Android customized adb shell displays the logo of shell @ xxx after entering

  • 2021-10-27 08:53:31
  • OfStack

First, find the source code, in external/mksh/mkshrc, and when you open this file, you will see the following script at the beginning:

The source code of android4.2 is as follows:

: ${TERM:=vt100} ${HOME:=/data} ${MKSH:=/system/bin/sh} ${HOSTNAME:=android}
: ${SHELL:=$MKSH} ${USER:=$(typeset x=$(id); x=${x#*\(}; print -r -- ${x%%\)*})}
if (( USER_ID )); then PS1='$'; else PS1='#'; fi

The source code of android5.0 is as follows:

: ${TERM:=vt100} ${HOME:=/data} ${MKSH:=/system/bin/sh} ${HOSTNAME:=$(getprop ro.product.device)}
: ${SHELL:=$MKSH} ${USER:=$(typeset x=$(id); x=${x#*\(}; print -r -- ${x%%\)*})} ${HOSTNAME:=android}

The source code of android 6.0 is as follows:

: ${HOME:=/data}
: ${HOSTNAME:=$(getprop ro.product.device)}
: ${HOSTNAME:=android}
: ${MKSH:=/system/bin/sh}
: ${TERM:=xterm}
: ${TMPDIR:=/data/local/tmp}
: ${USER:=$(id -un)}

Find the first one HOSTNAME=$(getprop ro.product.device) , put the following $(getprop ro.product.device) The value of this variable can be changed to its own name.


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