Summary of Common Methods of Android Drawing

  • 2021-07-10 20:47:08
  • OfStack

What are the common methods of Android drawing? The following 11 are listed for everyone:

1. Methods about brushes (Paint)

Paint mPaint= new Paint();
mPaint.setAntiAlias(true); //  Anti-aliasing 
mPaint.setStrokeWidth(mCircleWidth); //  Set the width of the ring 
mPaint.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); //  Define the shape of line segment breakpoints as round heads 
mPaint.setAntiAlias(true); //  Anti-aliasing 
mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); //  Set hollow  

mPaint.descent();// Yes baseline Distance from below to the lowest point of the character 
mPaint.ascent();// Yes baseline The distance from above to the highest point of the character 

2. Methods about canvas (Canvas)

How to create a new canvas

// Create directly 1 A canvas 
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); 
// Create 1 To specify bitmap Canvas with background 
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.ic_launcher);
Canvas canvas2 = new Canvas(bitmap); 

Summary of some common methods of canvas 1

// Used to save Canvas The state of. save After that, you can call Canvas Translation, scaling, rotation, miscutting, cropping and other operations.;
// Used to recover Canvas The previously saved state. Prevent save Back pair Canvas The actions performed have an impact on subsequent drawing. 
//save And restore To pair use ( restore Can be compared to save Less, but not more), if restore Call times ratio save More, it will cause Error . 

// Move the origin of coordinates to the specified position 

Summary of Common Drawing Methods

/** Draw arcs and sectors */
canvas.drawArc(oval,// Rectangle where arc is located 
    startAngle,// Starting angle 
    sweepAngle,// Angle of rotation 
    useCenter, //true It's painted in a fan shape, false It's drawn in an arc 
    paint);// Paintbrush  
/** Draw text */
canvas.drawText(text, //  Text content 
    x, y, //  Draws text start coordinates (upper left corner) 
    paint);//  A brush for drawing text  
/** Draw a line */
canvas.drawLine(startX, startY,// Start xy Coordinates 
    stopX, stopY,// End point xy Coordinates  
    paint);// A brush for drawing lines 
canvas.drawLines(pts,//// Draws an array of endpoints of lines, and each line occupies 4 Data. 
    paint);// Brushes for drawing 
canvas.drawLines(pts,// Draws an array of endpoints of lines, and each line occupies 4 Data. 
    offset,// The number of data skipped, which will not participate in the drawing process. 
    count,// The number of data actually involved in drawing. 
    paint);// Brushes for drawing  
/** Draw a rectangle */
canvas.drawRect(float x1,float y1,// Drawing vertex coordinates in the upper left corner of rectangle 
    float x2,float y2,// Drawing vertex coordinates in the lower right corner of rectangle  
    Paint paint) ;// Brushes for drawing 

The above is the common method of Android drawing, hoping to help everyone's study.

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