The C++ implementation exports the table data to EXCEL and prints the instance code

  • 2020-05-17 06:06:21
  • OfStack

The implementation exports the table data to EXCEL and prints the instance code

First, add these two sentences:

#include "utilcls.h" #include "comobj.hpp"

Here we go:

void __fastcall TMainForm::ToExcel(TADOQuery *TT,AnsiString str) 
{//TT Is the table of exported data ,str For the command ( Look at the bottom of the code if statements ) 
#define PG OlePropertyGet 
#define PS OlePropertySet 
#define FN OleFunction 
#define PR OleProcedure 
Variant excel; 
excel=CreateOleObject("Excel.Application"); // Start the Excel 
ShowMessage(" Unable to start Excel, Please check if it is installed EXCEL!"); 
excel.PS("Visible", (Variant)true); // make Excel Visible after startup  
excel.PG("workbooks").FN("Add", 1); // Single worksheet  
for(int i=0;i<TT->FieldCount;i++) // First of all to EXCEL Add the field name of the table  
for(int j=0;j<TT->FieldCount;j++)// Arrange by field  
{ TT->First(); 
 for(int i=0;i<TT->RecordCount;i++)// Mine in data order  
if(str==" export "){}// If you export, you do nothing, right  
if(str==" print ")// If it's printing  
if(str==" Print to browse ")// If it's print browsing  

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