C++ implements an instance of a static single linked list

  • 2020-05-24 05:53:24
  • OfStack

C++ implements instances of static single linked lists

The use of array to achieve static single linked list, and yan weimin book implementation is slightly different, do not set a recovery space. If you have any BUG or mistake, please give me more feedback. Thank you very much

/* Author : Moyiii 
 * Mail: lc09@vip.qq.com 
 *  Static linked list implementation, for learning purposes only, of course if  
 *  You can use it if you want.  
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
#define MAX_LIST_SIZE 100 
class Node 
  int data; 
  int cur; 
class SLinkList 
  // It's not that different from a normal linear list. Except for two distributions  
  // And the recovery node space function, the specific algorithm please refer to the textbook or  
  // The network information  
  int newNode(); 
  bool deleteNode(int pos); 
  bool insertElem(int pos, int elem); 
  bool deleteElem(int pos); 
  int& getElem(int pos); 
  int getLength(); 
  bool isEmpty(); 
  void print(); 
  void clear(); 
  int head;// You don't have to do that. Default is equal to 0 
  int space; 
  int length; 
  Node *elems; 
SLinkList :: SLinkList() 
  // 0 The number position is the first few points, can not be changed, the initial point itself  
  //  from 1~MAXLENGTH Is an assignable node, originally created by space management  
  elems = new Node[MAX_LIST_SIZE]; 
    cout << "Malloc failed!" << endl; 
  head = space = length = 0; 
  for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIST_SIZE; ++i) 
    elems[i].data = i; 
    elems[i].cur = i + 1; 
  elems[MAX_LIST_SIZE - 1].cur = 0; 
  elems[0].cur = 0; 
  space = 1; 
// from space Remove from the linked list of alternate nodes to point to 1 A node  
int SLinkList :: newNode() 
  if(space == 0) 
    cout << "Space is full!" << endl; 
    return 0; 
  int pos = space; 
  space = elems[space].cur; 
  elems[pos].cur = 0; 
  return pos; 
// Recovery node space  
bool SLinkList :: deleteNode(int pos) 
  if(pos == 0) 
    cout << "Free space Error!" << endl; 
    return false; 
  elems[pos].cur = space; 
  space = pos; 
  return true; 
// Insert the node, the idea is similar, to find the deleted node before 1 A node  
// And then change the direction  
bool SLinkList :: insertElem(int pos, int elem) 
  if(length == MAX_LIST_SIZE) 
    cout << "Space is Full" << endl; 
    return false; 
  if(pos < 1 || pos > length + 1) 
    cout << "Insert Over Bound" << endl; 
    return false; 
  int index = head; 
  for(int i = 1; i <= pos - 1; ++i) 
    index = elems[index].cur; 
  int node = newNode(); 
  if(node == 0) 
    cout << "Space malloc failed" << endl; 
    return false; 
  elems[node].data = elem; 
  elems[node].cur = elems[index].cur; 
  elems[index].cur = node; 
  return true; 
//1 Yes, be careful to recycle the deleted nodes to space 
bool SLinkList :: deleteElem(int pos) 
  if(pos < 1 || pos > length) 
    cout << "Delete Node over Bound!" << endl; 
    return false; 
  int index = head; 
  for(int i = 1; i <= pos - 1; ++i) 
    index = elems[index].cur; 
  int node = elems[index].cur; 
  elems[index].cur = elems[node].cur; 
  return true; 
void SLinkList :: print() 
  int index = elems[head].cur; 
  while(index != 0) 
    cout << elems[index].data << " "; 
    index = elems[index].cur; 
  cout << endl; 
int SLinkList :: getLength() 
  return length; 
bool SLinkList :: isEmpty() 
  if(length == 0) 
    return true; 
    return false; 
int& SLinkList :: getElem(int pos) 
  int index = head; 
  for(int i = 1; i <= pos; ++i) 
    index = elems[index].cur; 
  return elems[index].data; 
void SLinkList :: clear() 
  for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIST_SIZE; ++i) 
    elems[i].data = i; 
    elems[i].cur = i + 1; 
  elems[MAX_LIST_SIZE - 1].cur = 0; 
  elems[0].cur = 0; 
  space = 1; 
int main() 
  // Test the data to see if the insert and delete Spaces overflow  
  SLinkList myList; 
  for(int i = 1; i <= 105; ++i) 
  for(int i = 1; i <= 105; ++i) 
  // Common test  
  for(int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) 
  cout << "Length= " << myList.getLength() <<endl; 
  cout << "Length= " << myList.getLength() <<endl; 
  cout << myList.isEmpty() << endl; 
  int &elem = myList.getElem(3); 
  elem = 99; 
  return 0; 

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