullptr ? -1 : t->height;

Simple test 1.

// AvlTree.cpp
// HelloWorld
// Created by feiyin001 on 17/1/9.
// Copyright (c) 2017 years  FableGame. All rights reserved.
#include "AvlTree.h"
using namespace Fable;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  AvlTree<int> a;
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
  return 0;

This deletion method is completely self-written and may not be very efficient.

I hope this article has been helpful to the C language programming.

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