Two Ways for Android to Refer to arr Packages

  • 2021-10-16 05:06:39
  • OfStack

Package 1 referenced in android is generally divided into two types:

1. jar package

2. arr package

The arr package actually comes with the jar package of res, while the ordinary jar package does not come with a resource file. So how do you reference it in your project?

1. Copy the arr package to the libs directory

2. Add a local repository to the build. gradle file, and use the libs directory as the repository address.

repositories {flatDir {dirs 'libs'}}
repositories {
  flatDir {
   dirs 'libs'

3. Add the following dependencies to the dependencies tag in the build. gradle file.

dependencies {
 api fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
 implementation (name:' Yours aar Name ', ext:'aar')


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