Android programming method to obtain Sina weather forecast data

  • 2020-10-23 20:17:29
  • OfStack

This paper illustrates the Android programming method to obtain sina weather forecast data. To share for your reference, the details are as follows:

Sina Weather Forecast Address: Wuhan city = & password=DJOYnieT8234jlsK & day=0

Among them, the city available after city java. net. URLEncoder. encode (gb2312 "wuhan", ""); You can also write "Wuhan", but not "wuhan". Password fixed

Day is 0 for the weather of the day, 1 for the weather of the second day, 2 for the weather of the third day, and so on, the maximum is 4.


1. Define members

/**  Sina Weather website  */
public final String SINA_URL = "";
/**  Sina's weather XML Call the password  */
public final String PASSWORD = "DJOYnieT8234jlsK";
/**  city  */
public String city;
/**  The weather during the day  */
public String status1;
/**  At night the weather  */
public String status2;
/**  The weather during the day   pinyin  */
public String figure1;
/**  Night weather pinyin  */
public String figure2;
/**  The wind in the daytime  */
public String direction1;
/**  At night the wind  */
public String direction2;
/**  Takes place during the day  */
public String power1;
/**  The night wind scale  */
public String power2;
/**  Temperature during the day  */
public String temperature1;
/**  Night temperature  */
public String temperature2;
/**  Body feeling temperature  */
public String tgd;
/**  Uv index  */
public String zwx_l;
/**  Ultraviolet description  */
public String zwx_s;
/**  Somatosensory index  */
public String ssd_l;
/**  Somatosensory description  */
public String ssd_s;
/**  Air conditioning index  */
public String ktk_l;
/**  Air conditioning instructions  */
public String ktk_s;
/**  Washing index  */
public String xcz_l;
/**  Washing instructions  */
public String xcz_s;
/**  Dressing index  */
public String chy_l;
/**  Dress show  */
public String chy_shuoming;
/**  Pollutant diffusion condition  */
public String pollution_l;
/**  Description of pollutant diffusion conditions  */
public String pollution_s;
/**  A cold index  */
public String gm_l;
/**  A cold that  */
public String gm_s;
/**  Movement index  */
public String yd_l;
/**  Sports show  */
public String yd_s;

2. Get weather data

*  Update the weather 
* @param city
*    City name 
* @param day
*   0 Is the weather of the day, 1 According to the first 2 The weather of the day, 2 According to the first 3 The weather of the day, and so on, at most 4
public void UpdateWeatherInfo(String city, String day) {
  if (city.equals("")) {
   isLoaded = false;
  String html = null;
  try {
   html = doGet(SINA_URL + "?city="
     +, "gb2312") + "&password="
     + PASSWORD + "&day=" + day);
   Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
   if (doc.body().getElementsByTag("Profiles").size() == 0) {
    isLoaded = false;
   if (doc.body().getElementsByTag("Profiles").get(0).getElementsByTag("Weather").size() == 0) {
    isLoaded = false;
   Element element = doc.body().getElementsByTag("Profiles").get(0)
     .getElementsByTag("Weather").get(0); = element.getElementsByTag("city").text();
   status1 = element.getElementsByTag("status1").text();
   status2 = element.getElementsByTag("status2").text();
   figure1 = element.getElementsByTag("figure1").text();
   figure2 = element.getElementsByTag("figure2").text();
   direction1 = element.getElementsByTag("direction1").text();
   direction2 = element.getElementsByTag("direction2").text();
   power1 = element.getElementsByTag("power1").text();
   power2 = element.getElementsByTag("power2").text();
   temperature1 = element.getElementsByTag("temperature1").text();
   temperature2 = element.getElementsByTag("temperature2").text();
   tgd = element.getElementsByTag("tgd").text();
   zwx_l = element.getElementsByTag("zwx_l").text();
   zwx_s = element.getElementsByTag("zwx_s").text();
   ssd_l = element.getElementsByTag("ssd_l").text();
   ssd_s = element.getElementsByTag("ssd_s").text();
   ktk_l = element.getElementsByTag("ktk_l").text();
   ktk_s = element.getElementsByTag("ktk_s").text();
   xcz_l = element.getElementsByTag("xcz_l").text();
   xcz_s = element.getElementsByTag("xcz_s").text();
   chy_l = element.getElementsByTag("chy_l").text();
   chy_shuoming = element.getElementsByTag("chy_shuoming").text();
   pollution_l = element.getElementsByTag("pollution_l").text();
   pollution_s = element.getElementsByTag("pollution_s").text();
   gm_l = element.getElementsByTag("gm_l").text();
   gm_s = element.getElementsByTag("gm_s").text();
   yd_l = element.getElementsByTag("yd_l").text();
   yd_s = element.getElementsByTag("yd_s").text();
   isLoaded = true;
  } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
   isLoaded = false;

3. Access the network

public static final String ENCODE = "utf-8";
public static String doGet(String url) {
  try {
   HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
   HttpClient hc = new DefaultHttpClient();
   HttpResponse ht = hc.execute(httpGet);
   if (ht.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
    HttpEntity he = ht.getEntity();
    InputStream is = he.getContent();
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
      new InputStreamReader(is));
    String response = "";
    String readLine = null;
    while ((readLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
     response = response + readLine;
    return response;
   } else {
    return "error";
  } catch (Exception e) {
   return "error";

4. Regarding jsoup, please refer to:

I hope this article has helped you with the Android programming.

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