Implementation of C++ to read the header data of WAV audio files

  • 2020-06-01 10:27:03
  • OfStack

Implementation of C++ to read the header data of WAV audio files


Here to share 1 of their own experience, hope to share with you 1 technology, if you have any shortcomings, please correct. Writing this article, I hope you can grow up together. I also believe that there is no high or low technology, only complementary, only sharing, to make each other more growth.

Implementation code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
using std::string;
using std::fstream;
typedef struct WAV_HEADER{
  char        RIFF[4];    // RIFF Header   Magic header
  unsigned long    ChunkSize;   // RIFF Chunk Size 
  char        WAVE[4];    // WAVE Header   
  char        fmt[4];     // FMT header    
  unsigned long    Subchunk1Size; // Size of the fmt chunk                
  unsigned short   AudioFormat;  // Audio format 1=PCM,6=mulaw,7=alaw, 257=IBM Mu-Law, 258=IBM A-Law, 259=ADPCM 
  unsigned short   NumOfChan;   // Number of channels 1=Mono 2=Sterio          
  unsigned long    SamplesPerSec; // Sampling Frequency in Hz               
  unsigned long    bytesPerSec;  // bytes per second 
  unsigned short   blockAlign;   // 2=16-bit mono, 4=16-bit stereo 
  unsigned short   bitsPerSample; // Number of bits per sample   
  char        Subchunk2ID[4]; // "data" string  
  unsigned long    Subchunk2Size; // Sampled data length  
// Function prototypes 
int getFileSize(FILE *inFile); 
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
  wav_hdr wavHeader;
  FILE *wavFile;
  int headerSize = sizeof(wav_hdr),filelength = 0;
  string answer;
    string input;
    string answer;
    const char* filePath;
    cout << "Pick wav file from the Windows Media File: ";
    cin >> input;
    cout << endl;
    path = "C:\\Windows\\Media\\" + input + ".wav";
    filePath = path.c_str();
    wavFile = fopen( filePath , "r" );
    if(wavFile == NULL){
      printf("Can not able to open wave file\n");
    filelength = getFileSize(wavFile);
    cout << "File is          :" << filelength << " bytes." << endl;
    cout << "RIFF header        :" << wavHeader.RIFF[0] 
                        << wavHeader.RIFF[1] 
                        << wavHeader.RIFF[2] 
                        << wavHeader.RIFF[3] << endl;
    cout << "WAVE header        :" << wavHeader.WAVE[0] 
                        << wavHeader.WAVE[1] 
                        << wavHeader.WAVE[2] 
                        << wavHeader.WAVE[3] 
                        << endl;
    cout << "FMT            :" << wavHeader.fmt[0] 
                        << wavHeader.fmt[1] 
                        << wavHeader.fmt[2] 
                        << wavHeader.fmt[3] 
                        << endl;
    cout << "Data size         :" << wavHeader.ChunkSize << endl;
    // Display the sampling Rate form the header
    cout << "Sampling Rate       :" << wavHeader.SamplesPerSec << endl;
    cout << "Number of bits used    :" << wavHeader.bitsPerSample << endl;
    cout << "Number of channels     :" << wavHeader.NumOfChan << endl;
    cout << "Number of bytes per second :" << wavHeader.bytesPerSec << endl;
    cout << "Data length        :" << wavHeader.Subchunk2Size << endl;
    cout << "Audio Format        :" << wavHeader.AudioFormat << endl;
    // Audio format 1=PCM,6=mulaw,7=alaw, 257=IBM Mu-Law, 258=IBM A-Law, 259=ADPCM 
    cout << "Block align        :" << wavHeader.blockAlign << endl;
    cout << "Data string        :" << wavHeader.Subchunk2ID[0] 
                        << wavHeader.Subchunk2ID[1]
                        << wavHeader.Subchunk2ID[2] 
                        << wavHeader.Subchunk2ID[3] 
                        << endl;
    cout << endl << endl << "Try something else? (y/n)";
    cin >> answer;
    cout << endl << endl;
  }while( answer == "y" );
  return 0;
// find the file size 
int getFileSize(FILE *inFile){
  int fileSize = 0;
  return fileSize;

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