Usage of Blade in Android

  • 2021-08-17 00:54:11
  • OfStack

Start Activity and pass parameters


Code that normally starts Activity and passes parameters:

Intent intent = new Intent(context,LoginActivity.class);

How to start Activity with Blade

public class LoginActivity extends AppcompatActivity{
 String mText;
 MyData mData;

With the above code, one of the following two methods will be automatically generated

Intent forX(Context c, T1 extra1[, T2 extra2, ...])
void startX(Context c, T1 extra1[, T2 extra2, ...])

Then we can start Activity directly through I. startLoginActivity.

Create an Fragment instance


Method used to generate newInstance for Fragment

Usually we create Fragment objects with the following boilerplate code

public class MyFragment extends Fragment{
 public MyFragment newInstance(String data){
 MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment();
 Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
 return fragment;

Ways to use Blade

public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
 String mText;
 MyData mData;

Custom serialization

public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
 MyType mMyType;
public class MyTypeBundler implements Bundler<MyType> {
 void save(@Nullable final MyType value, @NonNull final Bundle state) {
 // save given value to the state
 MyType restore(@NonNull final Bundle state) {
 // restore and return value from state


When we create an entity class and need to implement Parcelable, we can write it as follows

public class MyClass implements Parcelable {
 String text;
 int number;
 boolean flag;
 double[] doubleArray;
 protected MyClass(Parcel in) {
 public int describeContents() {
  return 0;
 public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {

If a field wants to be ignored and does not need to be serialized, use @ blade. ParcelIgnore


Mvp is used in conjunction with Dager.

Step 1: Add dager dependencies to your build. gradle

compile ''
apt ''

Step 2: Create an interface that inherits from IView

public interface IMyView extends blade.mvp.IView {
 void show(String something);

Step 3: Create Prensenter and View interfaces to interact with each other

public class MyPresenter extends blade.mvp.BasePresenter<IMyView> {
 public void onUserDidSomething() {
 String s = // do something ...
 if (getView() != null) {

Step 4: Create an implementation of View, inject Presenter with @ Inject, now support Fragmnt, Activit, View

public class LoginActivity extends AppcompatActivity{
 String mText;
 MyData mData;

Step 5: Activity contains Fragment and View with Presenter, so the Activity needs to be annotated with @ Blade once to let Blade know.


To simplify state management, the @ State annotation generates a helper class with two static methods:

public class LoginActivity extends AppcompatActivity{
 String mText;
 MyData mData;

Classes that inherit from Fragment, Activity, or View automatically manage state. The functionality of custom serialization is shown above.

Blade allows us to write a lot less boilerplate code, which I haven't applied to the project yet, and will be used in the project later to make the project look clearer.

Blade Address:


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