Realization of Flutter Dio Secondary Encapsulation

  • 2021-11-14 07:15:42
  • OfStack


DioManager: Dio Helper Class NWMethod: Request Method, get, post, etc NWApi: Everybody knows EntityFactory: json conversion auxiliary factory, json to T BaseEntity < T > : Database class that returns parameters {"code": 0, "message": "," data ": {}} BaseListEntity < T > Database Class 2, which returns {"code": 0, "message": "," data ": []} ErrorEntity: Request error reporting base class, {"code": 0, "message": "}


class EntityFactory {
 static T generateOBJ<T>(json) {
  if (json == null) {
   return null;
// You can add any type that you need and can convert here, such as the following 
//  else if (T.toString() == "LoginEntity") {
//   return LoginEntity.fromJson(json) as T;
//  }
  else {
   return json as T;


class BaseEntity<T> {
 int code;
 String message;
 T data;

 BaseEntity({this.code, this.message,});

 factory BaseEntity.fromJson(json) {
  return BaseEntity(
   code: json["code"],
   message: json["msg"],
   // data The value needs to be converted to the type we passed in by the factory 
   data: EntityFactory.generateOBJ<T>(json["data"]),


class BaseListEntity<T> {
 int code;
 String message;
 List<T> data;

 BaseListEntity({this.code, this.message,});

 factory BaseListEntity.fromJson(json) {
  List<T> mData = List();
  if (json['data'] != null) {
   // Traversal data And convert it to the type we passed in 
   (json['data'] as List).forEach((v) {

  return BaseListEntity(
   code: json["code"],
   message: json["msg"],
   data: mData,
 } }


class ErrorEntity {
 int code;
 String message;
 ErrorEntity({this.code, this.message});


class NWApi {
 static final baseApi = "";
 static final loginPath = "user/login";// Interface returns: {"code": int, "message": "String", "data": {"account": "String", "password": "String"}}
 static final queryListPath = "/query/list";// Interface returns: {"code": ing, "message": "String", "data": [int, int, String, int, String, int]}
 static final queryListJsonPath = "/query/listjson";// Interface returns: {"code": int, "message": "String", "data": [{"account": "String", "password": "String"} ,  {"account": "String", "password": "String"}]}


enum NWMethod {
// Use: NWMethodValues[NWMethod.POST]
const NWMethodValues = {
 NWMethod.GET: "get",
 NWMethod.POST: "post",
 NWMethod.DELETE: "delete",
 NWMethod.PUT: "put"

The following can be formally packaged:

The first step is to create a singleton helper class for Dio, initialize Dio and make some global parameter settings for Dio:

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/network/NWApi.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/utils/PrintUtil.dart';
class DioManager {
 static final DioManager _shared = DioManager._internal();
 factory DioManager() => _shared;
 Dio dio;
 DioManager._internal() {
  if (dio == null) {
   BaseOptions options = BaseOptions(
    baseUrl: NWApi.baseApi,
    contentType: Headers.jsonContentType,
    responseType: ResponseType.json,
    receiveDataWhenStatusError: false,
    connectTimeout: 30000,
    receiveTimeout: 3000,
   dio = Dio(options);

Step 2 encapsulates the request. In my mind, {"code": 0, "message": "," data ": {}} and {" code ": 0," message ":", "data": []} These two types of data are intended to separate the two request methods:

 //  Request, the return parameter is  T
 // method Request method, NWMethod.POST Etc 
 // path Request address 
 // params Request parameters 
 // success Successful callback requested 
 // error Request failed callback 
 Future request<T>(NWMethod method, String path, {Map params, Function(T) success, Function(ErrorEntity) error}) async {
  try {
   Response response = await dio.request(path, queryParameters: params, options: Options(method: NWMethodValues[method]));
   if (response != null) {
    BaseEntity entity = BaseEntity<T>.fromJson(;
    if (entity.code == 0) {
    } else {
     error(ErrorEntity(code: entity.code, message: entity.message));
   } else {
    error(ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Unknown error "));
  } on DioError catch(e) {

 //  Request, the return parameter is  List
 // method Request method, NWMethod.POST Etc 
 // path Request address 
 // params Request parameters 
 // success Successful callback requested 
 // error Request failed callback 
 Future requestList<T>(NWMethod method, String path, {Map params, Function(List) success, Function(ErrorEntity) error}) async {
  try {
   Response response = await dio.request(path, queryParameters: params, options: Options(method: NWMethodValues[method]));
   if (response != null) {
    BaseListEntity entity = BaseListEntity<T>.fromJson(;
    if (entity.code == 0) {
    } else {
     error(ErrorEntity(code: entity.code, message: entity.message));
   } else {
     error(ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Unknown error "));
  } on DioError catch(e) {

Extract request error handling method createErrorEntity:

