In depth understanding of class and typename in c++ templates

  • 2020-05-26 09:40:00
  • OfStack


The borrowed "Effective STL" has been on the shelf for a long time. Considering that during this period of time, I was either writing lua to do business or learning android to prepare for business, I haven't seen c++ for a long time. In order not to lose the old shop, also in order to hurry to return the book to more people to read. I decided to start over and read it.

The difference between class and typename is used in templates

I hadn't turned the page for a few pages when I saw this code. In the impression last time also saw here 1 now did not understand, also specially searched. And I forgot it when I tried it again. As expected, a good memory is not as good as a rotten pen, write a blog mark1.

This is where the author declares templates using typename instead of class. In general, using typename or class is just a matter of coding style. However, when dealing with a dependent type (dependent type), typename must be used instead of class in order to avoid the potential precautionary parsing 2 semantics.

template<typename C>
bool lastGreaterThanFirst(const C& container)
 if(container.empty()) return false;

 typename C::const_iterator begin(container.begin());
 typename C::const_iterator end(container.end());
 return *--end > *begin;

The key here is these two lines:

typename C::const_iterator begin(container.begin());
typename C::const_iterator end(container.end());

If the typename keyword is not used

template<typename C>
bool lastGreaterThanFirst(const C& container)
 if(container.empty()) return false;

 C::const_iterator begin(container.begin());
 C::const_iterator end(container.end());
 return *--end > *begin;

(" Effective STL "points out that some compilers mistakenly accept code without typename, but such code is not portable):

test.cpp:6:2: error: missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name 'C::const_iterator'
 C::const_iterator begin(container.begin());
test.cpp:7:2: error: missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name 'C::const_iterator'
 C::const_iterator end(container.end());
2 errors generated.

If you are using class here instead of typename you will report an error:

test.cpp:8:11: error: elaborated type refers to a typedef
 class C::const_iterator begin(container.begin());
test.cpp:15:2: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'lastGreaterThanFirst<std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> > >' requested here
/Applications/ note: declared here
 typedef __wrap_iter<const_pointer>  const_iterator;
1 error generated.

Why do you need typename for dependent types

So let's do this step by step.


When you look at the code above, what do you think foo is? The first reaction is going to be a static member variable of ClassA, right?

So when you go back and you see the code below, what is a?

ClassA::foo a;

a is a variable of type ClassA::foo,ClassA::foo is an inner class:

class ClassA {
 class foo {

Or one typedef inside ClassA:

class ClassA {
 typedef int foo;

When foo is an inner class of ClassA or an inner typedef,foo is a dependent type.

For C::const_iterator,const_iterator may be a static member variable of C or a dependent type of C. By default, the compiler resolves it to a variable, so typename needs to tell the compiler that it is a type:

typename C::const_iterator begin(container.begin());

A special case of typename is not required when a dependent type occurs

There is no need to use the typename keyword to indicate that a dependent type is of type 1 when encountering a list of base classes that appear in the class template definition:

typename C::const_iterator begin(container.begin());
typename C::const_iterator end(container.end());

Because there must be one type in the base class list.


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