android will report an error when the file name is in Chinese and space

  • 2020-05-07 20:27:35
  • OfStack

The file name is in Chinese and there are Spaces. If you don't process the connection, you'll get an error. To solve this problem, you just encode your url and replace the Spaces with the code
// Code the path   Then replace all the Spaces in the path   After coding, the space becomes" + "And the code for a space is" %20 "   So all the" + "Instead of" %20 "Will do  

url = URLEncoder.encode(urlStr,"utf-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); 

// In the encoded path. / "Has also become a coded thing   All of that and replace it back   That's the full path  

url = url.replaceAll("%3A", ":").replaceAll("%2F", "/"); 

The above method can be used to handle the cases of Chinese and white space when downloading links and if there are other special characters can be used to solve this method

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