Talk briefly about C++ header series of bitset

  • 2020-05-12 02:56:12
  • OfStack

Introduction to the

This header file is about bit sets and is actually vector


The bit essentially corresponds to the concept of bool, with only the opposite values of 0 or 1, true or false. Unfortunately, the byte is the smallest memory unit on the machine, so bool is basically 1 byte in size.

bitset was created for efficient use of space.

Bit operation

operator [] : access bit by subscript.
count: the number of bits with a counting bit value of 1.
size: returns the size of the bits, that is, the number of bits.
test: tests whether the bit value of the subscript is 1.
any: determines if any of the 1 bit values are 1.
none: determines if there is no 1 bit value of 1.
all: determines if all bit values are 1.
set: sets a bit value to 1.
reset: reset 1 bit value to 0.
flip: flipping 1 bit value, i.e. 0 to 1, 1 to 0.

The transition function

to_string: converts to a string.
to_ulong: convert to unsigned long.
to_ullong: convert to unsigned long long.

A set of operations

Here, bitset can be viewed as an integer in bits 01. For integers, we can perform many operations: or, and, or, move left, and so on. The header file overloads these operators so that we can operate on the bit set:

&, & =
| | =
^ ^ =
< < , < < =
> > , > > =

reference type

Since the smallest built-in type size of C++ is 1 byte, bit conceptually only needs 1 bit, so, with vector

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