C++ simple implementation instance of traversing files under directory

  • 2020-05-12 02:57:29
  • OfStack

C++ traverses the files in the directory

function: traverses through all files in the directory, returning the total number of files, the total number of subfolders (modify 1 to get all file names, etc.).

Example code:

#include "stdlib.h" 
#include "direct.h" 
#include "string.h" 
#include "io.h" 
#include "stdio.h"  
#include "iostream" 
using namespace std; 
class CBrowseDir 
  // Store the absolute path to the initial directory '\' At the end  
  char m_szInitDir[_MAX_PATH]; 
  // Default constructor  
  // Set the initial directory to dir , if I return false , indicating that the directory is not available  
  bool SetInitDir(const char *dir); 
  // Start traversing the initial directory and its subdirectories by filespec Specifies the type of file  
  //filespec You can use wildcards  * ? , cannot contain a path.  
  // If the return false , indicating that the traversal process was aborted by the user  
  bool BeginBrowse(const char *filespec); 
  // Directory traversal dir by filespec Specified file  
  // For subdirectories , Take an iterative approach  
  // If the return false, Stands for stop traversing the file  
  bool BrowseDir(const char *dir,const char *filespec); 
  // function BrowseDir For each 1 A file , Just call ProcessFile 
  // And pass the file name as a parameter  
  // If the return false, Stands for stop traversing the file  
  // The user can override this function , Add your own processing code  
  virtual bool ProcessFile(const char *filename); 
  // function BrowseDir Each into the 1 A directory , Just call ProcessDir 
  // And put the name of the directory you are working on 1 The level directory name is passed as a parameter  
  // If you're dealing with the initial directory , the parentdir=NULL 
  // The user can override this function , Add your own processing code  
  // For example, the user can count the number of subdirectories here  
  virtual void ProcessDir(const char *currentdir,const char *parentdir); 
  // Class with the current directory m_szInitDir 
  // If at the end of the directory 1 Letter is not '\', I'm going to add it at the end 1 a '\' 
  int len=strlen(m_szInitDir); 
  if (m_szInitDir[len-1] != '\\') 
bool CBrowseDir::SetInitDir(const char *dir) 
  // The first dir Convert to an absolute path  
  if (_fullpath(m_szInitDir,dir,_MAX_PATH) == NULL) 
    return false; 
  // Determine if the directory exists  
  if (_chdir(m_szInitDir) != 0) 
    return false; 
  // If at the end of the directory 1 Letter is not '\', I'm going to add it at the end 1 a '\' 
  int len=strlen(m_szInitDir); 
  if (m_szInitDir[len-1] != '\\') 
  return true; 
bool CBrowseDir::BeginBrowse(const char *filespec) 
  return BrowseDir(m_szInitDir,filespec); 
bool CBrowseDir::BrowseDir(const char *dir,const char *filespec) 
  // In the first place to find dir Documents that meet the requirements  
  long hFile; 
  _finddata_t fileinfo; 
  if ((hFile=_findfirst(filespec,&fileinfo)) != -1) 
      // Check if it's a directory  
      // If it is not , I'm going to process  
      if (!(fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) 
        char filename[_MAX_PATH]; 
        cout << filename << endl; 
        if (!ProcessFile(filename)) 
          return false; 
    } while (_findnext(hFile,&fileinfo) == 0); 
  // To find the dir Subdirectories in  
  // Because you're dealing with dir When a file is derived from a class ProcessFile It may have changed  
  // The current directory, so also reset the current directory to dir .  
  // Carried out _findfirst After that, the system may have recorded the relevant information and therefore changed the directory  
  // right _findnext No effect.  
  if ((hFile=_findfirst("*.*",&fileinfo)) != -1) 
      // Check if it's a directory  
      // If it is , Check again  .  or  ..  
      // If it is not , To iterate  
      if ((fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) 
        if (strcmp(fileinfo.name,".") != 0 && strcmp 
          (fileinfo.name,"..") != 0) 
          char subdir[_MAX_PATH]; 
          if (!BrowseDir(subdir,filespec)) 
            return false; 
    } while (_findnext(hFile,&fileinfo) == 0); 
  return true; 
bool CBrowseDir::ProcessFile(const char *filename) 
  return true; 
void CBrowseDir::ProcessDir(const char  
  *currentdir,const char *parentdir) 
// from CBrowseDir A subclass used to count the number of files and subdirectories in a directory  
class CStatDir:public CBrowseDir 
  int m_nFileCount;  // Number of saved files  
  int m_nSubdirCount; // Save the number of subdirectories  
  // Default constructor  
    // Initializes the data member m_nFileCount and m_nSubdirCount 
  // Number of files returned  
  int GetFileCount() 
    return m_nFileCount; 
  // Returns the number of subdirectories  
  int GetSubdirCount() 
    // Because when you go into the initial directory, you call the function ProcessDir .  
    // So cut 1 After is the true number of subdirectories.  
    return m_nSubdirCount-1; 
  // Override the virtual function ProcessFile Per call, 1 Time, the number of files plus 1 
  virtual bool ProcessFile(const char *filename) 
    return CBrowseDir::ProcessFile(filename); 
  // Override the virtual function ProcessDir Per call, 1 Second, the number of subdirectories plus 1 
  virtual void ProcessDir 
    (const char *currentdir,const char *parentdir) 
void main() 
  // Get directory name  
  char buf[256]; 
  printf(" Please enter the directory name to be counted :"); 
  // Construct class object  
  CStatDir statdir; 
  // Sets the directory to traverse  
  if (!statdir.SetInitDir(buf)) 
    puts(" The directory does not exist. "); 
  // To traverse the  
  printf(" The total number of files : %d\n Total number of subdirectories :%d\n",statdir.GetFileCount(),statdir.GetSubdirCount()); 

