post in Android requests to pass json data to the server instance

  • 2021-08-17 00:58:02
  • OfStack

In a recent project, there is a requirement like this:

The input parameters are encapsulated into JSON and EXAMPLE:

{ "uuid": "iamauuid", 
 "clientType": "AND", 
 "content": "{\"gender\":\"F\",\"name\":\"TTT\"}"}

Among them, content is object of json, and special characters in content are required to be escaped.

The main code is as follows:

 * post Request with json Transfer data to the server in the format of 
 * @param callback
public static <T> void postShareContent(Context context, T saveObject, final ShareSaveDataCallback callback) {
 final String uuid = StringUtils.generateUUID().replaceAll("-", "");
 // Utilization Gson Come to a place json Transformation between data and class model 
 Gson gson = new Gson();
 // Convert class model objects into json Data schema of 
 String contentJson = gson.toJson(saveObject);
 // Use ShareEntity Encapsulate the content and then process it into json Format of 
 ShareEntity shareEntity = new ShareEntity();
 //uuid Local generation, there are special methods, which will be annotated below 
 shareEntity.uuid = uuid;
 shareEntity.clientType = "AND";
 shareEntity.content = contentJson;
 // Reuse gson.toJson() Processing will automatically put the 2 Layered object Escape the special characters of the object 
 String shareJson = gson.toJson(shareEntity);
 StringEntity entity = null;
 try {
  // To pass to the back end json Data, using StringEntity To encapsulate 
  entity = new StringEntity(shareJson,"UTF-8");
  // Note: UTF-8 It is to prevent Chinese from being garbled when it is transmitted to the back end 
 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
 HttpApiClient.postJsonByAccessToken(context, ApiBaseUrl.getShareUrl(), entity, true, new ApiResponseHandler() {
  public void onResponse(boolean success, JsonObject jsonObject, ErrorCode errCode) {
   super.onResponse(success, jsonObject, errCode);
   callback.onSaveResult(success, uuid, errCode);

Method of postJsonByAccessToken:

private static AsyncHttpClient mHttpClient = new AsyncHttpClient();
public static void postJsonByAccessToken(Context context, String url, StringEntity entity, boolean isCompleterUrl, AsyncHttpResponseHandler handler) {
 synchronized (mHttpClient) {
  addHeader(HEADER_TOKEN, token);
  if (!isCompleterUrl) {
   url = getCompleteUrl(url);
  }, url, entity, ApiParam.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, handler);
contentType The type of is: application/json
public interface ApiParam {
  * json Format 
 String CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "application/json";

The method of producing local uuid is as follows: it is equivalent to automatically producing a set of random numbers

public static String generateUUID() {
 return UUID.randomUUID().toString();

Part 1 of the data code:

 "content":"{\"matchEventStats\":{\"extraTime\":0,\"timeLineModels\":[{\"downPlayerId\":0,\"id\":2188,\"playerHeadUrl\":\"\",\"playerId\":1147,\"playerName\":\" Zhang Yubin \",\"schoolId\":6,\"timeLineEventType\":\"GOAL\",\"timeMin\":0,\"timeSec\":0,\"upPlayerId\":0},{\"downPlayerHeadUrl\":\"\",\"downPlayerId\":1682,\"downPlayerName\":\" Lin Xiugan \",\"id\":1209,\"playerId\":0,\"schoolId\":116,\"timeLineEventType\":\"SU\",\"timeMin\":4,\"timeSec\":3,\"upPlayerHeadUrl\":......}

Because of the large amount of data, the data in Part 1 is displayed to illustrate the problem.

That's basically it. Go and solve your problems!

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