Android Save File Path Method

  • 2021-10-11 19:29:52
  • OfStack

Android Save File to Local Path Problem

Common path

For example: application

Package name: com. my. company

Project name: chat

/data/data == ///data/user/0

getExternalFilesDir() Method can get the  SDCard/Android/data/ Package name of your application /files/  Directory, 
1 General release 1 Some data stored for a long time 
getExternalCacheDir() Method can get the  SDCard/Android/data/ Your application package name /cache/ Directory, 
1 Store temporary cache data in general 
 If you use the above method, when your application is uninstalled by the user, SDCard/Android/data/ Package name of your application / 
 All files in this directory will be deleted without leaving spam. 
 And up there 2 The directories correspond to each other   Settings -> Application -> Apply the "Clear Data" and "Clear Cache" options in the details 

getCacheDir() Method is used to get the /data/data/<application package>/cache Directory 
getFilesDir() Method is used to get the /data/data/<application package>/files Directory 

Save 1 picture hearder. png to Files

 String path = mContext.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
 path = path + File.separator + directoryName + File.separator + fileName;
 directoryName : chat
 fileName : hearder.png

 Get path That is : ///data/user/0/ 

Save the picture to dir

 String path = mContext.getDir(directoryName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).getAbsolutePath();
 path = path + File.separator + fileName; 
 directoryName : chat Note: directory can not has "/"
 fileName : hearder.png

 Get path That is : ///data/user/0/

Get the path code

public String getDiskCacheDir(Context context) { 
 String cachePath = null; 
 if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState()) 
   || !Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable()) { 
  cachePath = context.getExternalCacheDir().getPath(); 
 } else { 
  cachePath = context.getCacheDir().getPath(); 
 return cachePath; 

As you can see, when the SD card exists or the SD card cannot be removed, the getExternalCacheDir () method is called to get the cache path, otherwise the getCacheDir () method is called to get the cache path. The former gets the/sdcard/Android/data/com. your. company/cache, while the latter gets the/data/data/com. your. company/cache.

Path classification

When the android program scans the storage, if the default path is obtained by using API: Environment. getExternalStorageDirectory (). getPath (), it can be judged that Environment. getExternalStorageDirectory (). getParentFile () first. If null is returned, there is no parent path, and Environment. getExternalStorageDirectory (). getPath () is the current parent path.

Environment.getDataDirectory() = /data 
Environment.getDownloadCacheDirectory() = /cache 
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() = /mnt/sdcard 
Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory( " test " ) = /mnt/sdcard/test 
Environment.getRootDirectory() = /system 
getPackageCodePath() = /data/app/ 
getPackageResourcePath() = /data/app/ 
getCacheDir() = /data/data/ 
getDatabasePath( " test " ) = /data/data/ 
getDir( " test " , Context.MODE_PRIVATE)= /data/data/ 
getExternalCacheDir() = /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/ 
getExternalFilesDir( " test " )= /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/ 
getExternalFilesDir(null) = /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/ 
getFilesDir() = /data/data/

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