It has been validated on windows.

Now I've added the BeginBrowseFilenames function, vector < char* > Returns all file names in the directory.

Example code:

#include "stdlib.h" 
#include "direct.h" 
#include "string.h" 
#include "string" 
#include "io.h" 
#include "stdio.h"  
#include <vector> 
#include "iostream" 
using namespace std; 
class CBrowseDir 
  // Store the absolute path to the initial directory '\' At the end  
  char m_szInitDir[_MAX_PATH]; 
  // Default constructor  
  // Set the initial directory to dir , if I return false , indicating that the directory is not available  
  bool SetInitDir(const char *dir); 
  // Start traversing the initial directory and its subdirectories by filespec Specifies the type of file  
  //filespec You can use wildcards  * ? , cannot contain a path.  
  // If the return false , indicating that the traversal process was aborted by the user  
  bool BeginBrowse(const char *filespec); 
  vector<string> BeginBrowseFilenames(const char *filespec); 
  // Directory traversal dir by filespec Specified file  
  // For subdirectories , Take an iterative approach  
  // If the return false, Stands for stop traversing the file  
  bool BrowseDir(const char *dir,const char *filespec); 
  vector<string> GetDirFilenames(const char *dir,const char *filespec); 
  // function BrowseDir For each 1 A file , Just call ProcessFile 
  // And pass the file name as a parameter  
  // If the return false, Stands for stop traversing the file  
  // The user can override this function , Add your own processing code  
  virtual bool ProcessFile(const char *filename); 
  // function BrowseDir Each into the 1 A directory , Just call ProcessDir 
  // And put the name of the directory you are working on 1 The level directory name is passed as a parameter  
  // If you're dealing with the initial directory , the parentdir=NULL 
  // The user can override this function , Add your own processing code  
  // For example, the user can count the number of subdirectories here  
  virtual void ProcessDir(const char *currentdir,const char *parentdir); 
  // Class with the current directory m_szInitDir 
  // If at the end of the directory 1 Letter is not '\', I'm going to add it at the end 1 a '\' 
  int len=strlen(m_szInitDir); 
  if (m_szInitDir[len-1] != '\\') 
bool CBrowseDir::SetInitDir(const char *dir) 
  // The first dir Convert to an absolute path  
  if (_fullpath(m_szInitDir,dir,_MAX_PATH) == NULL) 
    return false; 
  // Determine if the directory exists  
  if (_chdir(m_szInitDir) != 0) 
    return false; 
  // If at the end of the directory 1 Letter is not '\', I'm going to add it at the end 1 a '\' 
  int len=strlen(m_szInitDir); 
  if (m_szInitDir[len-1] != '\\') 
  return true; 
vector<string> CBrowseDir::BeginBrowseFilenames(const char *filespec) 
  return GetDirFilenames(m_szInitDir,filespec); 
bool CBrowseDir::BeginBrowse(const char *filespec) 
  return BrowseDir(m_szInitDir,filespec); 
bool CBrowseDir::BrowseDir(const char *dir,const char *filespec) 
  // In the first place to find dir Documents that meet the requirements  
  long hFile; 
  _finddata_t fileinfo; 
  if ((hFile=_findfirst(filespec,&fileinfo)) != -1) 
      // Check if it's a directory  
      // If it is not , I'm going to process  
      if (!(fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) 
        char filename[_MAX_PATH]; 
        cout << filename << endl; 
        if (!ProcessFile(filename)) 
          return false; 
    } while (_findnext(hFile,&fileinfo) == 0); 
  // To find the dir Subdirectories in  
  // Because you're dealing with dir When a file is derived from a class ProcessFile It may have changed  
  // The current directory, so also reset the current directory to dir .  
  // Carried out _findfirst After that, the system may have recorded the relevant information and therefore changed the directory  
