Analysis of Android mobile phone guard reading contact person

  • 2021-07-06 11:43:26
  • OfStack

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Gets the ContentResolver content parser object, using the getContentResolver () method

Call the query () method of the ContentResolver object to get the data in the raw_contacts table and get the Cursor object

Parameters: Uri object, field String array

Get the Uri object, and use the Uri. parse ("content://com. android. contacts/raw_contacts") method,

while loops the Cursor object, provided that the moveToNext () method of the Cursor object is true

Call the getString () method of the Cursor object with the index as the parameter

Judge that it is not null, and query another table

Call the query () method of the ContentResolver object to get the data in the data table and get the Cursor object

Parameters: Uri object, field String [] array (data1, mimetype), condition String, condition value String [] array (contact_id)

The Uri object is Uri. parse ("content://com. android. contacts/data")

Cycle and the above 1 sample

The type corresponding to the name is vnd. android. cursor. item/name

Telephone correspondence type is vnd. android. cursor. item/phone_v2

Permission required, android. permisssion.READ_CONTACTS

Call the setAdapter () method of the ListView object to assign data to the view with the Adapter object as the argument

Get the Adapter object through new SimpleAdapter ()

Parameters: Context, Data Collection, Layout Resource, Field String [] Array, Control int [] id Array

package com.qingguow.mobilesafe.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
*  Read the mobile phone contact 
* @author taoshihan
public class PhoneContactsUtil {
public static List<Map<String,String>> getContacts(Context context){
ContentResolver resolver=context.getContentResolver();
Uri uri=Uri.parse("content://");
Uri dataUri=Uri.parse("content://");
List<Map<String,String>> contacts=new ArrayList<Map<String,String>>();
// Circular contact list 
Cursor cursor=resolver.query(uri, new String[]{"contact_id"}, null, null, null);
String id=cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("contact_id"));
Map<String,String> contact=new HashMap<String,String>();
// Lookup data table 
Cursor dataCursor=resolver.query(dataUri, new String[]{"data1","mimetype"},"raw_contact_id=?", new String[]{id}, null);
String data1=dataCursor.getString(dataCursor.getColumnIndex("data1"));
String mimetype=dataCursor.getString(dataCursor.getColumnIndex("mimetype")); 
contact.put("name", data1);
}else if(mimetype.equals("")){
contact.put("phone", data1);
return contacts;

The above content is the introduction of android mobile phone guard reading contact person, I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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