How to Create Entity Classes in Kotlin

  • 2021-11-24 02:48:34
  • OfStack

Basic format of class

class class name {


Basic format of attributes

var Attribute Name: Type

The following is the entity class code

package com.dldw.entity
import java.util.* 
class Demo {
 //var  Declared properties can be 2 Sub-assignment  val Declare an immutable attribute, and you can't assign it after assignment, otherwise compile an error 
 // Long integer  64 Bit   Pay attention to the extra writing at the back L
 var height: Long? = 0L

 // Integer type  32  Bit 
 var id : Int?= 0

 // Short integer  16 Bit 
 var short :Short? =0

 // 8 Bit 
 var name : Byte? = null

 // Floating point type   Double precision  64 Bit 
 var level: Double = 0.0

 // Single precision   Add after f
 var levelf: Float = 0.0f

 // Time type member attributes   ? Indicates that the property can be null
 var createTime: Date?=null

 // Initialization, kotlin No new Keyword, direct   Object () Is to create 1 New objects 
 var time: Date?=Date()

 // String type 
 var introduction: String? = null

 // Boolean type as attribute 
 var isHide: Boolean? = null

 // Variable collection as attribute 
 var child: MutableList<Demo> ?= null

 // Char Yes 1 Individual types   It does not mean numbers, but needs to use ' ' Close it up, or it will report an error 
  var char : Char?= '1'

Supplementary knowledge: classes, constructors, objects in Kotlin

1. Definition of class in 1. Kotlin

Composition of class:

Class consists of constructor and initialization code block, attribute (field), function (method), inner class (nested class) and object declaration

Classes are also created using the class keyword in//Kotlin

class Empty

2. Create an object for a class

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
 val empty=Empty() //Kotlin Objects created in the new Keyword 

3. Create a class constructor

Kotlin When no constructor is created, like Java, like Java, Kotlin generates a parameterless construct for it when the main function is not displayed.

 *  Constructor  constructor Kotlin Among them 1 Main constructors and multiple 2 Level constructor 
 *  The main constructor is the 1 Section, following the class name 
 *  In Java The constructor must be the same as the class name, while in the Kotlin In, it is through constructor Keyword to indicate 
class Student constructor(name: String, age: Int) {
 private val username: String
 private var age: Int
 // In Kotlin Use in init Initialization code block, its function is for the main constructor service, because the main constructor is placed at the head of the class, it can't contain any initialization execution statement, this is the syntax, then this time there is init The place where it can be used, 
 //  We can place the initialization execution statement here to assign values to properties 
 init {
  this.username = name
  this.age = age
// Writing style 2 :  Can be constructor Keyword removal 
class Student2(username: String, age: Int) {
 private val username: String
 private val age: Int
 init {
  this.username = username
  this.age = age
// Writing style 3  Initialization statements are not required to be placed in init Code block, you can also initialize when defining attributes 
class Student3(username: String, age: Int) {
 private val username: String = username
 private var age: Int = age
// Writing style 4 Defining the properties of the class directly in the constructor 
class Student4(private val username: String,private val age: Int){}
// Sub-constructor , The difference with the main constructor is that the secondary constructor is defined in the class and can have more than one, but the main constructor will only have 1 A 
class Users{
 private val username:String
 private val age:Int
 constructor(username: String,age: Int){

4. Create abstract classes

Used to create base classes, encapsulate common methods, and handle common logic, and this so-called base class 1 is generally an abstract class.

Definition of Abstract Class in Kotlin

Abstract class can be understood as a template defined by the class. All subclasses are populated with their own code according to this template.

Keyword: abstract

Abstraction can be divided into abstract classes, abstract functions and abstract attributes. The difference between an abstract class and an ordinary class is that an abstract class can not only have its own attributes, constructors, methods and other components, but also contain abstract functions and abstract attributes.

Definition of abstract class and concrete implementation class

class TestAbstractA :Lanauge(){
 override var name: String="Kotlin"
 override fun init() {
//  TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
  println(" I am ${name}")
class TestAbstractB :Lanauge(){
 override var name: String
 get() = "Java"
 set(value) {}
 override fun init() {
  // TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
  println(" I am ${name}")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
 val ta=TestAbstractA()
 val tb=TestAbstractB()

Characteristics of abstract classes:

Abstract classes themselves have common class characteristics and components. However, it is worth noting that abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly

It abstracts that subclasses of the class must all override abstract-decorated properties and methods.

Abstract members have only definitions, not implementations. Are all modified by abstract modifiers.

An abstract class defines a template for its subclasses. The difference is that the class implements different functions

*** Abstract classes can also inherit from 1 inherited class

// Use open This class declares that there are open Property that can be inherited by other classes 
open class Base {
 open fun init() {}
// Abstract classes can also inherit from 1 Inheriting classes 
abstract class Lanauge2 : Base() {
 override fun init() {
 abstract class Name() {} // Nesting of abstract classes 

5. Nested classes

 *  Nested class 
class Other {
 val numOuther = 1
 class Nested{
  fun init(){
   println(" Executed init Method ")
// Use of nested classes 
 Other.Nested().init() // The invocation format is: external class . Nested class (). Nested class   Method / Attribute 

6. Nested inner classes

// Nested inner class 
class Othert{
 val mumOther=1
 inner class InnerClass{
  val name="InnerClass"
  fun init(){
   println(" I am an inner class ")
 Called in the main function 
Othert().InnerClass().init() // The invocation format is: external class (). Inner class (). Internal class method / Attribute

7. Definition of anonymous inner classes

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
 // Testing inner classes 
 val inner=Inner()
 inner.setOnClickListener(object : OnClickListener{
  override fun onItemClick(str: String) {
class Inner{
 //lateini( Delayed loading )  Modify only ,  Non kotlin Basic type 
 // Because Kotlin Will use null To treat every 1 Personal use lateinit Modified properties are initialized, while the underlying type is not null Type, you cannot use the lateinit . 
 lateinit private var listener:OnClickListener
 fun setOnClickListener(listener: OnClickListener){
 fun testListener(){
  listener.onItemClick(" I am a test method for anonymous inner classes ")
interface OnClickListener{
 fun onItemClick(str:String)

8. Define local classes

class Local{ //  External class 
 val numOther = 1
 fun partMethod(){
  var name : String = "partMethod"
  class Part{
   var numPart : Int = 2
   fun test(){
    name = "test"
    numPart = 5
    println(" I am a method in a local class ")
  val part = Part()
  println("name = $name \t numPart = " + part.numPart + "\t numOther = numOther")
  println("name = $name \t numPart = " + part.numPart + "\t numOther = numOther")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
 //  Test local class 

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