Android ScrollView realizes horizontal and vertical drag rebound effect

  • 2021-10-16 02:45:01
  • OfStack

This article example for everyone to share the Android ScrollView drag rebound effect of the specific code, for your reference, the specific content is as follows


In the android 2.3 release, a new method was added to the View class: overScrollBy. By covering this method, the effect of damping rebound can be achieved.

Example 1, Vertical Scroll

public class ReboundScrollView extends ScrollView{ 
 private static final int MAX_SCROLL = 200; 
 private static final float SCROLL_RATIO = 0.5f;//  Damping coefficient  
 public ReboundScrollView(Context context) 
 public ReboundScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) 
  super(context, attrs); 
 public ReboundScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) 
  super(context, attrs, defStyle); 
 protected boolean overScrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, int scrollX, int scrollY, int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY, int maxOverScrollX, int maxOverScrollY, boolean isTouchEvent) 
  int newDeltaY = deltaY; 
  int delta = (int) (deltaY * SCROLL_RATIO); 
  if((scrollY+deltaY)==0 || (scrollY-scrollRangeY+deltaY)==0){ 
   newDeltaY = deltaY;  // Last rebound 1 Secondary scroll, reset  
   newDeltaY = delta;  // Increase damping effect  
  return super.overScrollBy(deltaX, newDeltaY, scrollX, scrollY, scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY, maxOverScrollX, MAX_SCROLL, isTouchEvent);  

Example 2, Scroll horizontally

public class ReboundHScrollView extends HorizontalScrollView{ 
 private static final int MAX_SCROLL = 200; 
 private static final float SCROLL_RATIO = 0.5f;//  Damping coefficient  
 public ReboundHScrollView(Context context) 
 public ReboundHScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) 
  super(context, attrs); 
 public ReboundHScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) 
  super(context, attrs, defStyle); 
 protected boolean overScrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, int scrollX, int scrollY, int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY, int maxOverScrollX, int maxOverScrollY, boolean isTouchEvent) 
  int newDeltaX = deltaX; 
  int delta = (int) (deltaX * SCROLL_RATIO); 
  if((scrollX+deltaX)==0 || (scrollX-scrollRangeX+deltaX)==0){ 
   newDeltaX = deltaX;  // Last rebound 1 Secondary scroll, reset  
   newDeltaX = delta;  // Increase damping effect  
  return super.overScrollBy(newDeltaX, deltaY, scrollX, scrollY, scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY, MAX_SCROLL, maxOverScrollY, isTouchEvent);  

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