C++ implements the method of reordering single linked list by k value

  • 2020-05-19 05:15:02
  • OfStack

This article illustrates an example of how C++ can reorder a single linked list by k values. I will share it with you for your reference as follows:

Title requirements:

Given a 1 - chain header node, the node value type is integer.
Now give 1 integer k, and order the list according to k to be less than k, equal to k, and more than one list of k.
The order of nodes in a part is not required.

Algorithm analysis and code (C)

Idea: divide the list into three lists less than k, equal to k, and greater than k, and then merge them.

List node definition:

typedef struct Node
  int data;
  struct Node* next;
}node, *pNode;

Algorithm code:

pNode sortLinkedList(pNode head, int k)
  pNode sHead = NULL;// Little head 
  pNode sTail = NULL;// Small tail 
  pNode eHead = NULL;// Such as the head 
  pNode eTail = NULL;// Such as the tail 
  pNode bHead = NULL;// Big head 
  pNode bTail = NULL;// Leg, 
  pNode temp = NULL;
  // Break up the list 
  while (head != NULL)
    temp = head->next;
    head->next = NULL;
    if (head->data < k)
      if (!sHead){
        sHead = head;
        sTail = head;
        sTail->next = head;
        sTail = head;
    else if (head->data == k)
      if (!eHead){
        eHead = head;
        eTail = head;
        eTail->next = head;
        eTail = head;
      if (!bHead){
        bHead = head;
        bTail = head;
        bTail->next = head;
        bTail = head;
    head = temp;
  // Merge list 
  if (sTail)
    sTail->next = eHead;
    eTail = (eTail == NULL ? sTail : eTail);
  if (eTail)
    eTail->next = bHead;
  return sHead != NULL ? sHead : (eHead != NULL ? eHead : bHead);

I hope this article is helpful to you C++ programming.

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