C++ method to delete log files in the specified folder N days and before

  • 2020-05-05 11:33:05
  • OfStack

This example shows how to delete the log files of C++ for N days and before the specified folder. Share with you for your reference. The details are as follows:

//  Function: delete nDays Day and previous log files 
// @nDays: 0- Do not delete the log, 3- delete 3 Day and previous log ( Keep a log of today, yesterday and the day before yesterday ) ...
void CRecordLog::ClearLog(UINT nDays) //  delete N Days ago log 
 if (nDays > 0)
 WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
 CString sAllFile = m_sLogFolder + "\\*.log";
 HANDLE hFind = ::FindFirstFile(sAllFile, &FindFileData);
 if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) return;
  if(FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) //  Encountered folder 
  else //  In the file 
  CString sFileName;
  sFileName.Format("%s", FindFileData.cFileName);
  if (sFileName.GetLength() == 14)
   CString sFileFullPath = m_sLogFolder + "\\" + sFileName;//  File full path 
   sFileName.Replace("-", "");
   __int64 nFileName = _atoi64(sFileName);   //  Date of acquisition, such as: 20101030
   CTime tNowTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
   tNowTime = tNowTime - CTimeSpan(nDays, 0, 0, 0); //  Point to the nDays The day before 
   __int64 nNowTime = _atoi64(tNowTime.Format("%Y%m%d"));
   if (20000000 < nFileName && nFileName < nNowTime)
  if(!FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData))

Supplement: the file name format of the deleted log file above is: 2011-02-08.log

I hope this article is helpful for your C++ programming.

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