Method in Android to get information about the apk installation package

  • 2020-05-30 21:03:15
  • OfStack

1. Get installation package information

*  To obtain apk Package information: version number, name, icon, etc  
* @param absPath apk The absolute path of the package  
* @param context  
public void apkInfo(String absPath,Context context) {  

    PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();  
    PackageInfo pkgInfo = pm.getPackageArchiveInfo(absPath,PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);  
    if (pkgInfo != null) {  
        ApplicationInfo appInfo = pkgInfo.applicationInfo;  
        /*  These two sentences must be added, or the following icon Acquisition is default icon It's not application-packed icon */  
        appInfo.sourceDir = absPath;  
        appInfo.publicSourceDir = absPath;  
        String appName = pm.getApplicationLabel(appInfo).toString();//  Get the applied name   
        String packageName = appInfo.packageName; //  Get the package name   
        String version = pkgInfo.versionName; //  Get version information   
        /* icon1 and icon2 Is actually 1 The sample of  */  
        Drawable icon1 = pm.getApplicationIcon(appInfo);//  Get the icon information   
        Drawable icon2 = appInfo.loadIcon(pm);  
        String pkgInfoStr = String.format("PackageName:%s, Vesion: %s, AppName: %s", packageName, version, appName);  
        Log.i(TAG, String.format("PkgInfo: %s", pkgInfoStr));  

2. When installing APK, we can get the installation package, version, package name and other information.

public class TestActivity extends Activity {
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  String archiveFilePath="sdcard/";// Install package path 
  PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
   PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageArchiveInfo(archiveFilePath, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
    if(info != null){
     ApplicationInfo appInfo = info.applicationInfo;
     String appName = pm.getApplicationLabel(appInfo).toString();
     String packageName = appInfo.packageName; // Gets the name of the installation package 
     String version=info.versionName; // Get version information 
     // Toast.makeText(TestActivity.this, , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
     Drawable icon = pm.getApplicationIcon(appInfo);// Get the icon information 
     TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(;
     // Display icon 
     ImageView tu=(ImageView)findViewById(;

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