The replace of function in C++ USES a method summary

  • 2020-05-05 11:39:48
  • OfStack

The C++ programming language USES string in a variety of ways, each of which helps us to achieve specific functional requirements. Here we will introduce one of the more important USES of the C++ replace() function in detail.


The C++ replace() function returns the maximum number of elements that string can put. (different from capacity)

size _ type max _ size( ) const;  
basic_string <char>::size_type cap, max;  
cap = s.capacity ( );  
max = s.max_size ( ); // max=4294967294.  

Find the given string. Returns the first string value found; If not, return npos.

Unlike find, rfind starts from npos by default. Everything else is the same.


Replace the element or substring in the original string. Returns the string after the substitution.

(1) replaces the _Num1 character

from _Pos1 in the string operation string or C-string

basic _ string& replace( size _ type _Pos1 ,
size _ type _Num1 , const value _ type* _Ptr );  
basic _ string& replace(size _ type _Pos1 ,
size _ type _Num1 ,const basic _ string _Str );  
string a,b;  
string s ( "AAAAAAAA" );  
string s1p ( "BBB" );  
const char* cs1p = "CCC"  ;   
a = s.replace ( 1 , 3 , s1p ); // s=  "  ABBBAAAA  "   
b = s.replace ( 5 , 3 , cs1p ); // s=  "  ABBBACCC  "  

(2) replaces the _Num1 character

in the C++ replace() function with _Pos2 from _Pos2

The _Num2 character in C-string replaces the _Num1 character

from _Pos1 in string

basic _ string& replace( size _ type _Pos1 , 
size _ type _Num1 , const basic _ string& _Str ,  
size _ type _Pos2 , size _ type );  
basic _ string& replace( size _ type _Pos1 , size _ type _Num1 ,  
const value _ type* _Ptr , size _ type _Num2 );  
string a, b;  
string s ( "AAAAAAAA" );  
string s2p ( "BBB" );  
const char* cs2p = "CCC";  
a = s.replace ( 1 , 3 , s2p , 1 , 2 ); // s=  "  ABBAAAA  "   
b = s.replace ( 4 , 3 , cs2p , 1 ); // s=  "  ABBAC  "  

(3) replaces the _Num1 character

in operation string with _Count character _Ch

basic _ string& replace( size _ type _Pos1 , size _ type _Num1 ,  
size _ type _Count , value _ type _Ch );  
string result;  
string s ( "AAAAAAAA" );  
char ch = 'C';  
result = s.replace ( 1 , 3 , 4 , ch ); // s=  "  ACCCCAAAA  "  

(4) replaces the characters

from First0 to Last0 in string by string or C-string

basic _ string&replace(iterator First0 ,iterator Last0 , 
const basic _ string& _Str );  
basic _ string&replace(iterator First0 ,iterator _Last0 , 
const value _ type* _Ptr );  
string s ( "AAAAAAAA" ); string s4p ( "BBB" );  
const char* cs4p = "CCC";  
basic_string<char>::iterator IterF0, IterL0;  
IterF0 = s.begin ( ); IterL0 = s.begin ( ) + 3;  
string a, b;  
a = s.replace ( IterF0 , IterL0 , s4p ); // s=  "  BBBAAAAA  "   
b = s.replace ( IterF0 , IterL0 , cs4p ); // s=  "  CCCAAAAA  "  

(5) replaces

from First0 to Last0 with _Num2 characters starting from _Pos2 in the C++ replace() function


from First0 to Last0 in string with the _Num2 character in C-string

basic _ string& replace( iterator _First0 , iterator _Last0 ,  
const value _ type* _Ptr , size _ type _Num2 );  
template<class InputIterator> basic _ string& replace(  
iterator _First0 , iterator _Last0 ,  
InputIterator _First , InputIterator _Last );  
IterF3 = s.begin ( ) + 1; IterL3 = s.begin ( ) + 3;  
IterF4 = s.begin ( ); IterL4 = s.begin ( ) + 2;  
a = s.replace ( IterF3 , IterL3 , IterF4 , IterL4 );  
b = s.replace ( IterF1 , IterL1 , cs5p , 4 ); 

(6) replaces the characters

in operation string from First0 to Last0 with _Count character _Ch

basic _ string& replace( iterator _First0 , iterator _Last0 ,  
size _ type _Count , value _ type _Ch );  
a = s.replace ( IterF2 , IterL2 , 4 , ch );  

Swap two string.

void swap( basic _ string& _Str );  
s1.swap ( s2 );  

Returns string

with the characters of _Count starting with _Off (subscript)

size _ type max _ size( ) const;  
basic_string <char>::size_type cap, max;  
cap = s.capacity ( );  
max = s.max_size ( ); // max=4294967294.  

C++ replace() function related content for you to introduce here, hope to help you learn replace() function C++ replace() function.

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