android catches system exceptions and uploads the log implementation

  • 2020-05-17 06:24:56
  • OfStack

When working on a project, it is common to throw out error-exploiting exceptions so that you can troubleshoot errors by using the exceptions thrown by your phone during development. However, when the program has been developed and the version is stable and needs to go online, UncaughtExceptionHandler can be used to catch global exceptions and handle them in order to avoid throwing exceptions and affecting users' feelings. For example, we can get the time when the exception is thrown, the hardware information of the phone, the wrong stack information, and then send all the obtained information to the server, or to the specified mail, so as to modify bug in time.


The custom exception class implements the UncaughtExceptionHandler interface. When an exception occurs on a page, the method uncaughtException will be called. We can get the exception information, time, etc. in this method, and then send the information to the server we specified

 *  The custom of   Exception handling class  ,  To achieve the  UncaughtExceptionHandler interface  
 * @author Administrator
public class MyCrashHandler implements UncaughtExceptionHandler {
 //  The demand is   Whole application   only 1 a  MyCrash-Handler 
 private static MyCrashHandler myCrashHandler ;
 private Context context;
 private DoubanService service;
 private SimpleDateFormat dataFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");

 //1. Privatization construction method 
 private MyCrashHandler(){


 public static synchronized MyCrashHandler getInstance(){
   return myCrashHandler;
  }else {
   myCrashHandler  = new MyCrashHandler();
   return myCrashHandler;
 public void init(Context context,DoubanService service){
  this.context = context;
  this.service = service;
 public void uncaughtException(Thread arg0, Throwable arg1) {
  System.out.println(" The program hangs  ");
  // 1. Gets the version number of the current program .  Version of the id
  String versioninfo = getVersionInfo();

  // 2. Get the hardware information of the phone .
  String mobileInfo  = getMobileInfo();

  // 3. Put the wrong stack information   To get out  
  String errorinfo = getErrorInfo(arg1);

  // 4. Take all the information   And the time of the message   Submit to the server  
  try {
   service.createNote(new PlainTextConstruct(dataFormat.format(new Date())), 
     new PlainTextConstruct(versioninfo+mobileInfo+errorinfo), "public", "yes");
  } catch (Exception e) {

  // Kill the current program  
  *  Get the wrong information  
  * @param arg1
  * @return
 private String getErrorInfo(Throwable arg1) {
  Writer writer = new StringWriter();
  PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(writer);
  String error= writer.toString();
  return error;
  *  Get the hardware information of the phone  
  * @return
 private String getMobileInfo() {
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  // Get the hardware information of the system through reflection  
  try {
   Field[] fields = Build.class.getDeclaredFields();
   for(Field field: fields){
    // Violence reflected  , Get private information  
    String name = field.getName();
    String value = field.get(null).toString();
  } catch (Exception e) {
  return sb.toString();
  *  Get the version information of the phone 
  * @return
 private String getVersionInfo(){
  try {
   PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
    PackageInfo info =pm.getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0);
    return  info.versionName;
  } catch (Exception e) {
   return " Version number unknown ";

Create an Application instance to register MyCrashHandler to the entire application, create the service and deliver it:

 *  The whole (app) The program is called before initialization  
 * @author Administrator
public class DoubanApplication extends Application {
  public NoteEntry entry;
 public void onCreate() {
  String apiKey = "0fab7f9aa21f39cd2f027ecfe65dad67";
  String secret = "87fc1c5e99bfa5b3";
  //  Access to the service
  DoubanService myService = new DoubanService(" My little bean ", apiKey,
  myService.setAccessToken("1fa4e5be0f808a0b5eeeb13a2e819e21", "56a622c1138dbfce");
  MyCrashHandler handler = MyCrashHandler.getInstance();

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