Android interface effects UI development data summary of attached data pack

  • 2020-05-09 19:16:15
  • OfStack

Brief introduction:
Summary of Android interface effects UI development data

1. Android_UI development project.rar
2. android interface effect summary.rar

For Android platform resource class android. content. res. Resources may many netizens are new, 1 up to look at is how to introduce SDK, Contains classes for accessing resources, such as asset files, colors, drawables, media or other the the package, plus important configuration details input types, etc.) that affect how the behave. raw, colors colors, drawables graphics and media multimedia files are all managed by this class.
Android 2.0 is followed by overridePendingTransition (), in which there are two parameters, one is the exit of the first activity and the other is the entry of the first activity
This document contains the following attachments:
Android_UI development project.rar
Summary of android interface effects.rar

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