  // right _findnext No effect.  
  if ((hFile=_findfirst("*.*",&fileinfo)) != -1) 
      // Check if it's a directory  
      // If it is , Check again  .  or  ..  
      // If it is not , To iterate  
      if ((fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) 
        if (strcmp(fileinfo.name,".") != 0 && strcmp 
          (fileinfo.name,"..") != 0) 
          char subdir[_MAX_PATH]; 
          if (!BrowseDir(subdir,filespec)) 
            return false; 
    } while (_findnext(hFile,&fileinfo) == 0); 
  return true; 
vector<string> CBrowseDir::GetDirFilenames(const char *dir,const char *filespec) 
  // In the first place to find dir Documents that meet the requirements  
  long hFile; 
  _finddata_t fileinfo; 
  if ((hFile=_findfirst(filespec,&fileinfo)) != -1) 
      // Check if it's a directory  
      // If it is not , I'm going to process  
      if (!(fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) 
        char filename[_MAX_PATH]; 
    } while (_findnext(hFile,&fileinfo) == 0); 
  // To find the dir Subdirectories in  
  // Because you're dealing with dir When a file is derived from a class ProcessFile It may have changed  
  // The current directory, so also reset the current directory to dir .  
  // Carried out _findfirst After that, the system may have recorded the relevant information and therefore changed the directory  
  // right _findnext No effect.  
  if ((hFile=_findfirst("*.*",&fileinfo)) != -1) 
      // Check if it's a directory  
      // If it is , Check again  .  or  ..  
      // If it is not , To iterate  
      if ((fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) 
        if (strcmp(fileinfo.name,".") != 0 && strcmp 
          (fileinfo.name,"..") != 0) 
          char subdir[_MAX_PATH]; 
          vector<string>tmp= GetDirFilenames(subdir,filespec); 
          for (vector<string>::iterator it=tmp.begin();it<tmp.end();it++) 
    } while (_findnext(hFile,&fileinfo) == 0); 
  return filename_vector; 
bool CBrowseDir::ProcessFile(const char *filename) 
  return true; 
void CBrowseDir::ProcessDir(const char  
  *currentdir,const char *parentdir) 
// from CBrowseDir A subclass used to count the number of files and subdirectories in a directory  
class CStatDir:public CBrowseDir 
  int m_nFileCount;  // Number of saved files  
  int m_nSubdirCount; // Save the number of subdirectories  
  // Default constructor  
    // Initializes the data member m_nFileCount and m_nSubdirCount 
  // Number of files returned  
  int GetFileCount() 
    return m_nFileCount; 
  // Returns the number of subdirectories  
  int GetSubdirCount() 
    // Because when you go into the initial directory, you call the function ProcessDir .  
    // So cut 1 After is the true number of subdirectories.  
    return m_nSubdirCount-1; 
  // Override the virtual function ProcessFile Per call, 1 Time, the number of files plus 1 
  virtual bool ProcessFile(const char *filename) 
    return CBrowseDir::ProcessFile(filename); 
  // Override the virtual function ProcessDir Per call, 1 Second, the number of subdirectories plus 1 
  virtual void ProcessDir 
    (const char *currentdir,const char *parentdir) 
void main() 
  // Get directory name  
  char buf[256]; 
  printf(" Please enter the directory name to be counted :"); 
  // Construct class object  
  CStatDir statdir; 
  // Sets the directory to traverse  
  if (!statdir.SetInitDir(buf)) 
    puts(" The directory does not exist. "); 
  // To traverse the  
  vector<string>file_vec = statdir.BeginBrowseFilenames("*.*"); 
  for(vector<string>::const_iterator it = file_vec.begin(); it < file_vec.end(); ++it) 
  printf(" The total number of files : %d\n",file_vec.size()); 

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