webView in Android loads H5 binding cookie instance

  • 2021-11-30 01:21:25
  • OfStack


I recently encountered this situation when I was working on a project:

1. It is necessary to use WebView to realize the login registration of H5.

2. Registration for the competition is realized by H5. In these cases, I need to pass cookie to the server to determine whether the current account was successfully logged in. After consulting some information, it was finally settled.

1. Set cookie for 1 loaded link

 private void syncCookie(String url) {
 try {
  CookieSyncManager.createInstance(mWvSignUp.getContext());// Create 1 A cookie Manager 
  CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();
  cookieManager.removeSessionCookie();//  Remove the previous cookie
  StringBuilder sbCookie = new StringBuilder();// Create 1 A splice cookie Container of , Why is it so spliced? Please refer to it 1 Under http Head Cookie Structure of 
  sbCookie.append(_mApplication.getUserInfo().getSessionID());// Splice sessionId
  sbCookie.append(String.format(";domain=%s", ""));
  sbCookie.append(String.format(";path=%s", ""));
  String cookieValue = sbCookie.toString();
  cookieManager.setCookie(url, cookieValue);// For url Settings cookie
  CookieSyncManager.getInstance().sync();// Synchronization cookie
 } catch (Exception e) {

2. Before executing loadurl of webview, execute

//  Settings cookie

3. Considerations

Note here that after setting cookie, the following attributes cannot be set, otherwise cookie is invalid (not just these attributes, here is just an example, the best way is to set cookie before executing loadurl)


4.1 What if some ajax requests need to be brought into cookie?

In the project, because sometimes 1 click event is implemented with ajax request, it is also necessary to judge whether to log in or not. The browser will automatically save cookie and send it to the server, but android will not, so we need to intercept the request and attach cookie.

Below 5.0:

  mWvSignUp.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    * 5.0 The following 
    * @param view
    * @param url
    * @return
   public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(WebView view, String url) {
    return super.shouldInterceptRequest(view, url);// Will be added cookie Adj. url Pass it to the parent class to continue execution 

Above 5.0:

 mWvSignUp.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
 public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(WebViewview, WebResourceRequest request) {
 String url = request.getUrl().toString();
 return super.shouldInterceptRequest(view, url);// Because with 5.0 The return value of the following method is the same as that of the 1 Class, so lazy here directly transfer 4.0 Method generates a request 

Note: I use the lazy way here. If you are interested, you can set cookie by the following methods

 mWvSignUp.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { 
 public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(WebViewview, WebResourceRequest request) {  
 Map<String,String> requestHead = request.getRequestHeaders();// Get the head  
  return super.shouldInterceptRequest(view,new WebResourceRequest() { // Override the data in the request, including the header, at which time you can set the cookie Stuff into requestHeader Medium 
  public Uri getUrl() {
   return null;
  public boolean isForMainFrame() {
   return false;
  public boolean hasGesture() {
   return false;
  public String getMethod() {
   return null;
  public Map<String, String>getRequestHeaders() {
   return null;

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