Realization of bank card number scanning and identification function by Android

  • 2021-10-15 11:23:18
  • OfStack

Now, there are many SDK that scan and identify the bank card number, but there are also no charges, but there is a fixed problem, that is, the printed bank card number can't be scanned. I hope which great god will guide the reason to explain. This free SDK is, githubdi address

The usage method is very simple. For more introduction, please see the GitHub usage documentation:

First import dependencies: compile 'io. card: android-sdk: 5.5. 1'

Then add 1 to the place where you need to call the photo:

Intent scanIntent = new Intent(this, CardIOActivity.class);

// customize these values to suit your needs.
scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_EXPIRY, true); // default: false
scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_CVV, false); // default: false
scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_POSTAL_CODE, false); // default: false

// MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE is arbitrary and is only used within this activity.
startActivityForResult(scanIntent, MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE);

Receive the result in onActivityForResult:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
  super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

  if (requestCode == MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE) {
    String result;
    if (data != null && data.hasExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SCAN_RESULT)) {
      CreditCard scanResult = data.getParcelableExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SCAN_RESULT);

      // Never log a raw card number. Avoid displaying it, but if necessary use getFormattedCardNumber()
      result = "Card Number: " + scanResult.getRedactedCardNumber() + "\n";

      if (scanResult.isExpiryValid()) {
        result += "Expiration Date: " + scanResult.expiryMonth + "/" + scanResult.expiryYear + "\n";

      if (scanResult.cvv != null) {
        // Never log or display a CVV
        result += "CVV has " + scanResult.cvv.length() + " digits.\n";

      if (scanResult.postalCode != null) {
        result += "Postal Code: " + scanResult.postalCode + "\n";

    } else {
      result = "Scan was canceled.";


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