Implementation of Transforming Android Signature File into pk8 and pem

  • 2021-11-29 08:26:11
  • OfStack

Android Signature Tool

Commonly used signature tools of android are jarsigner and apksigner. jarsigner uses the keystore file and apksigner uses pk8+x509.pem.

What are. pem and.pk8 files


When android signs apk, the file. pem is a digital certificate of X. 509, which contains the user's public key and other information and is used for decryption. The file format can not only store digital certificates, but also store various key.


File with. pk8 extension should correspond to PKCS # 8 to hold private key.

Convert keystore file to pk8+pem

1. Convert keystore file to pkcs 12 format

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore my.keystore -destkeystore tmp.p12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12

2. Convert PKCS12 dump into pem

openssl pkcs12 -in tmp.p12 -nodes -out tmp.rsa.pem

tmp. rsa. pem is in text format and can be viewed directly.

Open the text to see the private key (PRIVATE KEY) and certificate (CERTIFICATE);

Copy "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" "END CERTIFICATE" to (new file) cert. x509.pem

Copy "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" "END RSA PRIVATE KEY" to (ibid.) private. rsa. pem

The cert. x509.pem file is the last certificate file we need

3. Generate the private key in pk8 format

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in private.rsa.pem -inform PEM -out private.pk8 -nocrypt
cert.x509.pem private.pk8

That is, the last document we need.

* Remarks:
-nocrypt This parameter sets key encryption. If this parameter is set, sign below as long as the certificate + key does not need a password. If encryption should
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform
DER-in private. rsa. pem-inform PEM-out private. pk8 Enter password next *

4. Usage

java -jar signapk.jar cert.x509.pem private.pk8 unsigned.apk signed.apk

Usage of jarsigner

jarsigner -verbose -keystore android.keystore -signedjar android_signed.apk android.apk android.keystore

Using this method will report an error: the certificate chain cannot be found. XX must reference a valid keystore key entry that contains the private key and the corresponding public key certificate chain.

jarsigner-verbose-keystore DT. jks-signedjar signed. apk unsigned. apk [Alias]

Additional knowledge: Android creates its own pk8, x509.pem and signs app

1. Generate key

Command: keytool-genkey-v-keystore app. keystore-alias gundam_wing-keyalg RSA-validity 20000
Console output:
Enter the keystore password:
Enter the new password again:
What is your first name and last name?
[Unknown]: TechStone
What is your organizational unit name?
[Unknown]: Gundam
What is your organization name?
[Unknown]: Gundam
What is the name of your city or region?
[Unknown]: Shanghai
What is the name of your province/city/autonomous region?
[Unknown]: Shanghai
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: zh
Is CN=TechStone, OU=Gundam, O=Gundam, L=Shanghai, ST=Shanghai, C=zh correct?
[No]: Y

Generating a 2,048-bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA256withRSA) (valid for 20,000 days) for the following objects:
CN=TechStone, OU=Gundam, O=Gundam, L=Shanghai, ST=Shanghai, C=zh
Input < gundam_wing > Key password of
(If the password is the same as the keystore password, press Enter):
[Storing app. keystore]

This command generates an key with organizational/personal information and stores it in the app. keystore file

2. Convert the format of key


keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore app.keystore -destkeystore tmp.p12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12

The console will be prompted for the password for tmp. p12 and the password for app. keystore, and the tmp. p12 file will be generated when entered correctly.

3. Turn key dump in PKCS12 format into text that can be read directly


openssl pkcs12 -in tmp.p12 -nodes -out tmp.rsa.pem

The password will also be prompted during the dump process, and the readable token will be stored in tmp. rsa. pem after correct entry

4. Extraction

Open tmp. rsa. pem in a text editor, and the

The text of this 1 paragraph (containing these two tag) is copied and created as the file my_private. rsa. pem

Will start from

The text of this 1 paragraph (containing these two tag) is copied and created as the file my. x509.pem (the public key used when signing)

5. Transform and generate the private key in pk8 format

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in my_private.rsa.pem -inform PEM -out my_private.pk8 -nocrypt

This generated my_private. pk8 is the private key used when signing

6. Sign apk

java -jar signapk.jar my.x509.pem my_private.pk8 my.apk my_signed.apk

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