 //  Error message 
 ErrorEntity createErrorEntity(DioError error) {
  switch (error.type) {
   case DioErrorType.CANCEL:{
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Request cancellation ");
   case DioErrorType.CONNECT_TIMEOUT:{
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Connection timeout ");
   case DioErrorType.SEND_TIMEOUT:{
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Request timeout ");
   case DioErrorType.RECEIVE_TIMEOUT:{
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Response timeout ");
   case DioErrorType.RESPONSE:{
    try {
     int errCode = error.response.statusCode;
     String errMsg = error.response.statusMessage;
     return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: errMsg);
//     switch (errCode) {
//      case 400: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Request syntax error ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 403: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Server refuses to execute ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 404: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Unable to connect to server ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 405: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Request method is prohibited ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 500: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Server internal error ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 502: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Invalid request ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 503: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " The server is down ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 505: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Not supported HTTP Protocol request ");
//      }
//      break;
//      default: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Unknown error ");
//      }
//     }
    } on Exception catch(_) {
     return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Unknown error ");
   default: {
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: error.message);

Complete DioManager class code:

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/network/entity/BaseEntity.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/network/entity/BaseListEntity.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/network/entity/EntityFactory.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/network/entity/ErrorEntity.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/network/NWApi.dart';
import 'package:flutter_app/network/NWMethod.dart';
class DioManager {
 static final DioManager _shared = DioManager._internal();
 factory DioManager() => _shared;
 Dio dio;
 DioManager._internal() {
  if (dio == null) {
   BaseOptions options = BaseOptions(
    baseUrl: NWApi.baseApi,
    contentType: Headers.jsonContentType,
    responseType: ResponseType.json,
    receiveDataWhenStatusError: false,
    connectTimeout: 30000,
    receiveTimeout: 3000,
   dio = Dio(options);

 //  Request, the return parameter is  T
 // method Request method, NWMethod.POST Etc 
 // path Request address 
 // params Request parameters 
 // success Successful callback requested 
 // error Request failed callback 
 Future request<T>(NWMethod method, String path, {Map params, Function(T) success, Function(ErrorEntity) error}) async {
  try {
   Response response = await dio.request(path, queryParameters: params, options: Options(method: NWMethodValues[method]));
   if (response != null) {
    BaseEntity entity = BaseEntity<T>.fromJson(;
    if (entity.code == 0) {
    } else {
     error(ErrorEntity(code: entity.code, message: entity.message));
   } else {
    error(ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Unknown error "));
  } on DioError catch(e) {

 //  Request, the return parameter is  List
 // method Request method, NWMethod.POST Etc 
 // path Request address 
 // params Request parameters 
 // success Successful callback requested 
 // error Request failed callback 
 Future requestList<T>(NWMethod method, String path, {Map params, Function(List<T>) success, Function(ErrorEntity) error}) async {
  try {
   Response response = await dio.request(path, queryParameters: params, options: Options(method: NWMethodValues[method]));
   if (response != null) {
    BaseListEntity entity = BaseListEntity<T>.fromJson(;
    if (entity.code == 0) {
    } else {
     error(ErrorEntity(code: entity.code, message: entity.message));
   } else {
    error(ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Unknown error "));
  } on DioError catch(e) {

 //  Error message 
 ErrorEntity createErrorEntity(DioError error) {
  switch (error.type) {
   case DioErrorType.CANCEL:{
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Request cancellation ");
   case DioErrorType.CONNECT_TIMEOUT:{
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Connection timeout ");
   case DioErrorType.SEND_TIMEOUT:{
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Request timeout ");
   case DioErrorType.RECEIVE_TIMEOUT:{
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Response timeout ");
   case DioErrorType.RESPONSE:{
    try {
     int errCode = error.response.statusCode;
     String errMsg = error.response.statusMessage;
     return ErrorEntity(code: "$errCode", message: errMsg);
//     switch (errCode) {
//      case 400: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Request syntax error ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 403: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Server refuses to execute ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 404: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Unable to connect to server ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 405: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Request method is prohibited ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 500: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Server internal error ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 502: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Invalid request ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 503: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " The server is down ");
//      }
//      break;
//      case 505: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Not supported HTTP Protocol request ");
//      }
//      break;
//      default: {
//       return ErrorEntity(code: errCode, message: " Unknown error ");
//      }
//     }
    } on Exception catch(_) {
     return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: " Unknown error ");
   default: {
    return ErrorEntity(code: -1, message: error.message);


class BaseEntity<T> {
 int code;
 String message;
 T data;

 BaseEntity({this.code, this.message,});

 factory BaseEntity.fromJson(json) {
  return BaseEntity(
   code: json["code"],
   message: json["msg"],
   // data The value needs to be converted to the type we passed in by the factory 
   data: EntityFactory.generateOBJ<T>(json["data"]),


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